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Posts posted by Wolphie

  1. Why are you storing the data in an array? Retrieving data from the database is already in the form of an array, with keys. Therefore you could make the request, loop through the results and return the output directly. Unless you're trying to manipulate hierarchical data in which case multi-dimensional arrays would make sense.


    To elaborate, if I had 2 database fields with 2 records in each:


    ServerName     ServerDescription
    myserver1        server1 description
    myserver2        server2 descrption




    The results would already be in the form of an array i.e.

    $row = array("myserver1" => "server1 description", "myserver2" => "server2 description");

  2. You shouldn't really post your database connect details on forums :P perhaps a moderator will remove it.

    Anyway, back to the point:


    if($con = mysql_connect('servername', 'username', 'password')) 
       or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
    if(isset($_SESSION['id'])) { // make sure the session is set
       $uid = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['id']))); // secure the data for inserting into the database!
     $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `db_name` . `table_name` WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", $uid); // Make sure it only calls one user
     $result = mysql_query($query) or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
     while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // while loop
       if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
         print $row['username']; // etc...
         print $row['email']; // etc...
         print 'User does not exist!';
     die 'You are not logged in!';


    That's how I would do it personally, but your query should be:


    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from members WHERE member_id=' . $_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID'] . '");



    EDIT: whizard got there before me =[

  3. In order to make them into an easy to use string you would have to make the checkboxes an array.


    <input type="checkbox" name="procedures[]" value="Value 1" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="procedures[]" value="Value 2" />


    Then for the PHP


    if(isset($_POST['procedures'])) {
      $procedures = implode(', ', $_POST['procedures']);
      echo $procedures; // Output if both were checked: Value 1, Value 2


    This can then be stored in one database field. And when calling them you could display them however you liked by exploding them again into an array.


    $procedure = explode(', ', $row['procedure']);
    echo '<p>' . $procedure[0] . '</p>'; // Value 1
    echo '<p>' . $procedure[1] . '</p>'; // Value 2


  4. DarkWater: Could you possibly provide an example of it in use?


    Also, from what I can make out, it's still returned as an array, is it not possible to have unlimited arguments like sprintf() which isn't an array (i don't think) or have I misunderstood?

  5. Why not put the echo statement inside the same loop? Then you have no need for the array.



    if ($sql = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM type")) {
      if (mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
        while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
          echo "var " . $array['name'] . " = document.getElementById('" . $array['name'] . "').value;";

  6. if($info['url'] = "")


    You are using an assignment operator "=" not a comparison operator "==".


    if($info['url'] == "")


    However, you should be using:

    if(empty($info['url'])) {
      // do something




    if(strlen($info['url']) < 0) {
      // do something

  7. As mjdamato said, always assume that data coming from the user is unsafe and invalid. Also, never give too much information as to why something went wrong. For example, if I had a log in form, and entered a username and password, and the username was correct but it was telling me the password was in-correct, then i'd know I would have the correct username. This is an advantage for people trying to exploit it, as such they would know the username. Therefore, if the username and/or password is in-correct display a notice saying "username or password is in-correct" or simply "log in failed".


    if(isset($_GET['id']) && is_int($_GET['id'])) {
      $id = (int) mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars(htmlenities($_GET['id'])));
      $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `db_name` . `table_name` WHERE `id` = '%d'", $id);
      $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
      if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        // do something
      else {
        // print 'Invalid ID.';
    else {
      // print 'Invalid ID';



    exit is a language construct, not a function, and therefore parenthesis aren't necessary unless a parameter is required. Such as an error code, or exit('Script Terminated!');

  8. <?php
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `date` FROM `db_name` . `table_name`") or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
       // $exp = explode(' ', $row['date']); // Return the date only without the time.
      $date = date('l jS F Y', $row['date']);
      print $date;
      // OR
      mysql_query("UPDATE `db_name` . `table_name` SET `date` = '$date'");


    Try that, sorry if i'm not being much help.. I'm at work so it's difficult for me to go in-depth.

  9. Yes, this is a JavaScript issue. And just to point out, Java is NOT JavaScript.

    If you're going to be validating the form with PHP, then Ajax is required in order to make the requests to the server. However, you can also validate it with JavaScript too.


      <input type="text" name="username" id="username" onkeyup="return validate(this.value)";


    function validate(element) {
      switch(element) {
        case 'wolphie':
          window.location = 'users/wolphie.php';
        case 'jimmy': 
          window.location = 'users/jimmy.php';
      // Or..
      if(element == 'wolphie') 
        alert('Hello ' + element);

  10. <?php
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `date` FROM `db_name` . `table_name`") or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
      $exp = explode(' ', $row['date']); // Return the date only without the time.
      $date = date('l jS F Y', $exp[0]);
      print $date;
      // OR
      mysql_query("UPDATE `db_name` . `table_name` SET `date` = '$date'");


    That should work, however don't hold me to it.

  11. You shouldn't die a custom error, but you should die a mysql error.

    This is how a connection should be made


    $con = mysql_connect('server_name', 'db_username', 'db_password') or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
        or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());


    Using mysql_error() will explicity give you the specific error as to why PHP can't make a connection to the database.

  12. Could someone explain how to get output variables from a regular expression?

    For example, if I wanted to retrieve the text from inside BBCode tags. I know it's called from something like $1.

  13. If you store timestamp in seconds you can do it easily.




    "INSERT INTO `db_name` . `table_name` ( `user_id`, `timestamp` ) VALUES ( '23', '" . time() . "' )";


    Then to check the timeout:


    // $uid = $_SESSION['user_id']; // Your user ID variable
    $sql = "SELECT `timestamp` FROM `db_name` . `table_name` WHERE `user_id` = '" . $uid . "' LIMIT 1"; // timestamp should be an integer (INT)
    $res = mysql_query($sql) or die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
      $timeout = 5 * 60; // 5 minutes
      if((time() - $row['timestamp']) < $timeout) { // Remember, if big time minus little time is less than timeout
        // do something
      else {
        // do something else 

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