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Everything posted by Cardale

  1. I am trying to figure out how to get the size of a file after it has been compressed using the output buffer I am using the ob get length and it only returns the original file size for some reason.
  2. I believe the most commen method is finding out their user agent. Here is a good link I found. http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/All/ If you do make a class incorporating these let me know. I wouldn't mind using it.
  3. I figured it out. Thank you everyone.
  4. I wasn't. It didn't work right; unless I did something wrong. If I am UPDATING a row and use the sql command above it still updates the query with another mysql entry of the exact same ip.
  5. ahh reboot did it. Gonna have to remember that Thanks rajivgonsalves.
  6. It is letting me read database, but not delete... even when files are chown to mysql mysql and 777 even it doesn't allow any deleting....any other ideas? Thanks by the way.
  7. Well got it working, but I am sure permissions are messes up now. What are the recommened permissions here?
  8. They are showing up as empty databases. Maybe permissions are wrong? What should they be.
  9. I need to restore some database files so I can use them. I don't mean a backup from mysql I mean the actual database files (using ubuntu) in var/lib/mysql/dbname anyone know how to do this?
  10. Cardale

    Installing SVN

    Is there a git gui that allows you to start a new project?
  11. Cardale

    Installing SVN

    Now Bazaar is looking good. So hard to decide haha. Bazaar looks like the best one to start with...maybe easier with the gui. The visual helps when I'm learning kinda see whats going on. Thanks for the info btw I will look at your site and the others.
  12. wow didn't even know they had those for php. but ya don't use them
  13. I think it is a good start. Keep up the good work.
  14. This is true in the sense that it creates this "ease" for you. It is just a control structure. You can design this control structure yourself. I am not sure what you mean by change in multiple places because if you do it right you can do the same thing with the later. OOP is nothing more than an idea a constructed human fabrication. People also say it is more modular. I don't understand this. If you have a login script for example in one file it could be very easy to use it in another system if that is your goal if it is a class or isn't
  15. Cardale

    Installing SVN

    Just curious why would I want both? I don't know much about the subject.
  16. an explanation would of been better because honestly you don't need classes at all. Heck you don't need these high level languages. You could use assembly.
  17. I am using dyndns and apache. When a user visits my website using this url kinggoddard.com and logs in they set a session the traditional way with PHP, but if the user visits www.kinggoddard.com they don't have that session any more. How can I fix this issue? Is this even an apache issue? Thanks.
  18. Cardale

    Installing SVN

    Yeah I think I like Git although I do need to learn how to use it better.
  19. OOP is only good if your working in a group or have bad organizational skills. "Spaghetti" code is much faster. Although your spaghetti could use some organization. OOP is more about predefined constructs to keep you in shape. "Spaghetti" is more about personal constructs to keep your self in shape. At least thats the way I see it many others will probably see it different.
  20. I can easily do this with PHP I was just hoping for a easier MYSQL solution. Anyone?
  21. This sql query isn't working right. Any ideas? it outputs the same ip into the database.
  22. If I wanted to look and see what ips have been used by a user a ip table wouldn't be as efficient I believe. Also I haven't done this. With this method I know exactly what ips where use by said user. Now getting that information out in a reliable way will also be a new adventure for me.
  23. ? something to work with? Ok...I guess didn't think it was that complicated maybe I am wrong. UPDATE users SET iplog = CONCAT(iplog, '$ip') WHERE id='$id' I need to update a users ip in my concat list and only update it if the ip isn't already in the list.
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