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Posts posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. Well in that it included full login and registration system (one for businesses and one for clients), a way to purchase advertising space (and dynamic advertising categories) and a small admin cp where the admin can review and approve purchases etc.. and edit/add categories.


    But for just a small simple login (enter text, validates, creates sessions) i charged £5

  2. Thanks for your thoughts i will pass them onto the designer.


    The css thing (which also affects the validation) is due to the fact that making CSS which is browser friendly (for most browsers) and resolution friendly (for most resolutions) is a lot harder than using tables.


    But i would prefer CSS so we can implement multiple styles.

  3. This should show any errors

    mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password) or die("Cannot connect to db ".mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db($database) or die("Cannot find DB ".mysql_error());
    $query = "UPDATE registration 
    SET playerfirst = '$playerfirst', 
    playerlast = '$playerlast', 
    playeraddress = '$playeraddress', 
    playercity = '$playercity', 
    playerstate = '$playerstate', 
    playerzipcode = '$playerzipcode', 
    guardianphone = '$homephone', 
    guardiancell = '$cellphone', 
    playeremail = '$playeremail', 
    playerage = '$playerage', 
    playerweight = '$playerweight', 
    playerheight = '$playerheight', 
    playergrade = '$playergrade', 
    playerposition = '$playerposition', 
    playerlevel = '$playerlevel', 
    playercoach = '$playercoach', 
    playercountry = '$playercountry', 
    roommate = '$roommate', 
    guardianwork = '$workphone', 
    guardianfirst = '$guardianfirst', 
    guardianlast = '$guardianlast', 
    guardianemail = '$guardianemail', 
    emergencyfirst = '$emergencyfirst', 
    emergencylast = '$emergencylast', 
    emergencyhome = '$emergencyhomephone', 
    emergencycell = '$emergencycellphone', 
    emergencyemail = '$emergencyemail' 
    WHERE user = '$user'";
    mysql_query($query) or die("Cannot run query ".mysql_error());

  4. If i understand correct, then like


                         <?php $i = 5;
                            while($i <= 50)
                               if($i == $limit) 
                                  $s = "SELECTED";
                                   $s = "";
                               echo '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . $s . '>' . $i . '</option>';
                               $i += 5;


    Edit ignore that is it practically the same as you have, what function is passing limit? and try echoing limit within the loop to see if it is correct

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