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Everything posted by BlueSkyIS

  1. "Why doesn`t the store`s codes work?" What doesn't work? What errors are you seeing?
  2. here is the regex forum: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,43.0.html
  3. first get the name of the directory, then mkdir() to make the directory elsewhere, then use copy() for each of the files into the new directory.
  4. 1. connect to MySQL 2. Loop over your list of table names, SELECT * from each one 3. For each table in the database, start an HTML table, for each row start an HTML row, enclose each record in a <TD>
  5. a tip. Whenever there is a problem with mysql_query(), check mysql_error() like so: mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); Now: Where are you connecting to the database server and selecting the database? I don't see it anywhere, and mysql_error() is probably going to complain about an invalid resource.
  6. Jesirose is right on track as usual. Make sure you have mysqli compiled into your PHP.
  7. yes, my first thought was "how are you ending up with an underscore in the email address?"
  8. you mean something is in the form fields? check the names of your form fields, print_r($_POST) to see if they are coming over.
  9. Are you trying to create labels with attendee in large letters over firm title under attendee in smaller letters? If so, I don't think you're going to get there with this class. The way you are heading, you will end up with a page of labels with attendee name and another page with firm title. This class isn't too flexible.
  10. also, $id will not be an array, it will be the numeric id. echo "Last ID#" . $id[LAST_ID]; should be echo "Last ID#" . $id;
  11. well, you can't output() to the browser twice as each time output() sends headers and each file is unique. Why not combine both into one PDF?
  12. but we missed the domains that end with only 2 letters....
  13. if the data is posted, use it and update the database, else use the database data.
  14. change this $id = mysql_fetch_array($result); to this $id = mysql_insert_id();
  15. you will need a PHP developer to go through your code and update places that rely on register globals. There is no magic "add this to a file" or "turn this on or off." This could be considerable work.
  16. it looks to me like $bannerAdTotals = $bannerCounter - 1; makes $bannerAdTotals == 1, so you're then trying to pull a random number from 1 to 1: $bannerPicked = mt_rand(1, $bannerAdTotals); I might do this as follows: $bannerCode = array(); $bannerCode[] = "Some URL"; $bannerCode[] = "Another URL"; $bannerPicked = mt_rand(0, count($bannerCode) - 1); $bannerAd = $bannerCode[$bannerPicked]; Note: As of PHP 4.2.0, there is no need to seed the random number generator with srand() or mt_srand() as this is now done automatically.
  17. What are you using to write to PDF? I'm only familiar with FPDF (www.fpdf.org), which allows you to do practically anything with PDFs, fonts, colors, etc.
  18. do they mean turn it off or stop using code that relies on it being turned on? If your app stopped working because they turned off register globals, it seems apparent that you don't need to turn off anything.
  19. Assuming that is MySQL, use NOW() instead of timestamp(14), whatever that is.
  20. it looks like you are calling the function function addColor() without $data, but then you use $data in the function. you probably need to pass $data to the function: function addColor($data) { // Now you can use $data }
  21. Predefined variables: http://us2.php.net/reserved.variables The answer is probably REQUEST_URI.
  22. i see them populated, but were they declared = array() outside of any logic that may leave them undeclared/unpopulated?
  23. Are you serious??? I have developed many high-level, mission-critical systems using PHP. ASP on Windows??? ROFL.
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