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Everything posted by xtopolis

  1. If you're just updating time, use Javascript for the whole thing. Otherwise, you will use Ajax to pull the data from somewhere (external, same file, database, whatever) and then put that data in the div.
  2. I already had this question solved in another post. Oops.
  3. Hi, I have tried googling this with the keywords "inner join", but I think I am mistaken in what I need to use. I'm using MySQL 5.0. My table looks like this: [pre]char_name user_id class_id job_id gender height region bob 8 0 0 0 0 0 jer 44 0 2 0 0 0 dave 6 0 0 0 0 1 brian 17 7 5 1 1 0 steve 118 0 0 0 0 0 frank 92 3 3 1 0 1[/pre] The result I want would group based on class_id and have 2 columns showing the region count. So if two people with class_id = 0 have different region values, it would show: class_id region0 region1 0 1 1 What I want based on my data:[pre]class_id region0 region1 0 3 1 7 1 0 3 0 1 [/pre] Can anyone help point me in the right direction for this? My table: CREATE TABLE `accounts` ( `char_name` varchar(255) collate latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL, `user_id` tinyint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `class_id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `job_id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `gender` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `height` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `region` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `user_id` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german2_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `accounts` -- INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('bob', 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('jer', 44, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('dave', 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('brian', 17, 7, 5, 1, 1, 0); INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('steve', 118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('frank', 92, 3, 3, 1, 0, 1);
  4. Thanks, I was able to get it to recognize the object using your suggestion. It also brought along another issue, see below. //init(); ... link.onclick = this.addTime(this);//onclick //addTime(); dayObject.prototype.addTime = function(objRef) {//I had tried this,placing "this" instead of objRef or w.e inside >.> so close.. alert(objRef.counter); } However, in changing the init() onclick line, it now automatically executes the function on page load. addTime(this) runs without clicking, etc, and clicking on the link doesn't do anything. I have had this problem before, but not sure how I fixed it.. any ideas? I will continue to mess around with it as well.
  5. If the columns are of DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP..etc type, shouldn't you be able to do a SELECT ... WHERE $queryDate BETWEEN startDate and endDate
  6. I don't have any event handler code.. What I provided is exactly what I had up to that point.. The rest of the code that is missing would include creating SELECT and OPTION elements, and appending them to the source element.. I didn't include the addTime() code before because it is reliant on having access to the this.hoursArr variable. Perhaps I misunderstand your question? The HTML code is exactly the same. The full javascript is this: var hours = [ "--",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ];//available hours var dayObjTracker = []; //onload bind to divs window.onload = function () { //get div for each day var tz = document.getElementById("timezones"); var target_divs = tz.getElementsByTagName("div"); //create day object for each day for(var i=0;i<target_divs.length;i++) { dayObjTracker.push( new dayObject(target_divs[i]) ); } }//onload --------------------------------------------------- //dayObject function dayObject(mainElement) { this.src = mainElement; this.name = mainElement.className; this.hoursArr = hours.slice(); this.counter = 0; this.init(); };//dayObject ----------------------------------------------- //init(): add links to the divs dayObject.prototype.init = function() { //create the link + attributes var link = document.createElement("a"); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Add Time"));//link text link.setAttribute("href", "#");//null href link.onclick = this.addTime;//onclick //append link to main element this.src.appendChild(link); }//init ----------------------------------------------------- //addTime(): request a new time block dayObject.prototype.addTime = function() { //create paragraph to hold it var p = document.createElement("p"); p.setAttribute("id","timeblock_" + this.counter); //create "From" var fromTxt = document.createElement("span"); fromTxt.setAttribute("class","fromText"); fromTxt.appendChild(document.createTextNode("From")); //create "until" var fromTxt = document.createElement("span"); fromTxt.setAttribute("class","untilText"); fromTxt.appendChild(document.createTextNode("until")); //############# //create select1: name == day_start/end# (Monday_start0...) var startName = this.name + "_" + "start" + this.counter; var endName = this.name + "_" + "end" + this.counter; var select1 = makeSelect(startName, this.hoursArr, endName); //if its the first one, make it reset all others if(this.counter == 0) { select1.onchange = function() { alert('ready to remove all'); updateOps(select1, endName);//source Element, destination name } }else{ select1.onchange = function() { updateOps(select1, endName); } }//counter == 0? //create select2 var select2 = makeSelect(endName, this.hoursArr, ""); //put it together p.appendChild(fromTxt); p.appendChild(select1); p.appendChild(untilTxt); p.appendChild(select2); this.src.appendChild(p); }//addTime -------------------------------------------------- */ //makeSelect(): create a <select> element function makeSelect(name, hoursArr, trgt) { //create select element var select = document.createElement("select"); select.setAttribute("name", name); select.setAttribute("id", name); select.setAttribute("trgt",trgt);//trgt is second select in block or null var opsArr = makeOptions(hoursArr); var opsArr_len = opsArr.length; for(var i=0; i<opsArr_len; i++) { select.appendChild(opsArr[i]); } return select;//HTML element }//makeSelect ----------------------------------------------- //makeOptions: create <option> element(s) function makeOptions(arr) { var ops = []; var arr_len = arr.length; for(var i=0; i<arr_len; i++) { var o = document.createElement("option"); o.setAttribute("value", arr[i]);//val o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(arr[i]));//innerhtml ops.push(o); } return ops;//array }//makeOptions ---------------------------------------------- //updateOps: change all elements to be higher than previous select function updateOps(src,dest) { var hrs = hours.slice(src.selectedIndex + 1); var trgt = document.getElementById(dest); while(trgt.hasChildNodes() && (trgt.childNodes.length >= 1)) { trgt.removeChild( trgt.firstChild ); } var o = makeOptions(hrs); var o_len = o.length; for(var i=0;i<o_len;i++) { trgt.appendChild(o[i]); } }//updateOps ------------------------------------------------
  7. I can't figure out why I can't access the object properties in my function addTime(). The object (dayObject) is created with properties: src, name, hoursArr, counter. (src is the parent element (HTML obj), name (str), hoursArr(array), counter(int). It calls itself with init(), which is a function that is prototyped to the dayObject. Inside of dayObject->init(), those properties are still visible (alert(this.name))... When I later called addTime() (which is an onclick event), it no longer sees those properties (they are undefined..) Anyone know why? [if I had to guess what was wrong, I'd say that in the init() function, the binding of link.onclick = this.addTime doesn't provide a reference to the object itself... I'm not sure how to provide it though, using this coding style (which I'd like to stick with)] HTML for testing: <html><head></head><body> <div id="timezones"> <div class="Monday" id=div_Monday"></div> <div class="Tuesday" id="div_Tuesday"></div> </div><!-- timezones --> <script type="text/javascript" src="times.js"></script> </body></html> relevant Javascript (times.js) var hours = [ "--",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ];//available hours var dayObjTracker = []; //onload bind to divs window.onload = function () { //get div for each day var tz = document.getElementById("timezones"); var target_divs = tz.getElementsByTagName("div"); //create day object for each day for(var i=0;i<target_divs.length;i++) { dayObjTracker.push( new dayObject(target_divs[i]) ); } }//onload --------------------------------------------------- //dayObject function dayObject(mainElement) { this.src = mainElement; this.name = mainElement.className; this.hoursArr = hours.slice(); this.counter = 0; this.init(); };//dayObject ----------------------------------------------- //init(): add links to the divs dayObject.prototype.init = function() { //create the link + attributes var link = document.createElement("a"); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Add Time"));//link text link.setAttribute("href", "#");//null href link.onclick = this.addTime;//onclick //append link to main element this.src.appendChild(link); }//init ----------------------------------------------------- //addTime(): request a new time block dayObject.prototype.addTime = function() { alert(this.counter); //this comes up as undefined ## }
  8. You can learn the php/mysql skills for doing those things from this tutorial: http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/
  9. /* fetch values */ while ($stmt->fetch()) { //this is like " while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $id . " - " . $name . "<br>"; } /* close statement */ $stmt->close(); Copied from the manual, example 1
  10. The problem with wiki's is that ANYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE. It wouldn't be much better than the forum is now IMO. Then again, I'm not a person who considers the wiki system successful. Popular? Sure. However, it often puts a "educated" face on material that is prone to bias or inaccuracies. It has succeeded in making people seem more credible than they actually are.
  11. Just break everything down. In my post I had about 4 sections of "tasks", each having subtasks to do (validation etc)... don't take it all in big chunks.
  12. Data Entry Form: Change the METHOD to POST, instead of GET. -Reason, GET appends the data to the url, the url has a limitation on length. You might not hit this, but for this type of entry, I recommend using POST. You will access the variables using $_POST instead of $_GET on the target page Data "processing" page: -Where ever the form points to, first validate the data (empty, valid characters, etc) rather than checking if the file you will be writing to is available. If the data isn't good or complete, there's no need to check if the file is ready. -Validate your inputs. (unless this is not part of the class). Check that names only contain word characters, phone numbers only #s, and maybe () and -s, streets have #s and letters, etc, zip only #s... You can use regular expressions if you've learned these. -Sanitize your inputs. You have addslashes which is "ok". There are other methods as well that you might look into: htmlentities, filter_var, [m]strlen[/n] also read this (though it's a bit beyond your scope) by Daniel0 Storing the data from what i saw, seems to be ok.. maybe add in all the } { for your if else statements (your preference though) to make it more readable -Also, make sure the user data doesn't contain something that would mess up the CSV format. (ie: including a comma in their name or address - validate that out) Read the data Should probably be on it's own page -What you have doesn't fulfill the assignment, but we'll get to that part after you're good on storing the data.
  13. Probably this line right here: $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT * FROM florida_civil_war"; To something like this: $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT * FROM florida_civil_war ORDER BY nameOfAgeColumn"; Where "nameOfAgeColumn" is the name of the column that stores the age.
  14. Two things I saw: 1) $time = date("m/d/y"); 2) $qq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ip_table WHERE ip='$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]' AND date='$date'") 2)"date" is a reserved word, the query should come up with an error. 1)if "date" column is a timestamp, I don't expect '$date' to ever match it. Timestamps look like: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS $date == MM/DD/YY How can TIMESTAMP == $date ?
  15. SELECT * FROM moneyin WHERE `Date` BETWEEN 1248152400 and 1248757200 That might work. BUT Date is a reserved word, and you must enclose it in `backticks` in order for mysql to read it as a column name and not keyword. You should change the name of the Date column. You could later add name specifications: SELECT * FROM moneyin WHERE (`Date` BETWEEN 1248152400 AND 1248757200) AND LName LIKE 'S%' or something.. kinda like you have it, but different.
  16. edit: the sub query should probably be: $sub_sql = "SELECT name_person, name_data FROM names WHERE name_id IN($ids)"; instead.. but it doesn't really matter for the example.
  17. You kinda confused me there with that last post. I have made a "simple" example.. it's not very clean, but it's to get my point across, and has most of the elements you need I think. It looks kind of long, but it's not really. My database is setup as name_id(int), name_person(varchar255), name_data(varchar255). The page queries back to itself for the ajax (isset($_GET['refine']))... There is a function in there called "getSelected()" which gets the id values from the listbox. You could modify that part of it to remove / change / subtract from one box and add to another, etc depending on what you want to do. Later you see my simple AJAX (get) function. I pass a url string of CSV values, and get them later. I didn't bother with any validity checking for the example, but you could handle that on your own. Anyway, hopefully you can dissect this enough to get the functionality you need. You should be able to copy paste this and change your database info to match , as long as the column order matches to see it work. Hope this helps a bit. <?php $mysqli = new mysqli(databaseinfo); //main query $sql = "SELECT * FROM names WHERE 1 LIMIT 50"; $result = $mysqli->query($sql); $select = ''; while(list($id, $name) = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $select .= "<option value='$id'>$name</option>\n"; } //sub query if(isset($_GET['refine'])){ $ids = substr($_GET['refine'], 0, strlen($_GET['refine']) - 1); $sub_sql = "SELECT * FROM names WHERE name_id IN($ids)"; $result = $mysqli->query($sub_sql); while(list($name,$data) = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { print "$name - $data<br />"; } exit; } ?> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function loopSelected() { var txtSelectedValuesObj = document.getElementById('valuesOut'); var selectedArray = new Array(); var selectedString = ''; var selObj = document.getElementById('main'); var i; var count = 0; for (i=0; i<selObj.options.length; i++) { if (selObj.options[i].selected) { selectedArray[count] = selObj.options[i].innerHTML; selectedString += selObj.options[i].value + ','; count++; } } txtSelectedValuesObj.innerHTML = selectedArray; getData(selectedString); } //ajax element function newXHRO() { try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {} try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} alert("XMLHttpRequest not supported"); return null; } //ajax query function getData(values) { var XHRO = new newXHRO(); var url = 'test1.php'; url += '?refine=' + values; var x = document.getElementById('dataOut'); x.innerHTML = '<img src="http://www.xtopolis.com/imgs/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." />'; XHRO.open('GET', url, true); XHRO.onreadystatechange=function() { if(XHRO.readyState==4 && XHRO.status==200) { x.innerHTML = XHRO.responseText; } } XHRO.send(null); return false; } </script> </head> <body> <select id="main" multiple="multiple" size="10"> <?php echo $select; ?> </select> <input type="button" value="Get Selected" onclick="loopSelected();" /> <p id="valuesOut"></p> <p id="dataOut"></p> </body> </html>
  18. Can you give me coordinate data instead? Are you hand crafting these maps at a set size, and then randomly placing the player and women, as long as they're not in the X areas? I can kind of see what you're doing with the strings, but I'd do much better with math values for wall locations, etc I think. If you put the data into an array, you could EASILY loop through it, and place images in a grid instead of using preg_replace.
  19. As Daniel0 pointed out, it's not a good idea. I was kind of thinking of saying this in my main post, but I wasn't sure how to articulate it correctly. A lot of PHP people used to (and still do >.>) store a bunch of settings in a "config" file for central access. They were doing it because it was easy, and fit in with a procedural way of doing things (as many PHP programmers learned PHP procedurally). I would think with the "more correct" way of doing things, in OOP, there would be less constants, etc... or at least not a lot of them, and none really being depended upon outside that file (class usually).
  20. Whatever you're trying to do can work, but I'm just not sure "what" you're doing. When I asked about the table thing, I was referring to the derived table from your main table. ex: (table from database) Name1 - Add Name2 - Add Name3 - Add (click Name1 - Add, do your stuff) (database table) Name2 - Add Name3 - Add (derived table) Name1 - Add -------- This new table ,"derived" table.. would this be permanent, or kept only for refining your search query? -There are MANY Ajax tutorials which show you how to get a feel for Ajax and learn the basics. In essence, it's only getting the Javascript to behave and using the correct methods (POST, GET, and return plaintext or XML) that are the difficult parts. So let's start from the top. What do you have? Where (specifically, one problem at a time) are you stuck? [Also, referring back the database seems unnecessary IF you pull all records at the beginning. You could do this all in Javascript for the "refining" portion, and only use Ajax to execute the actual search based on the 'derived' IDs in your new search table.]
  21. Turn Right ----> But on a serious note, what you want to do can be done easily. The question I have is about the "selected" table. How will the table be stored? Is it temporary, or more permanent?.. that is up to you, but won't be much of an issue anyway. Anyway. -The person clicks the add button, it can be added to a javascript array. -Here you can either way for them to push a button to get the data, or have it update as they click add. The query will do you something like "SELECT name, data FROM yourTable WHERE ID IN(1,2)" [where 1 and 2 are stored IDs that have been added. -On that click "ADD" event, you would have javascript remove the selections from the "ADD" table so that they can't be clicked again -While the name,data table is updating, you can either reload the page ( modifying the add table query by making use of $_SESSION, or just use AJAX to redraw the table by doing the same select as above, but modifying it to be ..."WHERE ID NOT IN(1,2)" [again referring the selected IDs] Aside from that, you'll have test it yourself in small steps. If you can get it to work in PHP first, I'd do that. It's easy to modify it into javascript later if you already have a working PHP example.
  22. You're going to have to be a little more specific, but the author was probably referring to a "config" (type) file. The concept behind this is a centralized point to store variables that contain some globally pertinent information, but not having to change the variable across multiple files. An example of this would be to store database configuration info (host,name,pass,dbname) in a file, then include the file when it's needed, rather than rewriting the database connectivity each time you need in in another script... (not the best example).
  23. Yes it's possible. What are you meaning anyway? Creating an image to represent a map based on coordinate data? definitely.. you'll need to be a lot more specific.
  24. What's the rest of that query look like?
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