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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. ok, one i have never done crons, and two is there not a way to do it without them?
  2. I have a code to display an online list, that checks if someone is online in the db, how can i make it change to offline after a certain amount of inactivity?
  3. i would advise deleting the file first,
  4. wrong way round $pass=md5($_POST['pass']); $pass=strtolower($pass);
  5. try putting it the other way $uname=trim($_POST['uname']); $uname=strtolower($uname);
  6. no one's asked if he has mailing enabled on his host. Do you?
  7. replace the header with meta refresh , and it will work the same, but with a time delay
  8. or you can just do if(mail()) { echo "mailed"; } else { echo "not"; }
  9. 1st off, it's HTML not PHP and second try google, google is ure friend <meta content="REFRESH" > something like that
  10. this line won't work $mail = mail($mail,"Welcome to ".$site_name,$bericht,"From: ".$site_name." <".$site_mail.">"); you have it sending the email to mail($mail,"Welcome to ".$site_name,$bericht,"From: ".$site_name." <".$site_mail.">"); and why are you putting it in a variable anyway?
  11. I am assuming u don't know PHP, and is also not a help question but a request for someone to make code for you, so this should be moved to freelance. If you do know php then post what you have and where you are stuck.
  12. not that i know off, it is just like u said read, write data, dynamic creation of pages, etc Thats all it is.
  13. u don't understand, it makes it slighty(ever so) to find out the url , as it won't be in the img tag
  14. i said some security, as the image url, will be shown as one image in the source code, but the js will load a different image, and nothing is stopping them stealing content, you can try a few js tricks, like no right click, but js can be disabled
  15. database is your best bet, you should have it like this database table. page content then just query to call the details from that, and then have a form to update and add details to the db
  16. I have this code <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY time DESC"; $query = mysql_query($sql); while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $cont = wordwrap($rows['content'],3,"..."); echo $cont; } ?> and this outputs, hel...ooo...this... etc. how can i have it do hel... and stop after the ...
  17. yes, but are there any errors, what isn't it doing, not setting the background?
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