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Everything posted by revraz

  1. I believe your mysqli_error requires the connection string as a parameter.
  2. If you are looking for just a comment Column and already have an existing database, you can add just the new column if the comment pertains to a certain row already. If you are looking for just comments, like a News display, then you just need 1 table.
  3. You can put PHP inside of a echo string.
  4. I would suggest doing a PHP/MySQL Tutorial, that should answer your questions.
  5. Or just mark it solved and move on with life.
  6. That probably would be the best way to approach it.
  7. As posted, where is your opening TR?
  8. You can write a timestamp to a database and have a field set for logged in or logged out, and change it after so many minutes.
  9. Something like this? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/domain-check-script.html
  10. Can you load the numbers in an array?
  11. If you want the last 3 posts, then you would need to order by DATE.
  12. I see what you mean, I misread your initial post. As stated, don't rely on the GC to remove your sessions because it's a Probability, which is not a reliable method. Granted, your 1/1 should mean that it cleans it up everytime, but it should not be relied upon to do so. http://php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php
  13. Change session.gc_maxlifetime = 60 to a higher value
  14. Remove the @ before your connect string to see if it's failing.
  15. Post the entire string.
  16. Use mysql_error after your query to see if it tells you why it's failing.
  17. That won't work, only thing you'll do there is echo the resource id.
  18. But you can do it with 1 query instead of two if you just loop through the two results.
  19. <a href=<?php $row1 = mysql_fetch_row($result1);echo $row1[2];?> > <p class="note-general"> The first link </p> <a href=<?php $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2);echo $row2[2];?> > <p class="note-general"> The second link </p>
  20. Your query above that is not working. Post your query.
  21. When troubleshooting queries, use mysql_error() after the query to see if any errors are produced. You are sanitizing your variables after you put them into your query string, sanitize before. You are missing single quotes around your variables in your query string, use double quotes around the entire string and single for the variables.
  22. It must not be firing, because this would error due to the comma UPDATE users SET full_name = '$full_name', WHERE id=$id
  23. You can pass information from page to page with sessions.
  24. Explain what "it doesn't work" mean. What does $cui1 and $cui2 contain after the first 2 queries are run?
  25. Give it a try and see.
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