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Posts posted by Orionsbelter

  1. hi i have a file called included.php which is in the includes folder. i used to used /include/included.php when the folder was in the folder with the file but now am in a different folder, i could just make a copy of included.php and put it in that folder but i would like to know how to do this


    i think its something to do with ../ but not sure can some explain it






  2. hi am making a website that then some seaches in the input box i'll search my database but i have no clue what the coding should be can anyone help,


    just for an easy start say i have a username search and the field is called username and the table is users.


    what would it look like to return all usernames like the search?




  3. I saw on this website once that when i click to the next page it faded into the next page, the page was using php i've searched high and wide for the coding and have no luck does anyone have the code that will fade the page into the next. thanks

  4. hi i have a forum on my website and my users can message each other, i want to do a string replace for makin a link for clicking on a users name to view thier profile.


    i want [user]Username[/user] to change to "a href='profile.php?viewuser=username'>Username</a>


    but as you can see i would need to type Username twice one to link it to the right viewuser and one for the link name, but some people put a different name for the link so how can i do a string replace so you only have to type the username once

  5. a bounce rate is the percent of vistor that click on your website then bounce right back out. as soon as i clicked on i wanted to leave too much to take in on a homepage the homepage should be simple and everything your vistor wants should be only two clicks way.

  6. hi am wanting to make a game, i've already made a php text based game now i want to go on to a 3d game like runescape just a different concept. i bought a for dummies book called java and xml all i want to know is is this the book i need to learn coding to make a game or the basics for a game like runescape?

  7. try this tell me if it works


        $subject = "[sUBJECT HERE]"; 
        $message = "[MESSAGE HERE]"; 
        mail([email HERE], $subject, $message, 
            "From: [YOUR NAME HERE]"); 
        echo 'A Email has been sent to [email HERE]'; 




    <div id="container2">
      <!-- The least you could do is leave this link back as it is. This software is provided for free and I ask nothing in return except that you leave this link intact
           You're more likely to recieve support should you require some if I see a link back in your installation than if not -->
    <div id="footer2">
      <div align="center" class="style4"><b><span class="style3"><img src="question mark.jpg" alt=""></span></b><span class="style3"><br>
    Here is where you can see all the players online at this time, you can also find how many of each staff are on line, you'll see that the orange players are the admins and the yellow players are the mods. </span></span></div>


    #container2 {    border: 1px #FFFFFF solid;
        -moz-border-radius: 10px;
        background-color: #000000;
        margin: auto;
        padding: 5px;
        width: 600px;



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