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Everything posted by gigas10

  1. Do you understand the theory of OOP? It just makes it easier for code reuse, if you are going to use this function once, then theres not much of a point of having it as a function, but if you use it multiple times then yes, it would be ideal to leave it as a function. And btw you didn't close out your function
  2. Did that not work? I was pretty sure that was your problem.
  3. Make sure to index your tables, as they grow they will slow down unless you index them.
  4. No problem, its kind of a different way of thinking, but functions make code reuse possible and easy.
  5. $row_rsListing = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_rsListing); $totalRows_rsListing = mysql_num_rows($query_rsListing); I think you didnt call your query correctly.
  6. You might want to look up the theories behind object oriented programming and familarize yourself with them before you just jump waist deep in mud. Could save you alot of time.
  7. hmmm from some of the things that have thrown me off the in past, try this, i could be wrong but i think u need the single quotes in your post variable names $newContent = $_POST[content]; $newContent = addslashes($newContent); $Updatepage = $_GET[pageName]; CHANGE TO $newContent = $_POST['content']; $newContent = addslashes('$newContent'); $Updatepage = $_GET['pageName'];
  8. holy hell thats some messy looking code, please stop using dreamweaver for php, use it to make the html, then code the php with notepad or something.
  9. Please just read tutorials on the internet and save yourself some money. PHP is one of the most well documented languages on the internet and you should have no problem finding information about it. www.php.net/manual
  10. Sorry I just updated it for you, please remember not to call the function inside of itself, this will give an error or result in an endless loop, and since your doing an insert query that could be bad news :-x
  11. what he means is.. you defined a function, in order to execute the function you need to call it. All a function is needed for is for code reuse, say you want a function that grabs the name of the user, its much easier to make a function for this and call the function instead of type all the code to grab the persons name, get it? So what you did is create a function, but you never called it. So either call the function, like this function_name_here(); Or just remove the line that says, hey this is a function, and it should work.
  12. im pretty sure that the speed of a mysql select query to search for comments would be limited to the servers speed, i have a table that has about 50 million rows and i can select certain rows from it in less then a second.
  13. silly goober, this is what the internet is for, the main thought of php and mysql is that they are free, so why shouldn't the content of how to use them be free? Just use google, anyone with half a brain can figure out how to code php and do mysql queries
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