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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. echo "<td>" . '<a href="?id='$row['id']'">'$row['name']'[/url]' ."</td>"; should be echo "<td><a href='?id=".$row['id']."'>".$row['name']."</a></td>";
  2. yer, are you on a private dedicated. Also i think it may be to reduce spam emails being sent.
  3. And we have given it all in this thread. edit: look through here for an answer to your second question http://uk3.php.net/strings
  4. you have to try and do it on your own, not expect us to write it all for you. Go on what we have given you , and try to figure it out.
  5. yer, on my host it has to be , as the registered email adress is the smtp username , i think, so it is needed to be correct, unless you use phpmailer
  6. lol, thats what i thought, but i cba now with people who cant ask questions
  7. learn PHP , and then you can do all of that. We are here to help you with the code, not create it. Here is the logic for your questions. Submit the form using $_POST or $_GET , then check the mandatory fields, by checking there field length or something similar , then validate the email address, and then process the data.
  8. you have the $email var before session start , y?? it wont work then
  9. show your code, as it will work
  10. you havent told us what the problems are.
  11. Whats the problem?? also add some error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL); and something like ini_set(ERROR_REPORTING);
  12. This is PHP help. Please post in the correct forum.
  13. ok , first off this <select name="whoto" size="1" id="whoto"><?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['whoto']).'"';} ?> <option></option> <option value="your@email.com">contact1</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact2</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact3</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact4</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact5</option> </select> wrong it should be <select name="whoto" size="1" id="whoto"> <option selected="selected" <?php if (isset($missing)) echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['whoto']).'"'; ?>><?php if (isset($missing)) echo htmlentities($_POST['whoto']); ?></option> <option value="your@email.com">contact1</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact2</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact3</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact4</option> <option value="your@email.com">contact5</option> </select> The rest ,looks ok at a quick glance.
  14. ok, show your try and we will help show you where it went wrong
  15. change this $_SESSION['logged'] = 1; // Sets the session. header("Location: members.php?email=$email"); // Goes to main page. to $_SESSION['logged'] = 1; // Sets the session. $_SESSION['email'] = $email; header("Location: members.php"); // Goes to main page. and on members.php $email=$_GET['email']; to $email=$_SESSION['email'];
  16. As far as i know , there isnt a pre-made one. You will need to write your own.
  17. you can store it in a session or cookie, or send it using $_POST
  18. how should i know , you have shown i line of code. And please start learning , we are here to help coding , not to do it for you. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/ http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/
  19. Please mark solved then.
  20. You are echoing it in the wrong place.
  21. Erm ,just a side note Why not just use the session_id();??
  22. Are you echoing the id?
  23. If thats all , click solved.
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