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Everything posted by revraz

  1. Just pull it the same way you're pulling the name. Post your code.
  2. Javascript?
  3. See if you can figure out what is truncating it. Echo your variables after you sanitize them and before your Insert statement.
  4. Do you have access to the server log?
  5. Need to explain what doesn't work better. Errors? What isn't working? What is it doing? What isn't it doing?
  6. INSERT statements don't use WHERE clauses. If it was a column error, it would return as such.
  7. Simpler? Looks pretty simple as is, how much simpler do you want it?
  8. Try using UPDATE like: UPDATE table_reference SET col_name1={expr1|DEFAULT} [, col_name2={expr2|DEFAULT}] ... [WHERE where_condition]
  9. Post the exact error with the line number
  10. Then maybe access is really denied. Did you confirm rights?
  11. Not sure what you mean by the middle of other code. Are you talking about includes? You can put echo breaks where ever you want.
  12. Why do you have the . concantenate at the end?
  13. Where are you checking to see if they are logged in?
  14. Probably should check with Yahoo.
  15. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php
  16. A session is just like any other variable, you store it the same way. What part exactly do you need help with?
  17. A
  18. You need to state which table the field name is from, ie.. animel1.animeid
  19. Frist off, md5 is a hash and not encryption. Second, why are you only reading in the first 6 chars of the md5 hash? Third, post the code where you write the hash to the pw field in the database.
  20. If you are asking if you can do addition and multiplication in MySql, then the answer is yes.
  21. What does the date look like in the table itself? Looks like it's returning 0. Also, how are you getting $phpdate?
  22. Provide the path of the script that you run that calls the included file. Provide the path to the included file.
  23. Sure, define your variables.
  24. You are missing a { after IF
  25. revraz

    PHP notice

    It's telling you that your variables are not defined when it first runs. What you want to do with that is up to you.
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