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Everything posted by revraz

  1. Well for one, you are not stopping the script once you found a number. You are also only going through it 4 times.
  2. You could try searching for search code.
  3. Post your form code. The form action is what dictates which .php script is called.
  4. Post what you have so far.
  5. The DB will have the new value. If you don't update $Username then how can it have the new value? You would have to either re-query or update $Username the same time you do the update to the DB.
  6. Well we can only comment on what you are showing us. If you have validation in other areas, then you can post that as well if you like.
  7. You'll want to validate each variable. Think of what data should be in there and then start writing down what you want to check for. IE, the Name, Surname, Uname should all be characters, the ID should be a Integer (and you should probably have it auto-increment unless you want duplicate IDs).
  8. And your time function is wrong for your setcookie as well.
  9. I don't see any code at all in there checking for errors or for sql injections.
  10. Do a search for Content Management System (CMS) and you'll find a ton of free stuff. Popular ones are PHP Nuke & Joomla The webhost you have seems fine and should do the job. I also recommend you pick up a PHP and MySQL book.
  11. Ask them why it isn't enabled?
  12. Post the syntax error.
  13. I've had functions error out because of spaces. Change return mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( $query ) ); to return mysql_num_rows(mysql_query( $query)); If that doesn't work, post your $query= line.
  14. That is a MySQL command and not PHP, but from what I understand, you are trying to use a MySQL date in a Unix Timestamp function, which won't work. If you want to use FROM_UNIXTIME(), the arguement has to be in a unix time format first and the way you are calling it, it isn't. So either convert it first or use a MySQL DATE function instead.
  15. As long as you use session_start(); at the top of every page, the session will pass. If it doesn't, then you have a problem with your session save path in your PHP.INI.
  16. Post the code that calls the function checkUser, about 5 lines above and below it.
  17. What is in $array?
  18. Site Referrals
  19. Give people more than 15 mins to check out your thread.
  20. Using MySQL? I use a function function formatDate($val) { $arr = explode ('-', $val); return date ('d M Y', mktime (0,0,0,$arr[1], $arr[2], $arr[0])); } This takes a MySQL NOW date/time and only displays the date.
  21. What's the condition that allows them to go to a record?
  22. You'll have to check with your webhost. Mine offers me a php.ini editor.
  23. Modify it to a actual path you have access to.
  24. Where does your php.ini file point to for the session save path?
  25. Not really PHP related, but it does you no good to have a domain name and not have a webhost. Where would the domain name point to if you don't get hosting? You can start off getting just a host without a domain name if you want, and look to see if they offer what you want.
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