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Posts posted by Orionsbelter

  1. i keep getting people using MYSQL INJECTION on my website but i have over 300 scripts and it could be most of them. Is there anyway i can find out which script it is? i tried asking them but they are not very helpful.

  2. so this could stop the mysql_real_escape_string(); working? becuase am using mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['username'])); so could this stop the mysql_real_escape_string function?

  3. hi i know the mysql_espace_string()  and the addslashes() but what i need to know is are there any other ways and also can i use these for username string for example if someone logs in to my websites and it addslashes wont it just totally change the username?


    e.g. username's login would change to username'/s login then my website would think its a invaild username wouldn't it ?


    and is there a fucntion to remove these slashes?


  4. Ok so some users on my website sign up with domain names, i don't like this so i want to stop them at the register.php page:


    so say the username field is called $reg_username what coding do i need to echo an message saying username not allowed. i could also use this to stop users setting up names containing abusive words. thanks for all who looked

  5. hi i have recently bought a sever and dont know much about them but noticed now i've moved my website onto my own sever it wont do the following:

    $user=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"));
    ////////// here is where is doesn't work it doesn't add these together
    $newmoney=$user->money + $newcash;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$username'");
    however it will do this:
    ////// it'll minus the money just dont add it.
    $newmoney=$user->money - $newcash;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$username'");
    and it'll do this:
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$newcash WHERE username='$username'");
    this worked perfectly on my hosting account now i have my own sever it seems to be a problem what dod i need to configure to make it work? thanks 

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