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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. OK, first off i believe your foreach loop will cause an error, as i only want one image shown each time, and second off that is what my code did look like, but i found it was showing the same image after it's self a lot, that's what my code now stops, but i think it is inefficient.
  2. try adding echo $file; echo "<br>"; print_r($_FILES); underneath $file = 'ad_img.png'; $type = 'image/png'; Just to see if what is going on
  3. Then do something like if(isset($_POST['the_field_name_for_the_upload_box'])) { //do upload stuff } else { //nothing attempting to be uploaded }
  4. Can anyone see a way to make a better way of making sure that the same avatar doesn't appear in a row. e.g. pic1 then pic2 then pic2. My code work's but i think there are better ways to do it. <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['random']))// check for the session that contains the random number used for the previous avatar then unset it. { unset($_SESSION['random']);//unset the session } // fill the list with avatars, each seperated by a comma $avatars = array( "http://www.avatarity.com/avatars/7/78/7865.jpg", "http://www.avatarity.com/avatars/6/66/6687.gif", "http://www.avatarity.com/avatars/4/45/4578.gif", "http://www.avatarity.com/avatars/13/137/13746.gif", "http://i9.tinypic.com/6su42nt.gif", "http://i8.tinypic.com/6ob6qv8.gif" ); $avatar_amount = count($avatars);//set the amount of avatars there are in the list $_SESSION['random'] = rand(0,$avatar_amount);//generate the random avatar number if(!isset($_SESSION['num']))//check if there was a previous avatar number { $_SESSION['num'] = $_SESSION['random'];//if not then create one } function random_check() { if($_SESSION['num'] == $_SESSION['random'])//check if the previous avatar number is the same as the current one, if so generate a new one, { $_SESSION['random'] = rand(0,$avatar_amount); random_check(); } return true; } header("content-type: image/gif");//set the header for gifs, the common avatar image type if(random_check())//run the function to check the avatar numbers { echo readfile($avatars[$_SESSION['random']]);//print the avatar } $_SESSION['num'] = $_SESSION['random'];// set the old session number to the current one. ?>
  5. Try <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Geography Trainer Question Tool Panel</title> </head> <body> <?php // Make a MySQL Connection mysql_connect("localhost", "dink87522_dink", "dinky") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("dink87522_db1") or die(mysql_error()); $question = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['question']); $question = stripslashes($question); $answer = stripslashes($_POST['answer']); $answer = mysql_real_escape_string($answer); $q = "INSERT INTO moon (question, answer) VALUES('$question','$answer')"; $rs = mysql_query($q) or die("Problem with the query: $q<br>" . mysql_error()); echo "Question successfully added"; ?> <br> <a href="quiz.php">Go Back to Question Tool Panel</a> </body> </html> I made it easier to read and fixed the error which was echo "Question successfully added"; You missed that closing tag, so it mucked up the rest of the script.
  6. Don't forget if you write a script and hit a problem, post here, people will help and then you can learn what mistake you made.
  7. I think this will be good guidance for you http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_file_upload.asp
  8. Why have you bumped 4 times in 15 minutes?
  9. I believe you said it was some sort of login for your site, if so then i wouldn't make it so complicated.
  10. I think your script may be too advanced and overly complicated for your purpose
  11. <script> function change_iframe() { i_frame = document.getElementById("i_frame"); host = window.location.hostname; locat = "http://xyz.com/file.php?id="+host; i_frame.src=locat; } </script> <body onload="change_iframe()"> <iframe id="i_frame" src=""></iframe> Guaranteed to work, tried and tested. Modified: To add a get code feature <script> host = window.location.hostname; locat = "http://xyz.com/file.php?id="+host; function change_iframe() { i_frame = document.getElementById("i_frame"); i_frame.src=locat; } function get_code() { div = document.getElementById("code"); code = '<textarea rows="2" cols="50"><iframe src="'+locat+'"></iframe></textarea>'; div.innerHTML = code; } </script> <body onload="change_iframe()"> <iframe id="i_frame" src=""></iframe> <br> <a href="Javascript:get_code();">Get Code</a> <div id="code"> </div>
  12. Ahh, i knew it was something like that, i haven't used it for a long time. Edit:Not completely wrong, only slightly
  13. Erm.. <?php $isMobile = strpos($au,"sony");//get the amount of occurrences of sony in the string(i believe) if ($isMobile >= 1) //if the amount of (sony's) in the string is 1 or more then. { $location='mobile/index.php'; header ('Location: '.$location);// redirect page to here exit; } else {//else exit the page exit; } ?>
  14. sorry , i assumed you had already noticed that error, or i would of pointed it out,
  15. A .htaccess file maybe using it's password protection feature, or a page that checks and include it in all the folders files. Yes, i don't quite get the question so i can't say much more. Yes, if i understand you correct, you can put a date in the file and check the date in comparison.
  16. @crayon, thanks i was thinking it might be out of something like $var !== false ? something : something
  17. Here <script> host = window.location.hostname; locat = "http://xyz.com/file.php?id=" locat = locat+host; document.getElementById('i_frame').src = locat; </script> <iframe id="i_frame" src=""></iframe> Try that
  18. Solved, and yes i am planning on downloading them just wanted to get the code working.
  19. That would kill the page if there was no instance of the word in the var.
  20. Lol. This is a PHP forum, if you want javascript help ask in the JS forum.
  21. My code is just <?php header("content-type: image/gif"); $avatars = array( "http://www.avatarist.com/avatars/Games/Sonic-The-Hedgehog/Sonic-animated.gif", "http://www.avatarist.com/avatars/Games/Sonic-The-Hedgehog/Tails-salutes.gif", "http://www.avatarist.com/avatars/Games/Sonic-The-Hedgehog/Sonic-and-Shadow-transform.gif", "http://www.avatarist.com/avatars/Games/Sonic-The-Hedgehog/Knuckles2.gif"); echo readfile($avatars[rand(0,3)]); ?> Just an extra question without wasting forum space, i need the site to use .htaccess to make the site address http://spearbang.awardspace.com/avatar.gif instead of it being http://spearbang.awardspace.com/avatar.php How can i do this? Will this do RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^avatar.gif avatar.php [NC,L]
  22. Ahh, thanks, i have only used headers like this once using image gd, never with reading from files like so.
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