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Everything posted by phpretard

  1. Why would that work great for: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:*&pwst=1&q=tallahassee+web+designer&start=10&sa=N But it doesn't work for this one: http://www.google.com/search?q=Tallahassee+Websites&rls=com.microsoft:*&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1
  2. After reading the manual (as per the Terms of this site) $var="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:*&pwst=1&q=tallahassee+web+designer&start=10&sa=N"; $me=substr_replace($var, 'everything between Q and the &'); is the idea. echo $me; I would like $me to =tallahassee+web+designer;
  3. This is what $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] gets when some searches "tallahassee+web+designer" on google and clicks on my site. I am putting that info into a database. When I pull that info from the database how can I echo the "q=tallahassee+web+designer" only? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:*&pwst=1&q=tallahassee+web+designer&start=10&sa=N
  4. So basically do the same thing without the "INSERT INTO" statement repeated?
  5. Another FTP attack - your computer is compromised by a malware, your FTP password stolen, and this backdoor uploaded to the server. Check your computer.
  6. I am trying to add 5 rows to a table with one if statement. The only variable that is different: $Pname I know the code below will work...but is there a way to do this without 5 querys? (NO ARRAYS PLEASE) if ($Pname=='5_Item_Package'){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO projects (id, Cnumber, Pname, date, approved, status, qty, cost, included, description, hourly, locked ) VALUES ('', '$Cnumber', 'DIFFERENT NAME 1', '$today', '$approved', '$status', '$qty', '$cost', '$included', '$description', '$hr', '$locked' )"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO projects (id, Cnumber, Pname, date, approved, status, qty, cost, included, description, hourly, locked ) VALUES ('', '$Cnumber', 'DIFFERENT NAME 2', '$today', '$approved', '$status', '$qty', '$cost', '$included', '$description', '$hr', '$locked' )"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO projects (id, Cnumber, Pname, date, approved, status, qty, cost, included, description, hourly, locked ) VALUES ('', '$Cnumber', 'DIFFERENT NAME 3', '$today', '$approved', '$status', '$qty', '$cost', '$included', '$description', '$hr', '$locked' )"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO projects (id, Cnumber, Pname, date, approved, status, qty, cost, included, description, hourly, locked ) VALUES ('', '$Cnumber', 'DIFFERENT NAME 4', '$today', '$approved', '$status', '$qty', '$cost', '$included', '$description', '$hr', '$locked' )"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO projects (id, Cnumber, Pname, date, approved, status, qty, cost, included, description, hourly, locked ) VALUES ('', '$Cnumber', 'DIFFERENT NAME 5', '$today', '$approved', '$status', '$qty', '$cost', '$included', '$description', '$hr', '$locked' )"); } else {Just one query}
  7. Oh... I get it Ken - the number is some weird form of the date.
  8. http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_date_time.asp <-- is where I got it from It certainly puts out "Monday, May 19, 2008 1211258618" exactly. Let me rephrase the question... I want to echo The date and time. What is the best way to do such?
  9. So if you take away the register button you can log in?
  10. I just found this little article you might want to read. http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E403.html
  11. The Code Below Printed this: Monday, May 19, 2008 1211258618 I think >>>1211258618<<< that is supposed to be the time. So what is the time or how the heck do you translate that into human time? $t=time(); echo($t . "<br />"); echo(date("D F d Y",$t));
  12. Thank you for being patient with me. I should have mentioned I would like the total from all the rows outside of the loop.
  13. On that note ... I may be approaching this wrong... I am looking to add all the $cost together. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cost=$row['cost']; } $cost has as many values that are in the DB. I just want to take the total of all the rows and echo it out.
  14. I am trying to form an array from thre value of $cost. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cost=$row['cost']; } $a=array(SOMTHING HERE); any thoughts?
  15. I don't know if this helps my question become any more clear but this gives me the desired result. The Query is different each time. I am sure there is an easier way...but I don't know what it is. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE Cnumber='$Cnumber' AND revise !='' AND approved ='' ORDER by Pname"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id=$row['id']; $Pname=$row['Pname']; $pic=$row['pic']; $Cnumber=$row['Cnumber']; $approved=$row['approved']; $revise=$row['revise']; $details=$row['details']; $qty=$row['qty']; $status="| Revision Requested"; include 'pages/secure/pages/projects/revise.php'; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE Cnumber='$Cnumber' AND revise ='' AND approved ='' ORDER by Pname"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id=$row['id']; $Pname=$row['Pname']; $pic=$row['pic']; $Cnumber=$row['Cnumber']; $approved=$row['approved']; $revise=$row['revise']; $details=$row['details']; $qty=$row['qty']; $status="| Pending Review"; include 'pages/secure/pages/projects/pending.php'; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE Cnumber='$Cnumber' AND approved !='' ORDER by Pname"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id=$row['id']; $Pname=$row['Pname']; $pic=$row['pic']; $Cnumber=$row['Cnumber']; $approved=$row['approved']; $revise=$row['revise']; $details=$row['details']; $qty=$row['qty']; $status="| Order Completed"; include 'pages/secure/pages/projects/approved.php'; } PS Thank you for the operator note
  16. No matter how many $results there are it will only display include one page. Do I need a foreach or something? I think I realize that when the first if statement is met the while loop stops, but I don't know any solution. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE Cnumber='$Cnumber' ORDER by Pname"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id=$row['id']; $Pname=$row['Pname']; $pic=$row['pic']; $Cnumber=$row['Cnumber']; $approved=$row['approved']; $revise=$row['revise']; if (($approved!=='')&&($revise=='')){include 'approved.php';} if (($approved=='')&&($revise!=='')){include 'revise.php';} if (($approved=='')&&($revise=='')){include 'pending.php';} } There is one entry that mathes each if statement right now but only one will display.
  17. I have read the manual and it gives way to much information. If there is no simple trim feature I'll keep reading. Just let me know either way. Thank Errbody!
  18. I have read the manual and it give way more than I need. $var="Hello World"; Browser Says Hello%20World I need "HelloWorld" (NO SPACE) Please Help
  19. I am trying to add a folder named "TEST" to a folder in my site located here: www.website.com/pages/secure/proofs Where in this line of code does TEST go? <? mkdir("/pages/secure/proofs/" , 0700); ?> I keep getting errors no matter where i put TEST.
  20. I have read the manual and none of the examples or numbers usa a Zero as a one hundreth. $Example="1.50549976546" round($Example, 2) returns 1.5 (notice the Zero missing) I need the zero to show up. Can you help?
  21. do you mean number_format($var, 2) as opposed to round($var, 2) ?
  22. <head> <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=.1)"> </head> The .1 in (Duration=.1) control the fade time.
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