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Everything posted by Maq

  1. Did you also need to dynamically create the $POST1, variables as well?
  2. I think you mean, literal '[' and ']', which you would have to escape them, \[ \]. Moving to PHP Regex...
  3. Assuming this is an issue with your CSS, I'm moving it there.
  4. We also need to see the code and related CSS.
  5. You need to have session_start at the top of your include script. I would use require instead: You can read the differences here: Require.
  6. Does that mean everything is working now?
  7. ; This is not pure PHP code. You have to echo it out like the rest of the HTML. And use single quotes around attribute values, or else it things you're ending the string. The PHP vars will still interpolate.
  8. You should probably see what the difference is between them so you know what works and doesn't work, and get rid of the non-working copy.
  9. Echo $myfile to see what the value is, then see if that actual path exists.
  10. - Get rid of the banner. Unless you're driving in a massive amount of traffic you won't make any money, it's just in the way and annoying. - Like Axeia said, center the top banner. The banner is also a bit fuzzy and isn't very catchy. Add some color and maybe a cool little logo. - Fix the top nav links. The "My Account" link droops down too far, cutting off the word "Account" a bit. Also, the "Applications" link bleeds into the developers link. - Distinguish the "Add bookmark" link a little better. It was a a bit hard to find, it is the main feature of your site. - I fail to understand the purpose of the PHP.net and Moodle search? - Applications>>Random Apps = - After you log in there is a blank box with a black border under, "View Options". - Added the "Stock App" and tried to add a stock but wasn't successful. There is no add button... This was all viewed and used in FF3 Ubuntu.
  11. Maq

    Date / Time

    You have to use the date function. Why?
  12. I'm going to assume this is a MySQL database. So I will go ahead and move it there. You can return the total by using the aggregate function, SUM().
  13. Nice, some useful tools that I'll probably forget how to use by tomorrow, regardless, they're pretty cool.
  14. You need session_start at the top of every page you use sessions. Please use around code for proper formatting and syntax highlighting.
  15. Make sure you're echoing out these values before/after you pass them in the function and in each function to make sure they contain the values they're supposed to. There's probably a mix up somewhere where you're assigning two variables the same value. NOTE - Please use around code for proper formatting and syntax highlighting.
  16. Please use tags for proper formatting and syntax highlighting. That doesn't equal 31 lines... Parse error usually signifies a missing, colon, quote, bracket etc... Double check for these.
  17. It also depends on what kind of script it is.
  18. If you haven't already, read here: FQL Query.
  19. Looks fine to me... Can we see some lines before the query?
  20. Have you even made an attempt to do this? You need a JOIN.
  21. What the hell is your problem? I said I didn't even want it to make money, I DON'T CARE, it's a personal project. Well, one would assume if you have your own server and are paying for rack space/maintenance then you'd prefer an idea that brings in a bit of revenue to cover the costs. We don't know your interests, what kind of knowledge you possess, what the name of your domain is, etc... How are we supposed to suggest something without any information, and if we did have a great idea, even if it didn't make money, than Ginger is right, why would we tell you? I guess you could go on some freelance sites to get some ideas.
  22. Yes, seems as if we semi hi-jacked your thread in a brief debate, but hopefully you've learned a thing or two from thread, I have. I guess we can all agree that you need the concept of 'classes' in order to achieve OOP.
  23. Hehehe...
  24. What does that print out?
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