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Everything posted by Cardale

  1. It isn't the code my friend. This setting worked on ubuntu server 9.04, but not 9.10..... it was also same php version and apache and mysql. I think maybe when I moved the files it changed permissions.....but I don't know what to set it to.
  2. For some reason after reinstalling my os on my server I no longer have permission to include files. Any ideas? Warning: include(./core/library/config.class.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/index.php on line 30
  3. Install Ubuntu and all your problems will be solved.
  4. So in this case the error that was triggered was done by a user attempting to inject code, or create an error. What was this user trying to accomplish exactly? Thanks for the information thus far by the way.
  5. I don't allow any get methods other than logging out at the moment. This is what my error log reads 582 Time: 15 Nov 09 - 6:12:39 PM (PST) 583 File: /var/www/root.php 584 Line: 240 585 Code: E_NOTICE 586 Message: Array to string conversion 587 IP: took it out ################################################## That line is the line that strips slashes. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $_GET = array_map('stripslashes', $_GET); $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes', $_COOKIE); }
  6. I have tried to reproduce the error, but it occurred on a different user and was reported through my log. So far I don't see any error.
  7. I had an error in my log saying "Array to string conversion" is this a potentially dangerous error? Could this be someone trying to do something.
  8. I went with sshfs. Works great.
  9. how is performance on the samba share?
  10. I have a web server that is running Linux and it hosts a website where people can upload files for a game server which is running Windows XP well atleast ideally it would do this. I did host them both on the same server at one point and time and it was easy to move these documents from one location to the next. How would I do this on a windows(XP) machine from a linux machine(Ubuntu)? Thanks for the help.
  11. Without me doing it for you this is the best help I can give. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date-add.php
  12. How are you sending these variables over to the insert method?
  13. So a div wouldn't work in IE or span? .pic div { background: #000 url(img/bgmenu.png) repeat-x; } .pic div:hover { background-position: left bottom; I maintain a strict hatred for IE. It just isn't a good browser. So I simply don't support it. In fact thinking about disabling IE use at my site. http://kinggoddard.com check out the links to the browser benchmarks. Although everything at my site currently works with all browsers I have tested including IE. Haven't tested opera yet.
  14. Not sure if you checked, but was it enabled and what were the version numbers?
  15. Ahh, I see that would be helpful. This works with a parse_ini_file command? Would these methods eliminate access then?
  16. You should try a persistent connection or maybe a ob_start. Really you should only have to create the connection to mysql once or what ever database and then just close it when your done using it a include should work perfect with this method. http://www.php-scripts.com/php_diary/070700.php3
  17. What if this isn't an option? Is there any other ways?
  18. I wanted to make sure my configuration file was secure it contains a lot of important information. How can I make sure no one, but the server can access it.
  19. Global variables can be very helpful in certain instances just don't make passwords global and probably not usernames either.
  20. I got it. Now if I can just figure out some ajax methods.
  21. <?php session_start(); $randomstring = md5(microtime()); $realstring = substr($randomstring,0,5); $useimage = imagecreatefromjpeg("img.jpg"); $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($useimage,233,239,239); $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($useimage, 255, 255, 255); imageline($useimage,1,1,40,40,$linecolor); imageline($useimage,1,100,60,0,$linecolor); imagestring($useimage, 5, 20, 10, $realstring, $textcolor); header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($NewImage); $_SESSION['key'] = $realstring; ?>
  22. I was hoping for some kind of insight for people who have built captchas with imagecreatefromjpeg(). I have done severnal tests and I am stumped. I have started a session at the start of my "page" and the captcha also has a session start inside it and for some reason they don't conflict, which is strange to me since I expected an error. This lead me to believe captchas don't work the same way. I thought maybe I needed to pass the session variable I used at the bottom of my captcha in a different location. I am doing the basic captcha with a include file that is really basic basic. I try and store the value in a session at the end of the page so I can double check what the person entered with the actual value of the picture.... <img src=captcha.php>
  23. I didn't test it just fixed it up real fast. <?php $date2 = date("F j Y"); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; require("inc/config.php"); $sql="INSERT INTO `accounts` (username, password, ip, addeddate) VALUES('$_POST[username]','$_POST[Password]','$ip','$date2')"; mysql_query($sql) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM admin WHERE id = '1'") or die('Could not run query: ' . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $to = $row[0]; $qcheck = "SELECT * FROM admin"; $rcheck = mysql_query($qcheck) or die("<B>MySQL error! Make sure you edited the config file! <BR><BR> Error: ".mysql_error()); $frow = mysql_fetch_array($rcheck); if ($frow['sendemail'] == "1"){ $subject = "New Registered User"; $from = "test"; $message = " A new user has signed up and has been added to the database Username: $_POST[username] Password: $_POST[Password] IP Address: $ip Date: $date2 "; $headers = "From: $to"; $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; echo "sent"; }else{ echo "not sent - since not enabled"; } ?>
  24. I have been working on building a captcha, but I am running into a problem. My session variable that is storing the value isn't being set. I have already started a session. What could be the problem?
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