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Everything posted by jos.

  1. a round about way would be to get the users screen size with javascript then post it with AJAX to a PHP script that would dynamically resize the image per request... but there must be an easier way then that ...
  2. you can disable right click with javascript
  3. yes. and there is a gap at the bottom in FF 2.+
  4. I vote the new one ... I know its not filled yet but that will come... The styling says to me .. cleaner stronger bolder... I like simplistic designs ... I looks more professional being that talented with vector graphics a nice ribbon in red or orange or one of those award stars would look in place on the right side of the header. Jos.
  5. Not talk about killing people! I think that a faded graphic on the bottom right of the main body would add some depth/character to the page... also maybe do something with the footer... like you have with the header. It is an interesting concept though.. I think alittle more content about what your site is about would be good... sort of a disclaimer yet informative... would help with indexing... submit the site to google... that would help. Looks good. Jos.
  6. Here you go... dsaba This is the code to make it work... Have at it... eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(p(){6(2d.E){q}y k={1i:1i,V:1i.R.V,K:1l.R.K,F:1l.R.F,1M:1l.R.1M};y l={3N:/(?:[^[#\\s\\\\]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$)|\\[\\^?]?(?:[^\\\\\\]]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$))*]?)+|(\\s*#[^\\n\\r\\4x\\4t]*\\s*|\\s+)([?*+]|{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?})?/g,3f:/(?:[^[\\\\.]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$)|\\[\\^?]?(?:[^\\\\\\]]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$))*]?)+|\\./g,32:/(?:[^\\\\[]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$))+|\\[\\^?(]?)(?:[^\\\\\\]]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$))*]?/g,2Y:/(?:[^[(\\\\]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$)|\\[\\^?]?(?:[^\\\\\\]]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$))*]?|\\((?=\\?))+|(\\()(?:<([$\\w]+)>)?/g,2O:/(?:[^\\\\[]+|\\\\(?:[^k]|$)|\\[\\^?]?(?:[^\\\\\\]]+|\\\\(?:[\\S\\s]|$))*]?|\\\\k(?!<[$\\w]+>))+|\\\\k<([$\\w]+)>([0-9]?)/g,3Y:/(?:[^$]+|\\$(?![1-9$&`\']|{[$\\w]+}))+|\\$(?[1-9]\\d*|[$&`\'])|{([$\\w]+)})/g};E=p(e,f){f=f||"";6(f.X("x")>-1){e=k.F.N(e,l.3N,p(a,b,c){q b?(c?c:"(?"):a})}y g=I;6(f.X("k")>-1){y h=[];e=k.F.N(e,l.2Y,p(a,b,c){6(b){6(c)g=1n;h.2q(c||3r);q"("}B{q a}});6(g){e=k.F.N(e,l.2O,p(a,b,c){y d=b?h.X(b):-1;q d>-1?"\\\\"+(d+1)+(c?"(?"+c:""):a})}}e=k.F.N(e,l.32,p(a,b){q b?k.F.N(a,"]","\\\\]"):a});6(f.X("s")>-1){e=k.F.N(e,l.3f,p(a){q a==="."?"[\\\\S\\\\s]":a})}y i=k.1i(e,k.F.N(f,/[4q]+/g,""));6(g)i.T=h;q i};1i.R.2j=p(a){a=(a||"")+(z.2G?"g":"")+(z.3c?"i":"")+(z.3a?"m":"");y b=1v E(z.2N,a);6(!b.T&&z.T){b.T=z.T.4d()}q b};1i.R.V=p(a){y b=k.V.N(z,a);6(!(z.T&&b&&b.C>1)){q b}1f(y i=1;i<b.C;i++){y c=z.T[i-1];6(c)b[c]=b[i]}q b};1l.R.K=p(a){6(!a.T||a.2G){q k.K.N(z,a)}q a.V(z)};1l.R.F=p(g,h){6(!(g 31 k.1i&&g.T)){q k.F.2M(z,Y)}6(2H h==="p"){q k.F.N(z,g,p(){Y[0]=1v 1l(Y[0]);1f(y i=0;i<g.T.C;i++){6(g.T[i])Y[0][g.T[i]]=Y[i+1]}q h.2M(2d,Y)})}B{q k.F.N(z,g,p(){y f=Y;q k.F.N(h,l.3Y,p(a,b,c){6(b){1E(b){L"$":q"$";L"&":q f[0];L"`":q f[f.C-1].1e(0,f[f.C-2]);L"\'":q f[f.C-1].1e(f[f.C-2]+f[0].C);2y:y d="";b=+b;1S(b>g.T.C){d=k.1M.N(b,"").3H()+d;b=1I.2A(b/10)}q(b?f[b]:"$")+d}}B 6(c){y e=g.T.X(c);q e>-1?f[e+1]:a}B{q a}})})}};1l.R.1M=p(s,a){6(!(s 31 k.1i)){q k.1M.2M(z,Y)}6(!s.2G)s=s.2j("g");6(a===2B||+a<0){a=I}B{a=1I.2A(+a);6(!a){q[]}}y b=1v 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  7. Im just gonna sit for a while because I am so dizzy if I stand up I will fall. :-X
  8. they are inputing <b> and <i> tags with javascript.... with regular expressions their code is here. http://regexpal.com/assets/build-0.1.3.js I dont think a human wrote it though... no line breaks.. ???
  9. jos.

    Anti Virus

    Give Norton the BOOT!!! its worthless any way IMO...
  10. Yeah its pretty tough. I have a fairly good feel for what my work is worth and I have taken the time to calculate my overhead and profit costs and targets respectively however, as it would seem the people around my area need/have respect for quality web development a little bit less then I need a paycheck. lol So I am forced to compete with an idiot that uses a say... Gimp and an image map for what he sells as an "8 - 10 page custom design package with no programming" for a measly $250. HA! and these people look at me funny when I quote them a price that is at least 2/3 or 1/2 of what I think the project is worth yet double what the other guy is charging thus, creating an extreme paradox for my pricing scheme. Despite all of that I am in the process of cornering the local market by means of selling to the main business owners of the community; If I can get them to accept higher standards then the lower/smaller businesses will be soon to follow and fall into place. And to ward off the impending doom of my creation, service and maintenance fees will be in order. Because, in 3 local towns comprised of < 20k people I will inevitably run out of sites to develop. I just hope I can make it last until I graduate... :-\ I hope you have enjoyed hearing my rants and business strategies. Jos.
  11. It is kinda hard to help you with your HTML problem through a .jpg.
  12. Wow I guess I am under a little huh... In my area people would look at me cross eyed if I said $1500 - $2000, which sucks because I am the only web developer / designer for 40 miles that knows anything beyond simple table layout HTML! Thats rural Va. for you though. I think its amazing that I could make a decent living if I were to be living some where else.
  13. I think it looks excellent. The logo is very hard to read. The color is too light... and I have quality hardware for the majority of surfers the "works" portion may be completely unreadable. Jos.
  14. Disclaimer: I am not looking for a coder. I am one. I am not looking to sell work. I have sold it. I am looking to get people to "Open" up a little bit. In the world of web design and development I find that the discussion of our pricing schemes seems to be a NO NO. I just want to know what other people would charge and or could charge in their given locale for a project with these specs. Hey ladies/Gents simply out of pure curiosity and a small amount of rebellion I was wondering what some of you would realistically and honestly charge for a interactive and dynamic Calendar with the following specs: Mind you, you would be coding this completely from scratch! No css template, No calendar classes, No Ajax objects... nothing Appearance: A) Professional, Well colored table with proper imagery if client desired B) Flowing layout joining the input and presentation to look like a well rounded software package. C) Days with adjoining data would be colored differently for users to see they should be clicked on for further information D) Small or Compact version for the side bar of a website and a larger full page version for its own respective page (same calendar) E) User friendly modification forms and instructions Functionality (Owner/users will be able to preform the following): A) Move back and forth throughout the months in the year (into past and future years as well) B) Click on days of the month to show <div>s or whatever you would use to present the information for that date C) UserName/Password protection for the Owner to edit, delete, or otherwise modify their calendar. D) Dynamic styles (colors, fonts, and so on...) for the owner to choose from as they wished. E) Side bar Cal. have hide and show capabilities F) Submission page for users to submit events to the Owner for review and posting. Technologies: Database storage: MySQL || Oracle || MSSQL ServerSide: PHP || Jsp || Asp.net Client: CSS AJAX XHTML NO FLASH !!! Not to be biased but I do not know anything about developing in flash and therefore could not grasp what is necessary to develop a flash application in relation to... say a PHP app. I could get +- $400 USD depending on the vibe I was getting in the meeting (provided this was a live meeting in my area). What would you do it for in your home town, state, Country? P.S. Please, no negativity... Look foreword to hearing from you. Jos.
  15. there are Five things at the top of the page under the main nav and only 3 of them are links but they look no different then the two that are just text I think some color or underlining is in order here. It would also be nice if it said something at the top of the page to let you know that you are logged in... it took me a second or two to notice the wording where the login inputs were. I did not have time to mess with the rest of the functionality but what I did try worked. Jos.
  16. I know that Only the design bold text is linked but that is the only one that I have content to link it too... You are right though i think that the weight is a little strong I will tone it down.. I was hoping to have them all links to the relevant content negating the need for <abbr> and <acronym> tags but It does look a little off. so do you think that I should exclude the idea or just tone the emphasis down a little? The FAQ .... yeah that is Spanish. The double question mark is my favorite part of the language... I guess it is just the redundancy of it that amuses me lol. Although your are right again I will remove it as it could be seen as confusing. Thank you for your opinions. Jos.
  17. the lack of an <acronym> tag does not make the a "non-compliant" it just means that I have not used every available option in my incomplete site. Thank you for pointing that out but, I was looking more for criticism on the Layout, Look and Feel. Jos.
  18. I think it is the wrong blue for this. Maybe something just a little bit lighter. What you have looks very good, its just a little techno-ie for the purpose. So imo go a little softer. Jos.
  19. Because that is how my host employs addon domains. the hierarchy is as such: public_html/ ---public_html/addonDirectory ---public_html/addonDirectory/subDirectories so if you type: http://www.mysite.com/ you land on public_html/index.php ('A') and if you were to type: http://www.myaddonDomainName.com/ you land on public_html/addonDomainName/index.php ('B') so I want to know if a spider is deployed to http://www.myaddonDomainName.com if he will start at ('A') or ('B') Because they both have the same IP address. Thank you for your patience! Jos.
  20. They are defined as separate sites but I googled my domain name the other day and got some results containing my subdirectories and their content. So, simple fix right? Robots.txt in my main directory and block those. But my concerns are as stated above. Thanks for your help. Jos.
  21. Didn,t want to put this with conversations about cats and dogs in the Misc... section... I have a number of addon domains and need to know If I place a robots.txt file in my main directory to not associate my site with the addon sites, will that prevent a spider from visiting those sites because the spider would be heading to the main dir of that IP first? Or does it know to hit the IP but start at the sub dir? Thanks for any help in advance. Jos.
  22. GFX are pretty good! the site would look nice and quite professional to the common visitor except those with wider screen resolutions due to the absolute positioning with the div #nav (not a good idea!) Couple of tips... 1: Use Fire bug : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1843 to help isolate issues and debug your code. 2: Use a div layout. it is cleaner and easier once you get the hang of it. and you end up with less spacing problems 3: http://validator.w3.org/#validate-by-upload validate often during coding. this will help you eliminate problems before they get buried and hard to find... 4: I see that you have your #nav in a <ul> and may have had some spacing issues with it falling 10-20px on your page... In the style sheet, I have found that It helps to use this for nav bars in a <ul> #nav ul{ display: inline;} it seems to solve that spacing issue... hope to have helped... Jos.
  23. Personally I would make the reflection in the logo image have a gradient going the other direction. also I think that the blue "bars" some are separators and two are backgrounds should all be about the same size. and I think there is a little too much margin between the nav on the left and the content. But it does look very good. Jos.
  24. It is VERY DARK. scary almost... :'( maybe style the lists so that its not just an ordinary bullet... the body is in complete contrast with the header and footer, why not apply the same smooth styles to the edges and border of the body? I would convert to a div layout... this page would be incredibly easy to make a flexible width with (em) font sizes and container widths.. you might try to convert the 4 body blocks to individual entities just my thoughts... good luck and have fun with it.. Jos.
  25. Hey guys, I have been working on my site and would like some feedback to know if I am still going in the right direction... Only three pages are up the rest are temps.. the ones that are open are the homepage, Web design, and contact. Any and all thoughts and opinions are welcome ....criticism only enhances growth. http://www.josscript.com Thanks to all who have helped so far and to those who will in advance. Jos.
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