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Posts posted by Orionsbelter

  1. Hi there am new to the whole coding of everything!, but would be very please if you could suggest how i can make a website layout, where you also have a left menu bar and a header on end page, such as www.poolpockets.co.uk.


    on each page there is the header and menu, however i don't want to use FRAMES.


    Thank you

  2. Hi there, i am currently wanting to make a shop for myself and need to know how i can make the code, so that my page shows 20 products per page, or a choosen amount such as 20, 40, 60 etc, then have pages 1,2,3 etc depending on the amount of products.


    so for example i am viewing 20 products, so the page shows the first 20 products i click page 2 i shows the next 20, how can i do this


    thank you

  3. Ok, i want to make a table or box,



    that is 800 width and 450 height


    with a background image called bg.jpg


    then i want to float two input boxes and a button


    however i need them to float at the correct point in all broswer how can i do that?

  4. Ok, so i'm wanting to randomly select one user from the table users, however this user has to be online.

    like this,

    mysql_query("SELECT username, id FROM users WHERE online > $time");


    The way i was going to do it is, i was going to put all the user IDs into an array and randomly pick one, but if you know a better way please do tell me.


    I would like to know how i can put all the user ID into an array, from that string as i only know how to array PHP and not mysql strings.

    Thank You


  5. i bought a domain and then got a hosting account with a different providor and changed the namesevers to the new hosting account, however it is now in two, a www. and a non www. if i type www.mydomain.co.uk it goes to my new hosting account index page but if i go to mydomain.co.uk it goes to my old hosting account why and how do i stop that?


    thanks for looking :D

  6. Ok, i don't like the layout its too common, looks like you have just taken a freebie template from the net. I hate when i see these as i consider it too be junk ussually, if someone has passion for thier sites they started from the basics and created it all.


    Also its needs to be simply, when you click on it i was like ok, what is this?, have something like first you can log in or search for a penpal in france, USA, etc this may stop people boucning out as they may actually realise what the website is from first look.


    Good Luck.

  7. Hello,


    i am wanting a script where a person enters their eBay username and Password, the scripts send the request to eBay then the script will send back a answer if it is a successful login or not, this is because i'm wanting to verify eBays users for my new Ebay forum.



    i have found a few PHP ones but they don't work nor do they send a answer back.




  8. Hello,


    i have a login for my homepage, and about 300 pages of content after login, however google can only find two pages login and register thats because they can't login anywhere and even if i gave them a site map they'd get redirected to the login page because they are not logged in.


    is there anywhere i can give them a username and password?


    so they can login.

  9. This has become real stress full now and sorry if this is in the wrong forum but i don't know which i need to change the PHP or CSS,


    See i want a menu that is 10 parts long it is Horizontal. i have managed to get it all ok to what i want it however one problem the text which is the link goes to the top center of the box, i want it in the middle, center of the box


    help me please can you see where i have gone wrong?



    here is the CSS


    <style type="text/css">
    body  { 
    font-family: Tahoma;
    scrollbar-face-color: black; 
    scrollbar-face-color: #404040;
    scrollbar-shadow-color: #202020;
    font-weight: bold;
    scrollbar-highlight-color: #808080;
    scrollbar-3dlight-color: #808080;
    scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #202020;
    scrollbar-track-color: #777777;
    scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF;
    background-image: url(includes/bglines.gif);
    font-size: 10px; 
    <style type="text/css">
    .suckertreemenu ul{
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    /*Top level list items*/
    .suckertreemenu ul li{
    float: left;
    background-color: #252525; /*overall menu background color*/
    /*Top level menu link items style*/
    .suckertreemenu ul li a{
    display: block;
    width: 108px; /*Width of top level menu link items*/
    border: 1px solid #121212;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #7C5B28;
    height: 25px;
    .suckertreemenu ul li a:hover{
    background-color: #464646;
    display: block;
    width: 108px; /*Width of top level menu link items*/
    border: 1px solid #121212;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #7C5B28;
    height: 25px;


    here is the javascript

    <script type="text/javascript">
    //SuckerTree Horizontal Menu (Sept 14th, 06)
    //By Dynamic Drive: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/
    var menuids=["treemenu1"] //Enter id(s) of SuckerTree UL menus, separated by commas
    function buildsubmenus_horizontal(){
    for (var i=0; i<menuids.length; i++){
      var ultags=document.getElementById(menuids[i]).getElementsByTagName("ul")
        for (var t=0; t<ultags.length; t++){
    	if (ultags[t].parentNode.parentNode.id==menuids[i]){ //if this is a first level submenu
    		ultags[t].style.top=ultags[t].parentNode.offsetHeight+"px" //dynamically position first level submenus to be height of main menu item
    	else{ //else if this is a sub level menu (ul)
    	  ultags[t].style.left=ultags[t-1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].offsetWidth+"px" //position menu to the right of menu item that activated it
    if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener("load", buildsubmenus_horizontal, false)
    else if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent("onload", buildsubmenus_horizontal)


    and here is the HTML


       <div class="suckertreemenu">
    <ul id="treemenu1">
    <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 5</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 6</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 7</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 8</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 9</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 10</a></li>

  10. ok i have this


    function go_to (req){ var loc=req;    window.location=loc; }



    what i do it put a onClick="example.php" on my table column which works fine but now i want to change it so that when i click it will open example.php in a iframe which is named iframe1


    please help :D

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