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Posts posted by dreamwest

  1. url: varchar 255

    id: bigint 11

    desc: text

    meta: varchar 255

    scan: tinyint 1 , default 0 (0 for url not in database already, 1 for it being there)


    index the desc and meta fields


    otherwise make desc fulltext and have a search engine type results based on how many times the keyword is in the description (content)

  2. In 2000 - 2002 "A current affair" showed a fat software developer who had stuck it rich creating some kind of software in Australia, all i can remember is that the reporter asked him if he would like to say anything to the world and he said "Look girls - im here", he also had 7 or so employees at the time.


    Did anyone else see this or  know what he might have developed??

  3. Template engines suck.


    Just think about all the fun your missing out on by learning another language.




    Calling functions with a simple deliminator {$smarty|function}......it sends chills down my spine

  4. Azaz you like totally ignored my post, which is also the second post in this thread.


    Yea, I got that, thank you!!


    I am just curious on why he thinks the other way is faster and it'snot finding like it's finding the exact which i don't need in the first place,lol


    How old are you? 12yo?


    SELECT * FROM  `table` WHERE  `row` LIKE  '%Silvin%' OR `row` LIKE  '%wts%'




    SELECT * FROM  `table` WHERE  MATCH `row` AGAINST( 'Silvin wts')


    Will produce the same result....except MATCH doesnt have to scan the database to find a like and it IS faster




  5. You can also use


    MATCH `field` AGAINST('{$query}')


    Which is alot faster than scanning the database with


    `field` like '%{$query}%'



    who says it's faster? do you have proof? your nothing to me w/o proof


    HA! nice try - im not writing the script for you.


    The only proof you need is my experience with large databases

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