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Everything posted by Cardale

  1. Just saying something doesn't prove it.
  2. Your best bet is using some kind of video service such as You Tube, but of course you tube doesn't support videos of this length unless you pay for it. There are many alternatives. If I was you I would look into maybe some Flash and incorporate that into your own website. As far as hosting goes they are a dime a dozen. To many to count. I would personally stay away from hosts that don't have a forum because most likely they want to keep issues private and we don't like private we like public. Then we know they are stand up.
  3. .ht might work. Don't know never really use them for anything. They have reseller accounts for pretty cheap if you are reselling web space.
  4. It isn't that. It is the fact that people don't want to follow some stupid religion of HTML standards. Make HTML work and then make the browsers work. At this point leave it alone. I think that should do the trick. W3C Schools will keep on making "new" changes because if it doesn't it will loose its "authority". Do you understand this? Are there any other HTML standards being created?
  5. Depending on which web server you use probably apache you would need to look there. Probably setting up a virtual server. Thats what I would do.
  6. Short answer yes. Try reading some tutorials on $_GET $_POST and the like. Try to learn how you can pass variables from page to page using forms. This should answer all your questions once you can do that.
  7. The reason I ask is this. Personally I prefer the straight PHP site because I know it will work, but if you use sites like face book or gmail you can obviously see advantages. The debate to make even after seeing this is hard. I just don't mind going to the next page to do things..not to mention if you are working on a fast web server it usually just snaps there for me any way. Has anyone done any tests to see if server load is higher when running say a facebook style site compared to a punbb site for example?
  8. How many people prefer javascript/ajax sites? How many prefer the good old fashion straight php sites?
  9. Have you read the topic? I mean all the posts from page 1 to page 7. Have you read the W3C specifications? IE8 is an old browser. It doesn't support XHTML at all. Of course you would have known that if you read the topic. Who is wasting their time? If you think this topic is a waste of time, then why are you participating in it? My interest in these kind of things is academic. Tough crowd. I can see you put some thought into my post. What ever man keep wasting your time on HTML standards then.
  10. more robust? Do you even know what the means? Not really. It is a waste of time is what it is. XHTML and HTML are the same. If some one wants to use a div or a table makes no difference. The only difference is if the browser is going to make it look the way you like. This should be the only use for XHTML if any, but most browsers nowadays without XHTML do this fine. If some one is using an old browser who cares. It is probably an old lady who doesn't care what your site looks like. Has anyone noticed that most of the most popular websites on the net don't give a damn about XHTML standards? YouTube for example doesn't even give you valid code to embed on its site. Stop wasting time on pointless things. Do something really innovative.
  11. Just keep it simple and fast. That is always the ticket.
  12. I used yslow before. It looks like they changed it. It doesn't show the charts any more? Unless I just can find them?
  13. I am using the compression buffer ob and gzip I was wondering how I know if it is gzipped or not?
  14. I posted an update that works a lot better. Not that it is a huge deal or anything. http://www.kinggoddard.com/portfolio.php And to answer your question I put another piece of code to only display the number.
  15. Now that this is solved. Why would anyone want to use CSV?
  16. what about changing the temp directory?
  17. I'm just going to throw this out because sometimes I do it. I forget about permissions. Did you check that?
  18. I thought the || (or) broke the statement up. Is that not the case?
  19. Do you mean by looking at that code alone or something else? I figured it out btw. It was a problem with my quotations. I had set a value as "true" not true. If you know what I mean.
  20. I have a if statement I need some help on. if($allowed==true && $options==false || $allowed==true && $options==true && $logged==true) Is something like this possible with one if statement? Where can I read more about complicated if statements like this?
  21. never mind mb_strlen works good. For some reason I couldn't divide with strlen.
  22. Oh and with strlen that returns the bits bytes or what?
  23. Oh and btw I got it worked out a little different, but seems correct.
  24. I actually live where that movie was filmed.
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