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Everything posted by dreamwest
!somehow! work out when the last line will be I need the written file to be line by line so i cant remove it completley
Im writing to a file but this put a blank line at the end, the reason why is because of r\n which is like<br> in html. $current .= $buffer."r\n"; //has over 1000 lines file_put_contents($save_as, $current); How can i get rid of this blank line at the end of the file??
this is my first go at file open and write. I need to delete a file on a specific line: This file contains lines like something|something something| something|something something|something So a error will script will output "ERROR on line 2 - something|" $handle = @fopen("1.txt", "r"); if ($handle) { $count = 1; while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = trim(fgets($handle, 4096)); //echo $buffer."<br>"; $check = explode('|', $buffer); if ($check[1] == "" || $check[1] == " " ){ echo "ERROR on line {$count} - {$buffer}<br>"; } $count = $count +1; } fclose($handle); } Now all i need to do is delete that whole line from the file
Your right
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I was looking for! How would I list them without the array information? For example, make it say this: user1, user2, user3 This is more flexible: foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { echo $value; // add anything you want in front of or after }
Is this quicker than CURL or the same speed/resources??
[SOLVED] PHP MYSQL How To Page Break After 2 Rows
dreamwest replied to kirisutegomen's topic in PHP Coding Help
$result = mysql_query( "select stuff"); while ( $record = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ){ $counter = 0; echo $row['id']; if($counter == 2){ echo "Stopped!"; break; } $counter = $counter + 1; } -
mysql_query( "UPDATE `table` SET download = download + 1 WHERE id = 'your id here' ");
Your right. My way was getting a little buggy so i tried yours and it works. Thanks!
Finally figured it out # provide a universal error document RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /404.php?url=$1 [L] The just use $_GET in 404.php
Im interested in seeing what theyre after, itll give me some insite on how to better secure the site Over the last 5 mins ive had 5 different ips trying to access restricted files, i dont want to ban them yet i want to spy on them and see what they do
Almost what im looking for.. Im trying to track ppl trying to hack my site I have this in htaccess: ErrorDocument 404 /404.php , so whenever someone tries to guess urls: http://site.com/admin/something.php it will automatically go to http://site.com/404.php. But $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; isnt working for this.
How can i get the current url without being referred from another page. I can get a referred url : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] But if i just typed in the url in the address bar : http://site.com/url.php, how can i echo this url out
Im trying to create a unique field, but when i test it and try to insert a duplicate row i get a error error: Duplicate entry 'test' for key 2 Is there a way i can test the string "test" to see if its unique before inserting it??
Thanks, but it goes to 100, some searches only need to 2 pages, not all have 100 pages, the ones that dont have 100 pages just loop continuously until they get to 100. Yeah what i meant to say was - Your stuffed without a total . You need to be getting $content_count = ????????; which is the total amount of items from somewhere
$content_count = 1000; $page = $_GET['page']; $tpage = ceil( $content_count / 10 ); $startfrom = ( $page - 1 ) * 10; $prev = $page - 1; $next = $page + 1; $adjust = 9; if ( 1 < $page ) { $page_links .= "<a href='".$prev."'><< Prev</a><a href='1'>1</a>...."; } $k = $page - $adjust; for ( $page ; $k <= $page + $adjust; ++$k ) { if (( 0 < $k ) && ( $k <= $tpage ) ) { if(($page)==($k)){ $page_links.="<span> ".$k." </span>"; } else { $page_links .= "<a href='".$k."'>{$k}</a>"; } } } if ( $page < $tpage ) { $page_links .= ".....<a href='".$tpage."'>".$tpage."</a><a href='".$next."'>Next >></a>"; } echo $page_links; Your stuffed with a total
If your table looks like this: 1 table for users: userID(auto increment) username password.... 1 table for items id (auto increment) userID item desc image.... 1 table for userItems id (auto increment) userID itemID Then the query will be: $user = 2; $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users AS u, item as i WHERE u.userID = '{user]' and u.userID = i.userID "); Think of userID as your anchor to other tables
Your going to end up with a thousand queries if the user has a thousand items $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users AS u, item as i WHERE u.ID = i.ID "); echo "xml=<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<items>"; while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)){ echo "<val>". $line["ID"] . "</val>"; echo "<val>". $line["item"] . "</val>"; echo "<val>". $line["image"] . "</val>"; } echo "</items >"; Of couse thats assuming ID relates to the actual user and not auto increment I would have it like this 1 table for users: userID(auto increment) username password.... 1 table for items id (auto increment) userID item desc image.... 1 table for userItems id (auto increment) userID itemID
Yeah i know - you should see my compiled code, some pages are over 2000 lines. But regardless of this and the extra requests i bet you saw a decrease in frontend page loading time I went from having 10+ second loading times to < 1 second +- 0.5 seconds - thats what gets me excited Ill look into this...Im sure they wouldnt allow this bug
Have 1 table to store all users info Theres no benefit to having multiple tables if theyre on the same machine - and its easier to have them in one spot
If wikipedia says it is - it is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avant_Browser It doesnt make sense - ive tested normal code against smarty. My pages load within 1 second with smarty and has over 800 lines (formatted) of code. Smarty is slower without compile check because every time a page is viewed it checks to see if the file has been modified. So once youve finished designing the site use $smarty->compile_check = false; before displaying the templates and wella like magic So instead of running this all the time: <?php require './mysqltable_init.php'; echo '<h1>PHP Freaks Tutorials</h1>'; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '<div class="tutorial" id="tut-' . $row['content_id'] . '">' . '<h2>' . htmlentities($row['title']) . '</h2>' . '<small>' . date('F j, Y, H:i', strtotime($row['created_at'])) . '</small>' . '<div class="summary">' . htmlentities($row['summary']) . '</div>' . '<a href="' . htmlentities($row['permalink']) . '">Read more</a>' . '</div>'; } It only compiling the php page : <?php $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', '******'); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT content_id, title, permalink, summary, created_at FROM content ORDER BY created_at DESC'); because the template is already compiled Dont belive me? I dare you to try it in a real application, generate the template first by going to the php page then any further requests by anyone will be SUPA fast
Can you add this just under new Smarty and do the test again, im interested at seeing how fast this speeds it up: $smarty = new Smarty; $smarty->compile_check = false;
Lately i have been able to increase my sites performance with smarty by well over 500%. I can build apps in a fraction of the time than traditional scripting and enjoy the performance, i can assign a simple query: while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )){ $show_content[] = $row; } $smarty->assign( 'show_content', $show_content ); and pull bits and pieces out separating content and code {$show_content[i].field} Its all so simple and flexible - I lov it! I think this can go in my hall of fame for best apps 1. BING 2. Smarty 3. Avant browser
It just looks better. Having if($_COOKIE['snap']== "on" ) $snap = "on"; looks wrong. But having { is like having a border around the code to easily see the blocks if($_COOKIE['snap']== "on" ){ $snap = "on"; }
[SOLVED] Select only Rows with distinct values applying to 1 column
dreamwest replied to rmelino's topic in MySQL Help
$result = mysql_query("SELECT distinct * FROM table group by name"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo " <tr> <td>{$row['name']}</td> <td>{$row['city]}</td> <td>{$row['state']}</td> </tr>";