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Everything posted by revraz

  1. Copy and paste the URL that is being generated.
  2. Here is a small snippet: <option value = "user" <?php if ($row->role == "user") echo "selected"; ?>>User</option> <option value = "staff" <?php if ($row->role == "staff") echo "selected"; ?>>Staff</option> <option value = "admin" <?php if ($row->role == "admin") echo "selected"; ?>>Admin</option>
  3. When you read the database, compare the value and if it matches, make that option value "Selected"
  4. Are you using data from them all at once? That would determine if you close and open more. But you can have more than 1 open.
  5. You haven't shown us how these two variables get set. $_SESSION["myusername"] = $myusername; $_SESSION["mypassword"] = $mypassword; And why come here asking for help when you won't provide the info?
  6. We would need to see all your code and not just a snippet to see why.
  7. 1. Make sure you use session_start() at the top of each page that uses them. 2. Try it and see if it works.
  8. Sure it can be done.
  9. No, I'm saying the difference is probably not even noticed. And the original question was answered in the Link I provided.
  10. Yes http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html
  11. Compact to me means shrinking the file size.
  12. Does the FORM use two.php as it's action?
  13. That is valid syntax. Now if it's faster or not, I doubt you would notice either way.
  14. http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.elseif.php Note: Note that elseif and else if will only be considered exactly the same when using curly brackets as in the above example. When using a colon to define your if/elseif conditions, you must not separate else if into two words, or PHP will fail with a parse error.
  15. That is not true. You can't do i f (1=1) echo "HI";
  16. But if there are no errors, it will never echo. Sometimes if data is missing, it is not a sql error. So Blue gave you the line to enter to echo the query above. $sql="INSERT INTO register (id, YourFirstName, YourLastName, YourPhoneNumber, YourEmailAddress, BabysFirstName, BabysMiddleName,BabysLastName, BabysBirthdate, BabysAge, BabysHeight, BabysWeight, BabysEyeColor, BabysHairColor, BabysEthnicity) values ( 'NULL','$yourfirstname','$yourlastname', '$yourphonenumber', '$youremailaddress', '$babysfirstname', '$babysmiddlename', '$babyslastname','$babysbirthdate', '$babysage', '$babysheight', '$babysweight', '$babyseyecolor', '$babyshaircolor', '$babysethnicity')"; echo "sql: $sql";
  17. Only show the message when something is actually deleted?
  18. If you dont see the correction, you used the wrong closing tag here $_SESSION["USERID").", The error should have given you a line number.
  19. Check your server's php.ini and make sure the cookie path is valid.
  20. Only run the PHP code if Submit is set.
  21. echo $query1
  22. Use a database of some type. Can even be flat files if you want.
  23. No patience? It's only been 45 mins
  24. Maybe you didn't set the config right for your docpath.
  25. If ElseIf Else
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