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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. ucfirst(); to make things uppercase, and your other idea won't work it is hard to make it create spaces without knowing where they are, try renaming your db tables to use a seperator for words, like wordone could be word_one
  2. And you want us to modify it for you? Try and modify it yourself and when you hit an error or problem then ask us to help you fix it, we are not here to do work for free but to help.
  3. Wow, your still trying to get the forum to build your site for you, even though i have recommended sites to learn php and there are hundreds on the net. Edit: also i just took a look at that link and it doesn't say that people with asperger have problems learning, just communicating with others.
  4. Btw if this is solved then click solved in the bottom left of the thread.
  5. try putting session start at the top of the code, make sure it is before everything else (including any PHP or html code)
  6. Also remove the @ from the sql query, and add or die(mysql_error()) to it. Example $sql = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
  7. Are you sure it doesn't parse the code like PHP does, and run the function instead of reading it literal
  8. This will teach u regex http://www.webcheatsheet.com/php/regular_expressions.php Which is what that /\s\s+/ is
  9. Either (i think), it might read 'NOW()' literally though
  10. When you want to update it use NOW() as the value in the query
  11. You said str_replace didn't work,lol, next time show us the code of your attempts
  12. yes, explode(".",l-193-160.sheridanc.on.ca); i think
  13. echo $prev_page, see if it correct, also make sure you have no output before the header
  14. do you have session start at the top of both pages?
  15. Use $_GET e.g. http://mysite.com/login.php?previous_page=http://mysite.com/forum.php and then do Obviously needs more security etc. //login stuff if(isset($_GET['previous_page'])) { //after login header("Location:".$_GET['previous_page']); }
  16. Another example http://djw-webdesign.awardspace.com/code.php?snippet=9
  17. Use header or meta refresh to automatically redirect, also you can't have ;;; it will produce an error, you only need one ;
  18. look at the mail function, or the unset function to auto delete the file once downloaded.
  19. If it saves the id you then query on each page to get the user details using the ID as a reference.
  20. It must be sent with html chars made special then, try using rawurldecode (i think it is)
  21. Your code will just redirect any way unless their is a problem updating.
  22. Have you tried just doing return $newstring; on its own?
  23. Where is $username defined and also you are comparing the username to the userid in the query.
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