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Posts posted by dreamwest

  1. What is the best way to seperate this array?


    ["funny games","64,700,000 results","0"],
    ["funny jokes","20,200,000 results","1"],
    ["funny quotes","29,200,000 results","2"],
    ["funny pictures","141,000,000 results","3"],
    ["funny facebook status","20,100,000 results","4"],
    ["funny videos","72,000,000 results","5"],
    ["funny sayings","3,210,000 results","6"],
    ["funny exam answers","100,000,000 results","7"],
    ["funny names","99,400,000 results","8"],
    ["funny","262,000,000 results","9"]


  2. With the rewrite i currently have:


    RewriteRule ^Movies=view&search=(.*) index_films.php?search=$1&type=Movies [L,QSA]


    All these urls work fine:






    So your saying none of these should work?


    I still cant get my head around RewriteConds , can you give me a simple example of how it works?



  3. I have this rewrite


    RewriteRule ^Movies=view&search=(.*) index_films.php?search=$1&type=Movies [L,QSA]


    But if the url is:




    The page returns a 404


    I should just need some regex to fix this but im not sure what to do




  4. I have this small javascript that works with Internet explorer but wont work on firefox or chrome browsers.


    Can someone suggest an alternative?



    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function go(loc) {
    window.location.href = loc;
    <input type="radio" name="loc" onClick="go('/index.php?type=url');" >


  5. Im a little bit into morrowind 3: elder scrolls and im supposed to sleep and have a bad dream before seeing the informants at Vivec, but i cant sleep anywheres, ive tried for 12 hrs to find a bed that the game will allow me to rest in but NOO!.


    If i dont get anywhere after tonight its going in the bin!


    There must be a morrowind fanatic out there, PLZ help!

  6. do you get a white screen?


    I would start by fixing these 2 errors


       if ($user && $pass){
            if ($logged_in_user = $user){
                setup_page("Already logged in", "Whoops");
              echo "{$user}, You are already logged in. <BR /><BR />";
                echo $links;


  7. Look fine. Make sure you have session_start(); above the script and $_SESSION['url']; has a value


    Another way is to get the page url and redirect to the users previous page


    login.php?next=<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>

  8. change


    header("Location: http://www.*****.com/development/login.html?id=$id");




    if (! headers_sent( ) ){
    header( "Location: http://www.*****.com/development/login.html?id=$id" );
    exit( 0 );
    echo "<script language=Javascript>document.location.href='http://www.*****.com/development/login.html?id=$id';</script>";
    exit( 0 );

  9. The rewrite looks ok, try removing the query and adding a second rewrite, if that doesnt work its nor your code


    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^user/(.*)/(.*) user.php?name=$1 [L,QSA]


    and make sure url rewrite is on in your sever panel

  10. $callno = mysql_real_escape_string(urldecode($_GET['call_number']));
    $query_call = "SELECT * FROM documents WHERE call_number = '$callno'";
    $call = mysql_query($query_call) OR die ('Cannot retrieve record information.');
    $row_call = mysql_fetch_assoc($call);

  11. <?php
    $user = $_SESSION['user'];
    if ($user){
    if ($_POST['submit']){
    $oldpassword = md5($_POST['oldpassword']);
    $newpassword = md5($_POST['newpassword']);
    $repeatnewpassword = md5($_POST['repeatnewpassword']);
    echo "$oldpassword/$newpassword/$repeatnewpassword";
    include 'connect.inc';
    $queryget = mysql_query("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name='$user'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryget);
    echo $oldpassworddb."<br>";
    echo $oldpassword."<br>";
    $oldpassworddb =$row['password'];
    if ($oldpassword==$oldpassworddb){
       if ($newpassword==$repeatnewpassword) {
       echo "pass changed";
       die("pass dont  match!");
    echo "<form action='newpass.php' method='POST'>
       Old password: <input type='text' name='oldpassword'><br>
       New password: <input type='password' name='newpassword'><br>
       Repeat password: <input type='password' name='repeatnewpassword'><br>
       <input type='submit' name='submit' value='change password'>

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