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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. In that long if/else if statement you have no else, so the row might not be one of the clauses of the statements and be blank? Need more info really
  2. O right, just read that erm yeah it will make things a bit more complicated. What i would advise then is to maybe store the images and times in an array and sort the array by time, i am not %100 on that though.
  3. Host could be blocking it
  4. If you have the time added stored then in the SQL query add ORDER time_added DESC replace time_added with the name of the column that contains the time the image was added. Also please use code tags
  5. The conversion.. http://uk.php.net/htmlentities
  6. There is not a secuirty issue with strip_tags but htmlentities will be quicker (i think). Htmlentities converts any tags into html special chars, e.g. a space might become &nsbp; (or something :s)
  7. Try deleting $cast = mysql_fetch_array($result); (the one before the loop) To explain, here you are reading the first row from the table and placing the pointer there then in the loop you are looping through all the rows starting one after the pointer.
  8. If this is to secure it before insertion into a db then remove strip tags, then it is done. If it is to secure before printing on the page then remove mysql_real_escape_string, and change strip_tags($data,"") to htmlentities($data); And yes magic quotes can affect the input by adding slashes to it (on quotation marks), but it can be disabled. Google php manual magic quotes http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php
  9. The "instant part" is ajax
  10. I will settle for 10k and you got your self a deal
  11. Please wait at least 12 hours before bumping threads, no thread is more important than the next
  12. Sorry :s i wrote that wrong, i meant that he should have a fairly good knowledge of PHP and that he shouldn't be asking us to help with simple stuff, but again we won't find out until he posts a question. EDIT: ok that proved it, If you don't know how to do the job don't apply for it, why are you so desperate for us to help you cheat, we can provide links to sites that teach you php. If you can't pass the test then tell them
  13. Yes but he would want the person to be able to know PHP and not need to ask for help, i suppose time will tell when we see what he wants help on. I don't agree. If the test indeed is being sent to him via email, and it is to be done at home, we may assume that the employer also wants to check, if the potential emplyee knows how to look for information if needed. If it was a test just to test his PHP coding skills, it would be done in controlled environment.
  14. No, can a mod lock or delete this thread and any he starts which are similar. You are asking if we will help you get a job which you can't do. Why do you want to deceive your employer like that, think about your actions and don't ask us to help you in your deception.
  15. I assume you have a question? If the question is does facebook use ajax for this then yes they do.
  16. First off most of what you wrote makes no sense, second please put php tags in as it provides syntax highlighting making it easier to read, third why are you using str_replace if you are manually writing it ?
  17. Don't forget to click solved
  18. What i believe is that when you first begin you should just offer lowish rates to get some work for portfolio and to get in contact with contractors. Because one job can lead to many, for example i have only done 1 big job so far and i got about £400 out of it all together i think, and that was pretty cheap but since then the client has more small things to do to the site, and asks for quotes for bigger site improvements and also puts me in touch with other people he knows. Also some jobs may lead to you getting a kinda contract job with the client where they will continuously use you to do any changes to the site.
  19. but tbh all day long I see people coming and going around here that claim to deliver but fail, and then come crying for us to help them swallow what they bit off, and I'm just like wtf if I knew who you were working for I'd go to them and steal your project, lol. Lol, don't i know it I have helped a lot of people in the help section who post code saying that it needs to be soon. If you say you can do it then can't don't expect the person to be giving you much more work.
  20. So maybe i should more, i am always worried about scaring people off with more expensive prices
  21. Well in that it included full login and registration system (one for businesses and one for clients), a way to purchase advertising space (and dynamic advertising categories) and a small admin cp where the admin can review and approve purchases etc.. and edit/add categories. But for just a small simple login (enter text, validates, creates sessions) i charged £5
  22. Ok, well based on what you said i think i really should re consider my prices. For a full conversion from ASP to PHP i charged about £300 ( i don't know the dollar amount )
  23. If you expect a proper answer then we need to know what services you offer and your skill level
  24. Wow, i am way too cheap then
  25. It can all depend on your skill, the size of the job, the complexity of the job, etc.
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