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Posts posted by Gighalen

  1. I own a small website hosting company, and my schools Auto Tech program purchased a website (www.bhsautotech.com).


    The first month they had it, the site worked fine, but now, all http requests from the school campus go straight to 403: Forbidden no matter what (including directories with indexes and file-inclusive URLs). But I CAN login and access the FTP server from the same location.


    However, other websites (using the SAME ip address and DNS servers) still display as they should.





    What can be causing this problem?


    The county IT guy for all the schools insists the problem is on my end, but how does that explain the other websites on the same IP address and DNS servers still being able to be accessed? I'm thinking that they somehow are blocking HTTP requests to that particular domain name.


    I have checked the IP deny manager for www.bhsautotech.com and the list is empty.


    Please help :)

  2. 1:

    if(is_numeric($ulog) && $ulog >= 1 && $ulog <= 10)


    Radio buttons can be tricky, can't answer this one off the top of my head.


    I don't understand the question. However, for validating all dates/times, just use a timestamp:



    if($id != 0)

  3. I believe this is something like what you are looking for. I just wrote it for you, so I may have missed something minor, but the concept remains the same.


    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * from `show` WHERE display = '1' ORDER BY `id` DESC");
    // count = 0
    $i = 0;
    // start our table
    echo "<table>";
    while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
    // if first column, start the row
    if($i == 0){
    	echo "<tr>";
    	// echo out the image
    echo "<td><img src=\"images/\"".$data['image']."\" width="150" height="150"></td>";
    // if 4th column, end the row
    if($i == 3){
    	echo "</tr>";
    //increase i by 1
    //if i = 4 (would be a 5th column), reset it to 0 to start a new row
    if($i == 4){
    	$i = 0;

  4. $hello->setArray(); and $hello->getArray(); are variables in and amongst themselves. 
    You can almost think of classes as arrays, only using "->function" as a 'parking place' instead of [0], [1], etc.
    Try echo $hello->getArray(); (Assuming that this will return data you want to output).

  5. A few months ago, I registered the domain www.officepixels.com with the intentions of starting a $1/pixel advertising site.


    I've since then learned that it isn't as easy as it looks.


    What should I do with the domain? I was thinking about starting a image hosting site, but IDK.


    Any suggestions?

  6. If you edited your table's structure without editing the query used upon signup, the query will not have enough data to complete the query and will fail.



    If your former structure looked like this:






    and your new one looks like this







    and your query looks like this: insert into blah (id, user, pass, email), the query will fail because it will try to add values to wrong datatypes and not have enough fields to enter.


    I would recommend assigning values to your query, as to where it will only try to insert values into the columns you specify:


    INSERT INTO blah (id, user, pass, email) VALUES ('', '$user', '$pass', '$email')

  7. In your search query on the display page, your using a SELECT *, so you're getting all the data from the database about that one band - including ID. Just find where it echos out and add the <a href> stuff around the ['bandname'] variable.


    Make sure to avoid " by using \"

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