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Everything posted by aliento

  1. try to google the problems and find through others posts the solution if you are in hurry the white_space is the empty gap between the begining of the file and <?php or the end and ?> no empty spaces before the <?php and ?> - the end
  2. ah ok. you only know the current id so : $dq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `id` = '$db_id' ORDER by `artist`,`song` DESC LIMIT 2"); while($db_return = mysql_fetch_row($database_q)) { $next['artist']=$db_return['artist']'; $next['song']=$db_return['song']; } $dq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `id` = '$db_id' ORDER by `artist`,`song` ASC LIMIT 2"); while($db_return = mysql_fetch_row($database_q)) { $previous['artist']=$db_return['artist']'; $previous['song']=$db_return['song']; } I am sure that there is an easier code out there but that code i learned to use.
  3. or $next= '$db_id+1; $next_id = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `id` = '$next' "));
  4. $next= '$db_id+1; SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `id` = '$next'
  5. well it does exist but it doesnt contains anything as i check it . I have tried filesize function but it cant read the filesize for some reason.
  6. there is only one way and there are no security risk by the code
  7. Hi i like to load a xml file if the new version excist else not read it. The url of the xml is like http://www.something.com/xml.php?version=23 How can i know if the new xml file (version 24) excist? I have the code to save the previous i need just the check thank you in advance
  8. Hi programmers. I always had problem with the database tree for a directory application. I want to make a directory for business companies and with the ability to store there products in it. I want to save to the database categories subcategories , this i will do it with one table with ids , levels and previous level ids. The companies will be stored to another table with the category id which is under. Plus i want to store products which are different for every company. Every company will have a lot of products. The amount of the products i hope will be a lot . Its a problem to store them in one table. What should i do? do you find any problem at what i told? Thank you
  9. Hello, I am using the FCKEditor to update a page of my site. This wysiwyg editor has a problem. It doent support Greek characters. I dont want a solution of this as i took an answer that is no solution yet . What i want is to convert Character references to UTF-8 before save the changes. Is there any function for this? Thank you
  10. Hello, The mail function doesnt work at my server! Is this possible? Have you heard anything like this again? I use the simpliest mai($to,$text1,$text2,"From : asd@lsd.com") but it doesnt send. What else should i do to make it work? Thank you
  11. Hello i need help please! I made a site that loads a page with flash. the flash containing page : <div align="center" class="myvideo"> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:390px; height:250px" data="movie/player.swf?&file=../../index/movie/movie.flv&autostart=true"> <param name="movie" value="../../index/movie/movie.flv?&file=../../index/movie/movie.flv&autostart=true" /> </object> </div> the page i call the page : <script src="../ajax/load.js"></script> <a href="javascript:ajaxpage('movie.htm','content')">watch trailer</a> <div id="content" style=" width:449px;height:230px; overflow:hidden;"><?php echo load_content (2,''); ?></div> At firefox works ok but at internet explorer is not. Any advice can be valuable. Thank u
  12. I want to center the result of the function and i cant center the div : <script type="text/javascript"> function load_movie() { var so = new SWFObject('movie/player.swf','mpl','360','260','9'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addParam('flashvars','&file=/movie/movie.flv&autostart=true'); so.write('content'); } </script> The div : <div id="content" style=" width:449px;height:230px; overflow:hidden;"> Any advise?
  13. a:link the link appearance a:visited the visited link appearance a:hover the link hover appearance
  14. I use ajaxpage because only this i know and i am calling an html file with js. Is there any other correct technology? Thank you
  15. Hello! I need some help here: The main page : <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function Loadvidsko() { fM = document.getElementById('loadder'); fM.innerHTML = '<div id="container"><a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div>'; loadSWFObject(); loadPlayer(); }; function loadSWFObject() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = '../../index/movie/swfobject.js'; head.appendChild(script); fM = document.getElementById('report1'); fM.innerHTML = 'movie/SWFObject.js loaded'; }; function loadPlayer() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = '../../index/movie/load.js'; head.appendChild(script); fM = document.getElementById('report2'); fM.innerHTML = 'Media Player loaded'; }; </script> </head> <div id="content" style=" width:449px;height:230px; overflow:hidden;"></div> <a href="javascript:ajaxpage('movie/index.html', 'content');" >>>click here<<</a> The page movie/index.html : <script type="text/javascript">Loadvidsko()</script> When i put a link at the movie/index.html <a href="#" onclick"javascript:Loadvidsko()"> it works but with <script type="text/javascript">Loadvidsko()</script> it doesnt. Any advise? Thank u
  16. I need a javascript code like : load_content (languge,page_label,page_id) { ajaxpage(\'../index/php/load_menu.php?page=page_label&language=languge, \'menu\'); ajaxpage(\'../index/php/load_content.php?page_id=page_id, \'content\'); } Any correction?
  17. I have this link <a href="javascript:ajaxpage(\'../index/php/load_menu.php?page='.$pages['label'][$i].'&language='.$language.'\', \'menu\'); ajaxpage(\'../index/php/load_content.php?page_id='.$pages['id'][$i].'\', \'content\'); " > I want to put it all together to a function. Can be done?
  18. From a xxx password site lol : Don't forget, because of Microsoft's changes, your Internet Explorer may no longer support our links that have the username and password inside them. So you must download and open our registry PATCH FILE (IEUserPassEnable.reg), and then enjoy! Instructions here. try to apply this patch http://www.ultrapasswords.com/IEUserPassEnable.reg
  19. Hello, I have this code : /* tables css */ table.menu_table td a{display: block ; vertical-align: middle;} table.menu_table td a:link, table.menu_table td a:visited {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; text-decoration:none; color : black;} table.menu_table td a:hover, table.menu_table td a:active {background-image: url('../images_all/row.gif'); color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; height: 20px; vertical-align: middle;} and at the html file : <table class="menu_table" width="502" height="19" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" "> When the mouse is over it change the backround but it doesnt center the text vertical, it shows it at the top of the filed! Any sugestion will be very valuable. Thank you
  20. I found this cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" and saved me. Thank you very much for your answers. I mark it as solved
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