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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. Use .htaccess so that when someone requests mysite.com/productname it actually loads mysite.com/product.php?product=productname_or_id
  2. No problem, you might want to look into some database tutorials to help get your head around some db stuff.
  3. Because they are images and will go to the next line depending on image size i believe.
  4. I would do something like $array = array("quote1","quote2"); shuffle($array); echo $array[rand(0,count($array))]; Edit: If you are getting the quotes from a db then use ORDER BY RAND() in your query
  5. Stop being lazy and try it, stealing script you don't understand wont get you anywhere.
  6. Might be your or die statement running, put error_reporting(E_ALL); at the top of the page
  7. Yes the best way to this is to have one query which will get the process (use a while loop to loop through each process) then in the loop you will have two queries (or one joined query) to get the inputs and outputs, then use php to echo them or create an image using them
  8. Or meta refresh http://www.i18nguy.com/markup/metatags.html
  9. It won't have an exact tutorial on their for that but does have all the parts required. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/forms.php http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysqldelete.php
  10. to change a type from checkbox to text it would be <input type[b/]="text"> not style Also the checkbox is actually within the form tags yes?
  11. So if i am getting it correct, you have a table with inputs? And one with outputs? Or are they both in one table, and you want to loop through each input and find the process and then the outputs for that process?
  12. Yes except session_register is deprecated, so it should now be $_SESSION['session_name'] = $session_value; And try to use <?php instead of <? just better coding practice
  13. Where the hell did you get that idea from, the name box[] just means the data is added to the array called box, it is not a literal name.
  14. Are you in any way using ini_set and changing the SMTP settings ?
  15. We are not here to make your site bit by bit for you, please try and work it out on your own. http://tizag.com and http://w3schools.com are great places to learn php
  16. This line is causing them to be converted to HTML characters i believe return rawurlencode($newstring); Try changing it to return $newstring;
  17. No, i suggest you read better, i asked if you know mysql, you didn't state that you didn't in your post.
  18. If you tell us exactly what you need to do then i will be able to advise you on how to do it.
  19. I meant in the code you posted as it has syntax highlighting.
  20. Please use php tags. Code doesn't need to look pretty and escaping characters is fine. But if you don't want to then you can do $var = <<something stuff something>> that would allow you to insert html without the need of escaping. Or similar, one of the other members may know
  21. No it shouldn't, you can't run a loop through a variable, each loop is run separately.
  22. Have you heard of Google? Do you even know mysql?
  23. That will only loop through the rows in $query1, have you check how many row are in their ?
  24. No, that is not what i meant when you use it in links and/or submit them as pages in your site map it can make the search engine believe it is a directory and in effect come up with a 404
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