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Posts posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. What do you mean replace the limit everytime, do you mean restart the count or change the current url?


    if the latter then do


    echo '<a style="display: inline block; padding: 5px;" href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/?limit=' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a>';


    Without more info about the url, i can't help much more

  2. Ok, well it could be something to do with sprint_f

    (i have never used it like that)


    This is how i would do it


      $insertSQL ="INSERT INTO response (request_ID, questions_ID, options_ID, details, customer_ID) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['rid'])."', '".$var."', '".$value."','".$value."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cid'])."')";


    Also check the actual db to see if it has been inserted.

  3. SELECT bandname,songname FROM table WHERE bandname LIKE '%".$query."%' OR songname LIKE '%".$query."%'"



    If you mean the column names (bandname, songname) this is just the columns of the table you will search and retrieve although you can use * for all of the columns.


    The quotes




    Are not needed, i just like doing them as it is easier to read (when variables stand out) in my opinion but you can do



  4. It should be ok, but if you want to turn your site into an image hosting company like imageshack(which is the impression i am getting) then eventually you will need to get a dedicated server due to high load.


    But all depends on how much traffic you are planning on getting.

  5. I don't know an exact figure but loads, it will not be much different to people requesting the image directly through the URL.


    But you wouln't need to use file_get_contents(); unless you want to hide the image URL from the source code.

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