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Everything posted by activeserver

  1. Replying to old thread for completing the discussion: if you want just one user and a few domains try this one: http://www.webuzo.com/ Has a free license with basic functions intact.
  2. http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/91 Also, google: "zend search lucene" No other popular(==supported) option that I know of. if you can separate the indexing from the server that does the main stuff.... that will help a lot. But that's not practical(bandwidth, https) or secure(http), IMO, on a shared host.
  3. Er.... I'm not asking for a timestamp just an estimate. (I know the cvs snapshot is de facto version 6, but a "release" has more weight....) Also, is it a good idea to start using "namespace" and "phar" in new code being written now? Googled and searched but could not find much. Even a few relevant links will be helpful. TIA
  4. [1] If you have the time for it, could you publish anonymized versions of logs of the results of these tests. Those would be a great help for everyone, including me Lots of people learning PHP (it takes much more than one paying project, trust me) out there don't have the resources to repeat-test their own sites by paying for hosting and asking testers here to test the same things. These reports would be very helpful to the community here at phpfreaks and if done correctly would also give a little more weight to your "portfolio" or "skillset" section on your personal business site. Just my thoughts, be free to ignore or correct In fact, may I suggest anyone who has such data and a little time to spare (without taking risks, of course) to publish such reports. Security researchers do a lot of this stuff, but a set of real, hand-edited, not-so-polished, plainspeak data has its uses and target audience. Again, feel free to ignore or correct [2] I am no designer, and you did not ask for design ideas, but IMO, a 2-column layout inside the main part, would probably get across more info to your users on the first page itself. (Please ignore if it conflicts any of your decisions...) A look at http://www.1234.info/webtemplates/ will explain what i'm trying to say. Since you're not making money on ads, and your visitors are on broadband, your site might be that much more helpful to users in finding information.
  5. another thing: asking intelligent questions needs your audience to be intelligent... which is not a reliable thing....
  6. I'm as new to questchas as you are. But it think there's a few things worth mentioning here: IMO (strictly), every site isn't hammered by captcha beating bots - those guys direct their time and energy at productive cracking - which gives them paswords and financial info. So, for a time questchas may work. all depends on your luck, IMO Reading answers requires the page scraper bots to read the answers - which is what the captcha obfuscates by using images. Why can't we obfuscate using Javascript, so that only real browsers execute the javascript and not command-line bots? Much the infamous exploits the crackers try for cross-site scripting injection. Of course they could very well embed javascript parsers and all, but if your site has no valuable information to reveal, they would not waste their time.... Yes, "alpha males" have a lot of time and enthusiasm, I know So "blue" will be string.replace("clue", "c", "B").tolowercase() .. something of that kind (pardon syntax errors) I'm not sure this is great, something good may spring from this line of thought....
  7. in general, the unwritten rule is to read source code of widely deployed web applications. basically, you get the source code, read it, even if you don't understand much in the first week, a few weeks later (i am slow ) you will. http://api.qcodo.com/index.php/QDatabaseBase, for example
  8. activeserver

    email link

    Hey, nice. New to me. Thanks for posting. I would have used a CSS class for those 'a' elements that I needed to handle this way...
  9. (In reply to my own question about topic bookmarks above....) Bookmarking can be done by clicking "Notify" on any thread. Just be careful as to not disable when you click "notify" a second time - that is, read the popup message box for enable/disable. [pre]"Profile"(top nav bar on every page) -> "Modify profile" (tab on the left side) -> "Notifications and email"[/pre] Essentially the same thing as bookmarks
  10. Hi all, I'm writing a big app (big for me - 300-500 lines per page - 50+ pages ) and I've decided to use $_SESSION to sore intermediate data. The part for which I'm using $_SESSION is not high-volume - registration and form filling - which will be done *once* by any user, so using $_SESSION may be OK for now High traffic pages will have no memory usage - lest I exceed memory on shared hosting and crash other people's apps I'm completely fed up completely of typing long names like $_SESSION['RegSection']['Email'], $_SESSION['RegSection']['FirstName'] etc. So, I want to ask: Is there a way of using aliases to refer to $_SESSION simply as '$s'? or this: $s =& $_SESSION['RegSection']; followed by $s['Email'] = $something_else; etc etc import_request_variables() is only for GPC - http://php.net/manual/en/function.import-request-variables.php and extract() is not useful either Any help is greatly appreciated TIA
  11. heh, i think you should also ask on the forum of your linux distro or at linuxquestions , linuxhq or linuxforums . and please do post the relevant answer link here tia
  12. A lot depends on what software you plan to use If you have an app framework like Cake or Symfony in PHP, for example, you can merrily do a lot of good things pretty quickly - including roles/permissions tables and stuff like that. OTOH, if the app is smallish and has not much complexity behind it, and maybe will not scale up either, then a few ugly hacks can do the job. how much time do you have and finally, how much is it worth... if it's something you would like to put on your CV/Bio then do it good, with a full framework et al, even if it's a bit slow coz i don't see a traffic of more than 10 users per second. perl users sometimes use flat files for small apps (sounding just like this one)
  13. You dont need to follow any hard-and-fast rules, IMO. You could make a custom "permission updater" or "BulkUpdater" class Like there are "data loader" utilities with just that much description, it's difficult to give you a good answer because it seems you want things to speed up as well - which is called optimization - and to optimize, you need to know a lot about the structure. fwiw, the MVC concept should have been called CMV and maybe even CMV/IPO, coz that's what it is exactly. ( IPO for Input-processing-output, but that's another story.... ) More info needed for anything concrete... hth
  14. does this give some clues: 1. http://php.net/soundex and http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_string_soundex.asp and 2. http://php.net/levenshtein and http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_string_soundex.asp If things work well for you, please be kind to post the results. thanks
  15. get "firebug" and "web developer toolbar" for firefox and spend some time with them - after a couple of days, you will never live without them
  16. Standard Servlets, JSP, Struts or what else have you... a little googling should get you to a quick solution. see tutorialized.com or javaranch.com for JSP/Servlets/Struts. Use some popular framework like Struts or Spring or JSP. Don't wase time or effort on servlets if you can things done in an easier way... hth
  17. more: http://www.objectsource.com/ Especially: http://www.objectsource.com/Struts_Survival_Guide.pdf Page 24, Fig 1.3 Page 27 Fig 1.4 Enjoy!
  18. This is a page where controller routing is well explained: http://phpfuse.net/wiki/index.php?title=FuseURIRouter In general, IMO, we PHP programmers must stay in touch with the latest programming tricks (aka "patterns") in other languages or platforms, because PHP has some advantages which those do not and this extra power of PHP when combined with the well-organised "patterns" can create auick solutions. In particular, IMO, everyone interested in this MVC thing must read about "Struts" xml configuration files, "Model2", and "fat controller problem". Really nice stuff. HTH someone
  19. Maybe this helps explain what I am trying to say.... http://imagebin.ca/view/oMmP1Mh.html comments welcome
  20. Maybe this helps: (SELECT distinct(cat_name) from products WHERE $whereclause ) UNION (SELECT distinct(cat_2_name) from products WHERE $whereclause);
  21. I'm no expert, but I'll just add my opinion, fwiw. I prefer to think that a "routing table" is a good idea for an MVC architecture. Actually it should be called CMV because the order is C -> M -> V , but that's another topic So, further detailing it, we get this: User HTTP-Req + Data -> Routing Table (first lookup) -> Model / Business Logic / Database access -> Routing Table (second lookup) -> View / HTTP Response First lookup of Routing Table answers this question: "Which is the right business logic component or class or script to handle this form and data?" Second lookup of Routing Table answers this question: "Which is the right view component or class or script to display this form and data? And also, what further input form or interactive element should be shown to the user?" open to discussion
  22. Maybe you could look at it as an opportunity to learn and add to your skillset? If I were in your place I would take the time to implement a db solution, dump about 10,000 dummy records, then run on both solutions and then write an article at a php site explaining the whole speed and optimization thing and try to make some money out of the article as well (er.. no guarantees... ) But, if you have very little time and the data wont scale up to 10 times, maybe the app will work with flat file. The more important thing is how many concurrent users will use your app. If it's more than say 5-10 per second then you should definitely go to a db solution. If it's a small user base like totally 5-10 users ever, then flat-file is fine. OTOH If you're learning and if it's part of your studies or work, don't count the money or time.
  23. assuming i understood ur q correctly, http://www.google.com/search?q=zmanda amanda zmanda and if you have CPanel access it has a whole-site backup script on the first page. Of course you could also make your own script.... Your stored proceures - you might have to backup manually, but that's fair - it's your *source code* hth
  24. Got that. Never mind. *One* valuable resource is something anyone would save to multiple locations on disk This set of forums has more like hundreds of good replies or threads. That's where the problem begins. ctrl+D begins to become troublesome for me. I jolly well understand that to add such a feature, you might have to divert quite some time and energy So fine I'll work around with something like a firefox extension for delicious / yoono / furl / ... Ok. Opera is good for this
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