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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. you can look into javascript to load the image, after the page has loaded. Or use innerHTML to replace the image, protecting it slightly
  2. try adding session_unset(); aswell
  3. first off, when they close the browser the session is ended, and the session is automatically ended after 30mins i think, without it being started again , there may be a way to change this in the php ini file.
  4. ok, try this while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if($i == 3){echo "<tr><td> </td></tr>"; $i = 0;} echo $rows['visitors']; $i++; }
  5. something like this? while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if($i == 3){echo "<tr><td> </td></tr>"; } echo $rows['visitors']; $i++; } i think that should work, with some tweaking
  6. will phpinfo(); not tell u?
  7. i'm not an expert but you will need to look into curl i think ,
  8. i don't know its your code, show me functions .php
  9. so you want to make an e-snipe code?
  10. I have this code <input name="uname" type="text" class="Field1" id="uname" value="Username" onFocus= " if(this.value = 'Username') { this.value = ''; } else { alert('cake'); } " onblur= " if(this.value = ' ') { this.value = 'Username'; } " /> but this inserts Username into the field, even if you enter something, any help?
  11. are you making sure the sessions are being set on every page?
  12. maybe restrict access using .htaccess file?
  13. using the GET method or the POST method.
  14. the header must be before any html output(i think).
  15. If you want help in doing it in javascript, i can help.
  16. or use the PHPmailer google it.
  17. i think you will need to have a look at using image gd.
  18. Ok, i solved it, i need to have it so it's like 01011920 instead of 1011920
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