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Everything posted by aliento

  1. No. Double posting is in fact against the rules. I can move this topic for you if you wish. Could you please delete this post? I want to make a new one more detailed. Thank you
  2. ok i will post there! Thank you
  3. I have html source into a string i want the function which will replace the src="lalala.htm" to src="http://funny.com/lalala.htm" If you cant provide the code just guide me, Thank you
  4. Hi , I have a big textarea i have found the code to change and select the changed text with a button but it doesnt focus to the selected text. It shows the beginning of the text area. Here is the js code : <script type="text/javascript"> function showMatch(el, newText){ var t= el.value; var lp = t.split(newText)[0].length; el.selectionStart = lp el.selectionEnd = lp + String(newText).length; } function SpotPlace(el,tag){ var selectedText = document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:el.value.substring(el.selectionStart,el.selectionEnd); if(selectedText!=''){ var newText='<'+tag+'>'+selectedText+'</'+tag+'>'; el.value=el.value.replace(selectedText,newText); } showMatch(el, newText); } ; </script> I need a line that will show the highlighted text not the beginning of the text area.
  5. Thank you Ken2k7, i am glad about our chat. i ve got it. I ll use the array code you wrote and the preg_match_all(). The phpfreaks should open a university , i want really bad to study some serious php!
  6. Yes you are right and thank you supporting me. - I dont care if the page is correct , the user will load a page that he made it, if he did those kind of mistakes then its his problem. so lets hypothesize that the code is correct. Its better to talk to you with code as my English are not so good the code that works is this : /* Those are all the html tags that opens and close */ $html_tag[]='a';$html_tag[]='applet';$html_tag[]='big';$html_tag[]='blockquote';$html_tag[]='body';$html_tag[]='caption';$html_tag[]='center';$html_tag[]='cite';$html_tag[]='code';$html_tag[]='col';$html_tag[]='colgroup';$html_tag[]='del';$html_tag[]='dfn';$html_tag[]='div';$html_tag[]='dl';$html_tag[]='em';$html_tag[]='fieldset';$html_tag[]='font';$html_tag[]='form';$html_tag[]='frame';$html_tag[]='frameset';$html_tag[]='h1';$html_tag[]='h2';$html_tag[]='h3';$html_tag[]='h4';$html_tag[]='h5';$html_tag[]='h6';$html_tag[]='head';$html_tag[]='html';$html_tag[]='i';$html_tag[]='iframe';$html_tag[]='img';$html_tag[]='ins';$html_tag[]='kbd';$html_tag[]='label';$html_tag[]='legend';$html_tag[]='map';$html_tag[]='menu';$html_tag[]='noframes';$html_tag[]='object';$html_tag[]='ol';$html_tag[]='p';$html_tag[]='pre';$html_tag[]='q';$html_tag[]='s';$html_tag[]='samp';$html_tag[]='script';$html_tag[]='select';$html_tag[]='small';$html_tag[]='span';$html_tag[]='strike';$html_tag[]='strong';$html_tag[]='style';$html_tag[]='sub';$html_tag[]='sup';$html_tag[]='table';$html_tag[]='tbody';$html_tag[]='textarea';;$html_tag[]='tfoot';$html_tag[]='th';$html_tag[]='thead';$html_tag[]='title';$html_tag[]='tt';$html_tag[]='u';$html_tag[]='ul';$html_tag[]='var'; /* here i load the the html code to copy it to the db */ $html_spot=$_GET['html_spot']; /* for every html tag , find how many times the </$html_tag> appear , find how many <$html_tag> appear . if the # of </$html_tag> = </$html_tag> then is ok , else save to $error[] the tag */ for($i=0;$i<count($html_tag);$i++) { $close_tag = substr_count($html_spot,'</'.$html_tag[$i].'>'); $open_tag = substr_count($html_spot,'<'.$html_tag[$i]); if ($close_tag!=$open_tag) $error[] = $html_tag; } but it have logical bugs and i believe that it can be easier with your magic. I appreciate your help
  7. What i am developing is a script , the html page will be load to a textarea , then the user will have the ability to copy some parts of the code to the db. But the script needs to know if the user tried to save the correct part of html , which will be with correct html tags. I dont want to let him copy to db ex '<html> <body> <a href=jjj>dffdf</a>' But the script will return : error tags <html> and <body> are not closing. I hope i made you understand and i hope this is easy Thank you
  8. this will find as i understand only one tag if its ok, I need to find all the problematic tags into the page. Is there any way? Thank you
  9. No i didnt found the solution yet, I am loading all the html page into a string. what i need is to find if all html tags close, and if any tag is not closing then load it to an array? Is there any way One way i thought is this : /* html tags begin */ $html_tag[]='a';$html_tag[]='applet';$html_tag[]='big';$html_tag[]='blockquote';$html_tag[]='body';$html_tag[]='caption';$html_tag[]='center';$html_tag[]='cite';$html_tag[]='code';$html_tag[]='col';$html_tag[]='colgroup';$html_tag[]='del';$html_tag[]='dfn';$html_tag[]='div';$html_tag[]='dl';$html_tag[]='em';$html_tag[]='fieldset';$html_tag[]='font';$html_tag[]='form';$html_tag[]='frame';$html_tag[]='frameset';$html_tag[]='h1';$html_tag[]='h2';$html_tag[]='h3';$html_tag[]='h4';$html_tag[]='h5';$html_tag[]='h6';$html_tag[]='head';$html_tag[]='html';$html_tag[]='i';$html_tag[]='iframe';$html_tag[]='img';$html_tag[]='ins';$html_tag[]='kbd';$html_tag[]='label';$html_tag[]='legend';$html_tag[]='map';$html_tag[]='menu';$html_tag[]='noframes';$html_tag[]='object';$html_tag[]='ol';$html_tag[]='p';$html_tag[]='pre';$html_tag[]='q';$html_tag[]='s';$html_tag[]='samp';$html_tag[]='script';$html_tag[]='select';$html_tag[]='small';$html_tag[]='span';$html_tag[]='strike';$html_tag[]='strong';$html_tag[]='style';$html_tag[]='sub';$html_tag[]='sup';$html_tag[]='table';$html_tag[]='tbody';$html_tag[]='textarea';;$html_tag[]='tfoot';$html_tag[]='th';$html_tag[]='thead';$html_tag[]='title';$html_tag[]='tt';$html_tag[]='u';$html_tag[]='ul';$html_tag[]='var'; /* html tags end */ $html_spot=$_GET['html_spot']; for($i=0;$i<count($html_tag);$i++) { $close_tag = substr_count($html_spot,'</'.$html_tag[$i].'>'); $open_tag = substr_count($html_spot,'<'.$html_tag[$i]); if ($close_tag!=$open_tag) $error[] = $html_tag; } but if at the text of the page the publisher write <body into the text then will return error. Is there a more professional way?
  10. by this post i found the way to express myself to google : function get_text($text, $s, $e) // Get string out of text { $sp = strpos($text, $s, 0) + strlen($s); $ep = strpos($text, $e, 0); return substr($text, $sp, $ep - $sp); } Anyway thanks
  11. Little difficult for me to explain without a paradigm : $main_string = '<font size=12> fddsf sdf sdf sdfsdf sdf </font>'; $starts_with = '<//'; $ends_with = '>'; $final_string = magic_i_dont_know($starts_with,$ends_with,$main_string); echo $final_string ; result : font Thats all, i dont want to take it on the plate but i cant find a way on my own as php strings functions are not providing this kind of solution.
  12. I dont understand what this code do??? I have found a solution, thanks anyway echo htmlspecialchars($file_source);
  13. Hello, The script i am building needs to load html code into a textarea. The problem is when the page's html code have a textarea the scrpt's textarea stops. Is there any solution for this? Thank you
  14. For anyone wants to help. I have a ready css template, the content is at the center , at the left and the right it have empty space. I am trying to put content at the empty spaces left and right. At the left i did it but at the right i cant. Here is the online page Below is the code : html : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>AppleWeb</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="all"> <div id="main_header"> <div id="header"> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/" class="home">home</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/" class="user" title="user">user</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/" class="contact">contact</a></li> </ul> <ul class="free"> <li><a class="call">800-121-4545 759-121-5454</a></li> </ul> <img src="images/logo.gif" alt="appleweb" width="205" height="65" title="appleweb" class="logo" /> <div class="top_website"><img src="images/top_blog.gif"></div> <div class="top_blog"><img src="images/top_blog.gif"></div> <ul class="navi"> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/">Network</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/">Submission</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/">Archives</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.free-css.com/">Finance</a></li> <li class="li1"><a href="http://www.free-css.com/">Testimonials</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="left_main">is a free, tableless, W3C-compliant web design layout by Template World. 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font-weight:bold; background-color:#fff6d8; display:block; } #services p{ width:191px; display:block; font:13px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#799fbb; background-color:#0a2b43; margin:19px 0 0 16px; background:none; padding:0; } #services h3{ color:#799fbb; font:14px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width:190px; display:block; margin:19px 0 0 16px; padding:0; font-weight:bold; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #services ul{ width:191px; display:block; margin:5px 0 0 16px; } #services ul li{ background:url(images/arrow1.gif) no-repeat 0 12px ; display:block; padding:0 0 0 14px; } #services ul li a{ font:14px/24px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#799fbb; text-decoration:underline; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #services ul li a:hover{ text-decoration:none; } #services a.more1{ width:56px; height:12px; display:block; background:url(images/more_bg.gif) no-repeat #0a2b43; margin:39px 0 0 121px; font:11px/12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; text-transform:uppercase; color:#ffffff; padding:0 0 0 5px; text-decoration:none; } #services a.more1:hover{ background:url(images/more_bg_h.gif) no-repeat #0a2b43; color:#ff0033; } /*---------------------------------footer-----------------*/ #main_footer{ width:100%; float:left; background:url(images/footer_bg.gif) repeat-x #0c1d2a; color:#ffffff; border-top:#ffffff 1px solid; margin:0px; padding:0px; } #footer { width:530px; height:187px; margin:0 auto 0 auto; } #footer ul{ width:500px; display:block; list-style-type:none; margin:46px 0 0 40px; position:absolute; } #footer ul li{ display:block; float:left; } #footer ul li a{ font:14px/12px 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#ffffff; background-color:#09161f; text-decoration:none; margin:0 16px 0 16px; } #footer ul li a.mg{ font:12px/11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#ffffff; background-color:#09161f; text-decoration:none; margin:0 11px 0 0px; } #footer ul li a.mg:hover{ text-decoration:underline; } #footer ul li a:hover{ text-decoration:underline; } #footer ul.ad{ width:323px; display:block; list-style-type:none; margin:77px 0 0 90px; } #footer ul.ad li{ height:40px; width:96px; display:block; border-right:#FFFFFF 1px dashed; } #footer ul.ad li.nobor{ height:40px; width:96px; display:block; margin-left:10px; border-right:none; } #footer ul.ad li.nobor1{ height:40px; width:96px; display:block; float:left; margin-left:10px; border-right:#FFFFFF 1px dashed; } #footer ul.ad li a{ font:10px/12px Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#d1bd86; background-color:#0c1c27; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; margin:0 0 0 0; display:block; } #footer ul.ad li a span{ color:#ff0033; background-color:#0b1a24; text-transform:uppercase; margin:0 10px 0 0; display:block; } #footer ul.css{ width:100px; display:block; margin:75px 0 0 211px; font-size:0px; padding:0px; } #footer p{ padding:135px 0 0 165px; font:11px/16px Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FAFAFA; background:url(images/footer_bg.gif) repeat-x #0c1d29; font-weight:normal; height:14px; margin:0; } #footer p.de{ padding:0 0 0 165px; margin:0; line-height:12px; width:160px; text-align:center; background-color:#0c1d2a; color:#fff; background:none; } #footer p.de a{ color:#fff; background-color:#0c1d2a; text-decoration:underline; } #footer p.de a:hover { color:#fff; background-color:#0a5083; } /* ------------------------ extra -------------------------- */ #all { width:100%; margin:0 auto; padding:0; } #main_header #header .top_website{ position:absolute; left:400px; top:60px; display:block; } #main_header #header .top_blog{ position:absolute; left:400px; top:110px; display:block; } #all #left_main{ float:left; width:158px; margin:0; padding:0; background:url(../images/bg_left_bg.gif); color:#FFF; font-size:90%; } #all #right_main{ float:left; width:158px; margin:0; padding:0; background:url(../images/bg_left_bg.gif); color:black; font-size:90%; } The template have one main div the #all inside is the #main_header then i have put the #left_main then the #body and i am trying to put after #body and before #footer the content to the #right but it doesnt work no mater what i tried? Any advice is helpfull
  15. Hi, I want to point a subdomain to another server how can i do it? MX ? Thank you
  16. Hi, I am working for over 4 hours to find the way to change the submenu width of a joomla template. Below i post the css of the menu can you help me? .menutop,.menutop *{margin:0;padding:0;} #horiznav{position:relative;z-index:1000;} #horiz-menu{z-index:50;} #horiz-menu li li{margin:0;} .menutop{line-height:1.0;float:left;margin-bottom:1.5em;position:relative;} .menutop ul{background:#fff;/*IE6 needs this*/ padding:0;} .menutop li{float:left;list-style:none;position:relative;} #horiz-menu li li a, #horiz-menu li.active li a, #horiz-menu li li .separator, #horiz-menu li.active li .separator {display:block;margin:0;text-decoration:none;float:none;height:30px;line-height: 32px;width:100%;padding: 0;} .menutop li ul{float:none;left:-999em;position:absolute;width:181px;z-index:500;} .menutop li:hover ul, .menutop li.sfHover ul{left:0;top:37px;} .menutop li:hover li ul, .menutop li.sfHover li ul, .menutop li li:hover li ul, .menutop li li.sfHover li ul, .menutop li li li:hover li ul, .menutop li li li.sfHover li ul{top:-999em;} .menutop li li:hover ul, .menutop li li.sfHover ul, .menutop li li li:hover ul, .menutop li li li.sfHover ul, .menutop li li li li:hover ul, .menutop li li li li.sfHover ul{left:179px;top:0;} .menutop li li{position:relative;float:none;width:100%;} thank you
  17. Sorry for my bad English i am keep learning. Thank you this was my question.
  18. Hi to all, I have a form into a div and i want to submit data and return data into the div like message send. I cant send to the php script which send email into url with GET like contact.php?message=$message because message will be big (or i can send it as it is big text through GET?) It will be helpful any advice. Thank u
  19. Hi, i have 10 years now planning an application framework. What i am doing is analyze the complexity between mysql php and front end and build an app which is by itself its a programming language. Its not something hard programming but very complex and unique logic. The reason i am posting here is that i have some theoretically questions. I will give it under GPL cause it helps me improve the logic more than thinking to give it commercial, plus open source will give the ability to the program to expand by other programmers and it can be teach others. The thinks i am on now and stack is that i am building the program for years and after 5 months development i find i simplest logic so i rebuild it from the beginning , i am not loosing my will to do it but my nerves and my brain are not in a very good condition. What should i do? I feel that the logic of the program has to go out and share but until now no mater the effort i cant build it. To give the logic to others and work it makes me feel uncomfortable because i am afraid if they steal it or take the rights for them selves , its 10 years from now improving the logic its a secret for me... Please leave your word
  20. Hi, I need to know if there is any way to know which field names returned from a SELECT query. Here is an example : SELECT * FROM test (this i can know it from mysql_list_fields ) SELECT id,op FROM test ( How i can know here that the fields are the id and the op ?) Is there any way to know the fields returned by the query ? thank you
  21. if you put the value in the actual sql instead of passing through variable to be sure, but it's still behaving the same.. then there is something with the qid field db settings as it is obvious . So its better to export the table structure and post it here
  22. Hi, I have to copy an xml file only if it contains data is there any way to know. More details ... The data i have to load comes from a file something.php?version=12 the next version is something.php?version=13 how can i know if the 13 version has been published? Thank you
  23. you are fucking experts i really like you and jealous you Great Incredible you are indeed freaks
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