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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. If you show ure HTML i maybe able to help.
  2. You would probably have to rethink your code logic, or change the html.
  3. Its bad practice to use short tags. Also if the topic is solved, press topic solved at the bottom.
  4. in the drop down list <option value="VALUE(PHP thing here)">Option1</option >
  5. Store it as the value
  6. If the actuall script has been edited, then no its not something done through the site, it will be direct access to the code.
  7. You want it to happen without loading? Then look at ajax If not just make it post on change , and that will get the details in the post, then you can edit.
  8. Please make sure you post in the correct forum, this is for coding help. And an anwser is , make a CMS. Google it if you dont no what it is.
  9. oops, needed a bit more but no there not neaded , try this <td class="labelcell">Name:</td> <td class="fieldcell"><input name="name" id="name" type="text" tabindex="1" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['name'])){echo $_POST['name'];}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="labelcell">E-mail:</td> <td class="fieldcell"><input name="e_mail" id="e_mail" type="text" tabindex="2" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['e_mail'])){echo $_POST['e_mail'];}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="labelcell">Telephone:</td> <td class="fieldcell"><input name="tel" id="tel" type="text" tabindex="3" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['tel'])){echo $_POST['tel'];}" /></td>
  10. <?php echo $name; ?> <?php echo $e_mail; ?> <?php echo $tel ; ?> These are not defined Without really looking just do <?php echo isset($name); ?> <?php echo isset($e_mail); ?> <?php echo isset($tel); ?>
  11. Try reading the error What does it mean?? The var is undefined, it doesnt exist. Show the code for the form.
  12. Ahh i thought you where posting the code as an anwser, thats why i asked lozl.
  13. I didnt read much about the SOAP one, but why cant you use that? (its free isnt it)
  14. Crayon Violent are u not missing an endif?
  15. Read it, first line,second reply Therefore you will need to use something other than just PHP
  16. And also it stops the threads going to far off topic.
  17. Sometimes threads go off topic some times. Are there no errors on the page?
  18. Another way to do it <?php $url = $_GET['url']; echo '<object classid="clsid:67DABFBF-D0AB-41fa-9C46-CC0F21721616" width="NaN" height="NaN" codebase="http://go.divx.com/plugin/DivXBrowserPlugin.cab"> <param name="src" value="'.$url.'" /> <embed type="video/divx" src="'.$url.'" width="730" height="420" pluginspage="http://go.divx.com/plugin/download/"> </embed> </object>'; ?>
  19. This may help, i found this post using google http://www.zend.com/forums/index.php?t=msg&goto=2705&S=d7368cdaab31e365b9df0b2abd8d87aa
  20. Add some error reporting remove the @ from the connecting function and add error_reporting(E_ALL); to the top of the pages and add die statements to the mysql_querys.
  21. <?php $url = $_GET['url']; ?> <object classid="clsid:67DABFBF-D0AB-41fa-9C46-CC0F21721616" width="NaN" height="NaN" codebase="http://go.divx.com/plugin/DivXBrowserPlugin.cab"> <param name="src" value="<?php echo $url;?>" /> <embed type="video/divx" src="<?php echo $url;?>" width="730" height="420" pluginspage="http://go.divx.com/plugin/download/"> </embed> </object>
  22. to make it more accurate dont use empty, but trim(); the posted data , and then check the string length.
  23. Did you have a look through the google results?
  24. soz that should be foreach($to as $to1) { mail($to1, "Subject: $subject", $message, "From: $email" ); } and the $to1 , is the var that is created for each email.
  25. Try it , and find out, as we cant see the php it is hard to tell.
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