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Everything posted by dreamwest

  1. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { "<a href='view-listing.php?contact_id= " .$row['contact_id']. "'/>" .stripslashes($row['business_name']). "</a><br/>"; echo $row['address']. "<br/>"; echo $row['city']. ', '. $row['state']. ' '.$row['zip']."<br/>"; echo format_phone($row['phone']); echo "<br/><br/>"; }
  2. Just an adjust to the page links: This assumes you have 30 items per page $page = 1; $tpage = ceil( $total_pics / 30 ); $startfrom = ( $page - 1 ) * 30; $start_num = $startfrom + 1; $end_num = $startfrom + $total_pics; $prev = $page - 1; $next = $page + 1; $adjust = 9; if ( 1 < $page ) { $page_links_pics .= "<a class=pagination_prev href='".$prev."'><< Prev</a><a class=pagination_next href='1'>1</a>...."; } $k = $page - $adjust; for ( $page ; $k <= $page + $adjust; ++$k ) { if (( 0 < $k ) && ( $k <= $tpage ) ) { if(($page)==($k)){ $page_links_pics.="<span class=\"pagination_active\"> ".$k." </span>"; } else { $page_links_pics .= "<a class=pagination href='".$k."'>{$k}</a>"; } } } if ( $page < $tpage ) { $page_links_pics .= ".....<a class=pagination_next href='".$tpage."'>".$tpage."</a><a class=pagination_next href='".$next."'>Next >></a>"; }
  3. You can. In fact you can have millions of pages generated from one php page RewriteRule ^view=(.*) index.php?id=$1 [L,QSA] Where view can be anything http://site.com/view=kdjfkjkdj OR http://site.com/view=35331531 etc..
  4. Using classes to simply get remote data is overkill. I would personally exec curl directly to the xml play list and use pregmatch to separate the data
  5. Found a live demo http://kml-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/interactive/index.html Looks like fun!
  6. Yes. But you will need to style the <p> div.trans { width:400px; height:180px; margin:30px 50px; background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid black; /* for IE */ filter:alpha(opacity=60); /* CSS3 standard */ opacity:0.6; } div.trans p { margin:30px 40px; font-weight:bold; color:#000000; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="trans"> <p>Hi im testing my opacity</p> </div>
  7. Is there an api for google earth, i mean its still a program it could be converted to a script Anyways i think im on the right path: http://groups.google.com/group/kml-support
  8. Can i get Google Earth for my website? My laptop has a tough time running the application but it would be great to have it accessible from my own website. When i get bored i like to travel via google earth
  9. The htaccess option is the best ErrorDocument 404 /index.htm If your just using it to redirect wrong urls htaccess will do it for you, but if you really want to you can do it this way ErrorDocument 404 /error.php And in error.php function redirect( $url ){ if (! headers_sent( ) ){ header( "Location: ".$url ); exit( 0 ); } echo "<script language=Javascript>document.location.href='".$url."';</script>"; exit( 0 ); } redirect("http://site.com/"); //redirect anywhere you want
  10. I cooked up this: function video_gen($min=6,$max=6,$id){ /*has a default min value of 6 and maximum value of 6*/ $vid=""; // to store generated password for($i=0;$i<rand($min,$max);$i++){ $num=rand(48,122); if(($num >= 97 && $num <= 122)) $vid.=chr($num); else if(($num >= 65 && $num <= 90)) $vid.=chr($num); else if(($num >=48 && $num <= 57)) $vid.=chr($num); else $i--; } return $vid; } $vid = video_gen(6,6, 87458 ); $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM videos WHERE vid='{$vid}' "); if($result){ $video_num = mysql_num_rows( $result ); if ($video_num == 0) { mysql_query("insert into videos set vid ='{$vid}' "); } } Outputs somthing like "WcAEwG" Thus resulting in unique ids for every video......HOWEVER i think it would be a problem checking 180million + rows.
  11. How does youtube generate their video ids?? Most of them are only 5-12 chars long and they have over 180 Million videos watch?v=ewfFcmdSdck
  12. You dont need an xml list to redirect for a file download function redirect( $url ){ if (! headers_sent( ) ){ header( "Location: ".$url ); exit( 0 ); } echo "<script language=Javascript>document.location.href='".$url."';</script>"; exit( 0 ); } redirect("http://www.sqweasel.com/files/70dd27861e3dea2d.flv"); and in htaccess force the download # instruct browser to download multimedia files AddType application/octet-stream .avi AddType application/octet-stream .mpg AddType application/octet-stream .wmv AddType application/octet-stream .mp4 AddType application/octet-stream .mov
  13. $str = "&iuiihi&"; echo htmlentities($str);
  14. ErrorDocument 404 /index.htm Or within any page function redirect( $url ){ if (! headers_sent( ) ){ header( "Location: ".$url ); exit( 0 ); } echo "<script language=Javascript>document.location.href='".$url."';</script>"; exit( 0 ); }
  15. Thanks - works like a charm
  16. Thanks. But ive still need to keep the 2 foreach loops for processing reasons I still cant figure out how to create an array from a loop foreach($search as $word){ $row1 .= $word; } foreach($tags as $tag){ $row2 .= $tag; } $a = array_rand(array_merge($row1, $row2)); foreach($a as $all_row){ echo $all_row; }
  17. I have 2 seperate foreach loops is there a way i can intermix the results? foreach($search as $word){ $word; } foreach($tags as $tag){ echo $tag; } Both loop 5 times each. foreach word has: apple bannana orange peel grape foreach tag has seeds long color external round What i wanted to do was randomly intermix the 2 so it would look like something this: apple bannana seeds external orange peel long grape color round
  18. That got it - Thanks!
  19. I have a for loop and im trying to add the previous number to the next: for(blaablaa){ $total = 15; //first total is 15 second total is 2 echo $total; ++$total; } It just echos out 15 and 2 seperately, how can i add these so i get 17
  20. If something costs 30 bucks, it isn't free. Your more intelligent than that.....You know what i mean Anyway whats $30 its like nothing, ill spend $70 on lunch 4 times a week
  21. In austrilaia you can get a usb plugin for 30 bucks that gets every channel in Australia for free. It also has the ability to receive any channel in the world, if your ariel/dish is strong enough. Something like this could be modified to receive receptions from the internet instead of an ariel
  22. Your page is offset by md5 checksum , if the md5 is the same the crawler wont spider it again. Changing the title all the time wont affect how relevant the page is. eg. the old http://site.com/page.html will be overwritten with your new http://site.com/page.html page
  23. $html = file_get_contents('http://www.megaupload.com'); //d=SFMTFBRV preg_match_all('~d\s?=\s?(.*?)~is', $html, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $link) { $link = trim($link); echo "http://www.megaupload.com/?{$link}<br>"; }
  24. Why? Im getting scared! I have no idea how much a mysql table can hold. And my hosting company limits databases over 150MB
  25. I have a database with 2 million + rows and about 70MB in size, i want to move my inserts to another database but still query the original and the new one at the same time i may end up with 20 or so databases this size and still need to simultaneously query them. Is there an easy way to query multiple databases with the same fields?? I can do this as 2 seperate queries but if i can i would like to combine it into one query 2 seperate queries/databases: $con1 = mysql_connect("local", "user", "pass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db1", $con1) or die(mysql_error()); // make another connection for saving purposes $con2 = mysql_connect("local", "user", "pass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db2", $con2) or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * from sites order by id asc ", $con2) or die(mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows( $result ); etc....
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