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Everything posted by asmith

  1. $fileSQL="SELECT COUNT(*), `Etudiant`, `Prof`, IF(COUNT(Etudiant) > 2, 'yes', 'no') AS moreThanTwo FROM Rapport_R\n" . "GROUP BY `Etudiant`, `Prof`\n" . "HAVING COUNT(*)>1";
  2. Hello, Using MySQL 5.1, I have this games table which is storing info about games played: (100,000+ rows and growing.) CREATE TABLE games ( id_game int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, info1 mediumint(9) NOT NULL, info2 tinyint(4) NOT NULL, versus_type tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL, post_time int(10) NOT NULL, game_type tinyint(4) NOT NULL, num_views mediumint( unsigned NOT NULL default '0', downloads mediumint( unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_game), KEY post_time (post_time), ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; and another table which is storing the players for each game: (+600,000 rows and growing.) CREATE TABLE games_players ( id_game int(11) NOT NULL, id_player mediumint( NOT NULL, `type` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL, is_winner tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', KEY id_player (id_player), KEY id_game (id_game,id_player) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; Each game could have different number of players assigned to it. So in a player page I wanna show his games normally. In an overall view and statistics, normally I gotta get all games to count different statistics which is all fine I guess. I use a query similar to this to get players games: SELECT p2.*, g.rate1, g.rate2, g.post_time FROM games_players AS p INNER JOIN games_players AS p2 ON p.id_game = p2.id_game INNER JOIN games AS g ON p.id_game = g.id_game WHERE p.id_player = [id_player] AND p.type = 0 AND g.game_type = [x] AND g.position = 0 ORDER BY post_time ASC, g.id_game ASC The first join is to the same table to get other players our player played against. The second join is to get the game info itself. This query takes about average -0.05s to most members. But there are some members with like +5,000 games played and the query goes up to +0.3s getting those. This is the best I could get out of current situation. I've tried separating games table from players. But then for the second query I have to put "WHERE id_game IN (+5000 ids here)" which kinda results the same. I have to get all those rows, cause I gotta count different statistics vs each opponent and so and it is not possible to create another table to record each statistics vs every opponent in a separate record. I'm willing to redesign my tables, modify my PHP codes, etc... Am I getting the best out of it or it can be even better? Thanks for your time. p.s. I removed a few info columns in those tables just to simply reading it.
  3. Hello, I've been reviewing my codes/queries. I found that If I split a query (with 2 left joins) into 3 queries, the sum of the 3 queries times is actually less than the main query. While learning MySQL I always went with "Less queries, More performance", but this case made me wonder which way to choose. Is it easier for MySQL/CPU/Server to handle 3 queries that takes less time or one query taking a bit more? Thanks for your time.
  4. It is possible to achieve it with MySQL if I got what you want exactly. So what if a record is in range of 15 mins with previous one AND with the next. BUT the previous and next are not in range of each other? How do you want to have that result? Edit: as mjdamato mentioned, handling the data with php would be much easier though.
  5. Wherever you have a date vairable, for example if $post['updated'] is a date there, do this instead: change this: <?php echo $post['updated']?> to: <?php echo implode('-', array_reverse(explode('-', $post['updated'])))?> The only thing it does is changing dd-mm-yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd But litebearer's way is better. I'd go with that.
  6. $dateString is your date variable, do this with it: $dateString = implode('-', array_reverse(explode('-', $dateString)));
  7. Hello, This is supposed to be a sample soap request. I don't know how to actually send the request with php. POST /sendSms.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: host_site.com Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "http://some_uri.com/sendSms" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <sendSms xmlns="http://some_uri.com/"> <username>string</username> <password>string</password> <smsContent> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </smsContent> <cell> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </cell> <from>string</from> </sendSms> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> How am I supposed to so send this info? What is soapAction there? I tried: $client = new SoapClient("host_site.com/sendSms.asmx"); and I'm getting:
  8. Hello. I'm using this code to send files for download: header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($fileLocation).'"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fileLocation)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($fileLocation); I wanna know if the user has downloaded the file completely or just canceled the browser download window. readfile() returns the bytes it read from the file, I checked the value when I press cancel on the download window, the size is the complete file size. Is there any way I could know if the download has finished successfully?
  9. I've been coding in PHP for more than 2 years and I've never seen any article/guide/tutorial written for PHP and SQLite.
  10. Hello I have different kind of transactions on the site and their log is recorded in 3 tables: (with different column names) log_a log_b log_c Lets say each transaction is for paying a product (id_product). So no matter what kind the transaction is, it is finally gonna point to id_product. I have another table: paid_products which is pointing that each product is done by which type of transaction: id transaction_type transaction_id 3 log_a 23 41 log_c 912 I want to select all recent id_product which is connected to one of these log tables but have other columns data too. I'm not sure if there is something like: IF transaction_type = 'log_a' then inner join log_a on ... OR IF transaction_type = 'log_b' then inner join log_b on ... OR So I thought about converting paid_products table to something similar to this: id id_log_a id_log_b id_log_c then run such query: select *, COALESCE(different field names on log tables) as option1, COALESCE(different field names on log tables) as option2 from paid_products left join log_a as a on id_log_a = a.ID_LOG left join log_b as b on id_log_b = b.ID_LOG left join log_c as c on id_log_c = c.ID_LOG Is there an obvious solution which I'm missing? Any better idea? Thanks for your time
  11. Array ( [A] => f [10] => g [4] => a [1] => d )
  12. Hello. I have an array like this and trying to sort it by its keys: <?php $as = array(4 => 'a', 1 => 'd', 'A' => 'f', 10 => 'g'); function natSortMe($a, $b) { if ($b == 'A') return -1; if ($a == $b) return 0; else return $a > $b? -1 : 1; } uksort($as, 'natSortMe'); print_r($as); ?> I want the letter key comes first, then number from highest to lowest. the code above returns this: Array ( [10] => g [4] => a [1] => d [A] => f ) any idea?
  13. Again thanks for all the effort
  14. Thanks for your reply. It works fine. However as nrg_alpha mentioned to, I got it working by this too: '/ |"([^"]+)"/' Is there a special circumstance we're missign here? Thanks again!
  15. Hello. I have a string like this: $content = 'word1 word2 "word3 word4" word5 "word6 word7"'; I need to have an array of each word like explode(' ', $content), but consider the words in double quote as one: array('word1', 'word2', 'word3 word4', 'word5', 'word6 word7'); Any idea? Thanks for your time So far I did something like this: /("((?.+)(?<!"))+?)"| )/
  16. Thanks mate. It was perfect
  17. Thanks for the replay How do you exclude 01 and 02 03 04? for example: 01 68 34 12 0c 0f 02 03 04 43 1f 09 01 04 32 01 45 29 81 02 03 04 ... your suggestion will give: 01 04 32 01 45 29 81 02 03 04 while it must give: 01 45 29 81 02 03 04
  18. Hi, I have a content looks like this: (it is the bin2hex() of a file with a space between each) 01 68 34 12 0c 0f 02 03 04 43 1f 09 04 32 01 45 29 81 02 03 04 ... I want to get the content starting with 01 and end with 02 03 04. (the red text between bold ones)This phrase may be anywhere in the content and repeating any number. So far I did: <?php preg_match_all('/01 (^(02 03 04)+[0-9a-z]{2} )+02 03 04 /', $content, $result, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); print_r($result); ?>
  19. Thanks for your reply. It is working fine I guess. But when I have this on my pages: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> It kinda mess with it again. Any idea?
  20. Hey guys I'm trying to get some text from various parts of a file. I have converted the file to hex (bin2hex) and I've got this: 64 72 e6 62 65 72 (without spaces) I'm converting that back by: <?php function hex2bin($h) { if (!is_string($h)) return null; $r=''; for ($a=0; $a<strlen($h); $a+=2) $r .= chr(hexdec($h{$a}.$h{($a+1)})); return $r; } ?> It works fine, except for unicode characters. For example, the above hex is giving me: dr�ber While it must be: dræber How can I get the correct word? Thanks a lot
  21. Thanks for the reply. I didn't try your way, but I'm sure it will work. The problem with it is, it is making too many connection. It is a simple download not money transactions. Thanks for your effort again.
  22. Have you tried different URL for redirecting? 'http://phpproject.netii.net/members.php' gives me 'not found' error.
  23. What is the error you're receiving?
  24. As cags mentioned too, you have html data at the very beginning of your code getting echoed. So when you are redirecting your user, there are html on the top of the page. Try this: (and look how I edited your code) <?php error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); include "phpfunctions/sitewidefunctions.php"; include "phpfunctions/uniquevisitorcounter.php"; if(loggedin()) { header("Location: home.php"); exit(); } getmainlinksfade(); getsubtitlefade('Books'); getbooksfade('copyright'); $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $rememberme = $_POST['rememberme']; if($username&&$password) { $qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); if(mysql_num_rows($qry)==0) echo "<div id='index_errorlogin'> No user found <br/></div>"; else { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $db_password = $row['password']; if(md5($password)==$db_password) { $loginok=TRUE; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET isOnline=1 WHERE username='$username'"); } else { $loginok=FALSE; echo "<div id='index_errorlogin'>$username found! - Incorrect password <br/></div>"; break; } if($loginok==TRUE) { if($rememberme=='on') { setcookie("username", $username, time() + 7200); $_SESSION['username']=$username; } else $_SESSION['username']=$username; header("Location: home.php"); exit(); } else die(""); } } } else $loginPlease = true; echo " <html> <head> <title>TITLE</title> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='CSS/global.css'/> <script type='text/javascript' src='JS/util-functions.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='JS/clear-default-text.js'></script> </head> <body> <div id='wrap'> <div id='content'> <div class='maintitle'>TITLE</div>"; if ($loginPlease) echo "<div id='index_errorlogin'>To view the entire library - Please log into the system below<br/></div>"; echo" <div id='index_form'> <form action='index.php' method='post'> <input type='text' name='username' value='username' class='cleardefault'><br/> <input type='password' name='password' class='cleardefault'><br/> <input type='checkbox' name='rememberme'><span id='index_rememberme'>Remember Me</span> <input type='submit' name='login' value='Login' id='index_login'> </form> </div> <br/><br/>"; getindexstats(); getfooter(); echo" </div> </div> </body> </html>"; ?>
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