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Everything posted by phpretard

  1. A case with no switch makes no sense to me. Where is your switch?
  2. Does this help? <?php for($i=0; $i<8; ++$i) { echo $i,"\t"; switch($i) { case 1: echo "One"; break; case 2: default: echo "Thingy"; break; case 3: case 4: echo "Three or Four"; break; case 5: echo "Five"; break; } echo "\n"; } ?>
  3. I am pulling all the counties from a table [ZipCodes] based on State values (comma seperated) from a different table [members]. Right now the code is working fine in terms of pulling ALL COUNTIES...but I am trying to seperate the counties according to State and am having difficullty there. Can some one look at this come and help me out? <? $GET_STATESsql = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE MemberID='APP-1299754007' "; $GET_STATESresult = mysql_query($GET_STATESsql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($GET_STATESresult)) { $States=$row['States2']; } $States2=explode(", ", $States); // print_r($States2); I DONT KNOW IF THIS HELPS BUT THE PRINT IS -- Array ( [0] => FL [1] => GA [2] => AL ) -- foreach($States2 as $States1){ $ALL_COUNTIESresult = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT County FROM ZipCodes WHERE State='$States1' ORDER by County"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ALL_COUNTIESresult)) { $AllCounties[] = $row['County']; } $CountyIM=implode(",", $AllCounties); $CountyEX=explode(",", $CountyIM); $CountyTotal=count($CountyEX); foreach ($CountyEX as $County1){ if(stristr($States, $County1)) { $County3="<div style='width:24%; float:left; font-size:13px; height:25px;'><input type=checkbox name=Counties[] Value='$County1' checked> $County1</div>"; } // END STRISTR else { $County3="<div style='width:24%; float:left; font-size:13px; height:25px;'><input type=checkbox name=Counties[] Value='$County1'> $County1</div>"; } // END ELSE echo "$County3"; } // END FOR FOR EACH } // END FOR EACH STATES 2 ?>
  4. That's definatly way off. I know it holds at least 1900. What Need help with is what to do when I heve reached the max or at least what the max is.
  5. I get the message below and don't know what to do about it. "Because of its length, this field might not be editable" ...and of course not all of the data is entered. Any suggestions?
  6. To answer your question you need a value in the blank field you are comparing them to. Oh Thank you Anthony for your help! Your Welcome.
  7. If I check Residential AND Commercial the correct result displays If I check FHA AND VA the correct result displays If I only check one of the boxes then both entries display. My objective is if I check VA only then the row WHERE VA has the value of "1" should display. Both Database entries have FL for the "Search / State" value. I have attached a snip of the database to help illistrate my problem. /// THE FORM <form action='' method=POST> <input type='checkbox' name='Residential' value='1'> <input type='checkbox' name='FHA' value='1'> <input type='checkbox' name='Commercial' value='1'> <input type='checkbox' name='VA' value='1'> <input type='text' name='Search' size=30> <input type=submit value=Search name=GOSearch> </form> /// THE POST $Residential=$_POST['Residential']; $Commercial=$_POST['Commercial']; $FHA=$_POST['FHA']; $VA=$_POST['VA']; $Search=$_POST['Search']; /// THE QUERY $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE (State='$Search') AND (Residential='$Residential' OR Commercial='$Commercial' OR FHA='$FHA' OR VA='$VA') ORDER by id"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { RESULT } } Any help today? [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. Does anyone know of a reliable and bug free website banner creator software? Preferably on the fly style...
  9. I have read that but I am haveing a rough time appling it here.
  10. It's the same except that it grows one number up to ten. But it must start at 1. if ($img1==''){$img1="Image 1 <input type=file name='img1' id='img1' disabled><input type=hidden name=blank1 value='replace'>";} else{ $img1=" <a target=_blank href='$img1'>View Image 1</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img1&rep=1&l=$img1'>Replace Image 1</a> <input type=hidden name=blank1 value='$img1'> "; } if ($img2==''){$img2="Image 2 <input type=file name='img2' id=img2 disabled><input type=hidden name=blank2 value='replace'>";} else{ $img2=" <a target=_blank href='$img2'>View Image 2</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img2&rep=1&l=$img2'>Replace Image 2</a> <input type=hidden name=blank2 value='$img2'> "; } if ($img3==''){$img3="Image 3 <input type=file name='img3' id=img3><input type=hidden name=blank3 value='replace'>";} else{ $img3=" <a target=_blank href='$img3'>View Image 3</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img3&rep=1&l=$img3'>Replace Image 1</a> <input type=hidden name=blank3 value='$img3'> "; } if ($img4==''){$img4="Image 4 <input type=file name='img4'><input type=hidden name=blank4 value='replace'>";} else{ $img4=" <a target=_blank href='$img4'>View Image 4</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img1&rep=1&l=$img4'>Replace Image 4</a> <input type=hidden name=blank4 value='$img4'> "; } if ($img5==''){$img5="Image 5 <input type=file name='img5'><input type=hidden name=blank5 value='replace'>";} else{ $img5=" <a target=_blank href='$img5'>View Image 5</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img5&rep=1&l=$img1'>Replace Image 5</a> <input type=hidden name=blank5 value='$img5'> "; } if ($img6==''){$img6="Image 6 <input type=file name='img6'><input type=hidden name=blank6 value='replace'>";} else{ $img6=" <a target=_blank href='$img6'>View Image 6</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img6&rep=1&l=$img6'>Replace Image 6</a> <input type=hidden name=blank6 value='$img6'> "; } if ($img7==''){$img7="Image 7 <input type=file name='img7'><input type=hidden name=blank7 value='replace'>";} else{ $img7=" <a target=_blank href='$img7'>View Image 7</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img7&rep=1&l=$img7'>Replace Image 7</a> <input type=hidden name=blank7 value='$img7'> "; } if ($img8==''){$img8="Image 8 <input type=file name='img8'><input type=hidden name=blank8 value='replace'>";} else{ $img8=" <a target=_blank href='$img8'>View Image 8</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img8&rep=1&l=$img8'>Replace Image 8</a> <input type=hidden name=blank8 value='$img8'> "; } You should get a good laugh from this. if ($img9==''){$img9="Image 9 <input type=file name='img9'><input type=hidden name=blank9 value='replace'>";} else{ $img9=" <a target=_blank href='$img9'>View Image 9</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img9&rep=1&l=$img9'>Replace Image 9</a> <input type=hidden name=blank9 value='$img9'> "; } if ($img10==''){$img10="Image 10 <input type=file name='img10'><input type=hidden name=blank10 value='replace'>";} else{ $img10=" <a target=_blank href='$img10'>View Image 10</a> | <a href='?page=secure/home&Spage=newProject&edit=$id&img=img1&rep=1&l=$img10'>Replace Image 10</a> <input type=hidden name=blank10 value='$img10'> "; }
  11. I am trying to poulate the file field from a database that already has the path the image or not. either way i would like for the file field to show what is in the DB and process the result of a submit wether it is changed or not changed. Is this even posible? $img1="path/to/image.jpg" Image 1<input type=file name='img1' value='$img1'> ////UPLOAD SCRIPT $rand=rand(111111, 999999); $uploaddir = "projects/$title"; $path1 = $uploaddir . $rand."-".basename($_FILES['img1']['name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['img1']['tmp_name'], $path1); The field shows blank with the script I am using now. Any thoughts?
  12. I have searched and searched and found some thing about cookies and sessions and now my brain hurts. Anymore thoughts here?
  13. I think I screwed up my question. I need 5 images to show up from the DB. If the same image is going to be displayed more than once (one the same page) than I would like to have a default image its place. Do you know what this means? Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /backup/hsphere/local/home/mercodesigns/mercodesigns.com/classifieds/pages/ads.php on line 6
  14. I only want to display only one disint image on a page at s time this... if you refresh sometimes shows 2 $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT image FROM ads ORDER by Rand() LIMIT 1"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $ADimage=$row['image']; $echo= "<div align='center'><img src='ads/$ADimage'></div>"; } Any help tonight?
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