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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. i don't think you can use two different header types, there is no logical reason to need to, rethink your code logic.
  2. Don't repost, just remeber for the future. I will not write the code for you, but will point you in the direction. How i would do it is using Javascript, with the onclick event, and either use innerHTML or just css visibility property's. e.g. <script> function ClickMeInnerHTML(ID) { div = document.getElementById(ID); div.innerHTML = "This was wrote by javascript" } function clickMeCSS(ID) { div = document.getElementById(ID); div.style.visibility = "visible"// if it doesnt work try div.style.visibility = true } </script> <a href="Javascript:ClickMeInnerHTML('test2');">Inner HTML</a> <a href="Javascript:clickMeCSS('test');">CSS way</a> <span id="test" style="visibility:hidden;">Hidden then revealed</span> <br> <span id="test2"></span> Un-tested.
  3. Btw why are you calling the same span tag inside a span tag <span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px;"><b>Number of Cores:</b> <?php echo "<span style=\"font-family: arial; font-size: 11px;\">"; echo "<b>Number of Cores:</b> "; if ($model == ABC) echo " - 2"; echo "</span>"; echo "<br />"; ?> </span>
  4. Javascript or Ajax, but this has nothing to do with php so please post in the correct forum sections.
  5. Please post the part of the code where the problem is, the exact few lines (5 above and below should be more than enough) This will allow us to see the problem.
  6. I don't know GD but this is your main problem line imagecopyresampled($tmp,"/$d/$i",0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height); Please checks the vars , and make sure they contain what you expect. This will help http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecopyresampled.php
  7. @Corbin, i was thinking of saying that but thought it might be rude, but o`well its true, i don't think he coded the page being shown.
  8. So all the PHP bits? that you have removed for some obscure reason, and therefore we can't help at all without seeing it. Please print the source code from the browser.
  9. Shh, lol, i couldn't think of one he/she has definitely used. But it show the principle
  10. Lol, DarkWater you are proving Thorpe right. Btw OP if the topic is solved there is a link at the bottom left.
  11. error_reporting(E_ALL); and there is some php.ini one i cant remeber .
  12. Hang on, what do you want? Have you used something like echo(); ? That is a php function, so duh dah, you know how to use a function now.
  13. This really has nothing to do with PHP, it is a HTML problem, and no he can't tell you where to look in the HTML without seeing the page source, BTW even if you have a non-disclosure agreement, it shouldn't matter if you show us source code as it is visible when the site is live anyway.
  14. My advice to you is not to make problems out of nothing, i will not suggest anything else as you will most likely find a problem in that. Try making the code work then work on any problems you have.
  15. But that is a waste of time it will easier to just put the code onto a live host.
  16. Maybe when the person adds it to there basket or looks at it, set it in the database as sold (or similar), and if they buy it then it will be removed if not then it will be active after a few minutes? So make a timestamp as well.
  17. I think you can only do that if you have set up a mail server on the LAN. Or if they have a database you can send messages through that like a PM system. But this has nothing to do with PHP as it only works if they have a php server installed
  18. That means magic quotes are on Look at this to disable http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php
  19. Ok, one last test echo the $message out after each change e.g. $message = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mailtext'], ENT_QUOTES); echo "Stage 1: ".$message;//do this after every change. $message = mysql_real_escape_string($message); $message = trim($message); $message = strip_tags($message); $message = nl2br($message);
  20. Do what i said. To view the source code right click on the page then view source.
  21. Yes, but the help is voluntary so stop bumping ,we are not paid and we do not have to help if someone knows the answer they will post it, bumping just annoys people.
  22. That might be the problem, the file may be read only try changing its permission. And please stop bumping this thread.
  23. Echo it out onto the page , before sending and post the source code.
  24. I beleive it is dynamic, but still the if statement seems pointless if it is, so it must be hard coded. Still without seing his code it is impossible to guess.
  25. That made no sense at-all, but were is $myid defined, etc. we need to see proper code.
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