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Everything posted by Maq

  1. You are correct, that is a required parameter. I was referring to the clean_post() function not the clean_data() function
  2. Maybe I'm confused but with a SELECT, the first option is automatically selected by default, so it's impossible for someone not to choose an option. Am I missing something...?
  3. -After the search implement some sort of pagination system so there aren't 1,000 records on the entire page. -Change the color of the input fields, the neon green is eye-bleeding. -IMO, I prefer sites to be centered. -Recent searches could be categorized better, like what engine they were searched on, similarities etc... -SQL Inject Me says you have 86 failures on your "Contact Us" page (that may or may not include the search bar, it's on every page). -I like the simplicity, easy to navigate and the light colors (except the neon green!) -The search history is nice feature to have. -The performance is pretty fast.
  4. Yeah sorry I'm not sure, here's a shot in the dark... $s = "tims gsd d a a...a s asd f"; $s = html_entity_decode($s); $s = preg_replace('/[\s|\t| ]*/' ,"" , $s); echo $s; ?>
  5. A few things: You were missing a 's' in $string for the clean_post() function... Why are you including "caneck.inc" twice? Why are you connecting to a database to sanatize a string? Use "mysqli_real_escape_string" instead. Try: include("caneck.inc"); function clean_data($variable) { $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$passwd,$dbname) or die("Couldn't connect"); return mysqli_real_escape_string($cxn, strip_tags($variable)); } function clean_post($string) { return strip_tags(trim(($string))); } ?>
  6. When you do that take screen shots at every page and send it to me with the answers, thx.
  7. Where is this string coming from/generated?
  8. $s = "tims gsd d aa...a s asd f"; $s = preg_replace('/\s*/' ,"" , html_entity_decode($s)); echo $s; ?>
  9. Yeah, you have a lot of syntactical errors, and since you don't have them turned on it just shows a blank page. If you put this code at the top of your page it will display the errors that you have: ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); Like unska said, here is the solution, they HAVE TO choose an option from the drop down: if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo $_POST['list']; } ?> </pre> <form action="<?php%20echo%20%24_SERVER%5B'PHP_SELF'%5D;%20?>" method="post"> car bus motorbike </form> <b
  10. This should work: $s = "tims gsd d aa...a s asd f"; $s = preg_replace('/\s*/' ,"" , $s); echo $s; ?>
  11. Try: $result = mysql_query ("SELECT count(firefox) AS num FROM browser") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo $row['num'];
  12. <?php $s = "tims gsd d aa...a s asd f"; $s = str_replace(" ", "", $s); echo $s; ?>
  13. You can check with isset.
  14. I'm confused... I know the colors are coming from $color_list, but what exactly does that look like. You're going to have to use another delimiter to separate the colors so they show up separately in the SELECT list, and have a different ID. How is this list ($color_list) being generated?
  15. What do you mean? If you have 3 things in the list, only those 3 things are available to be selected... Just make the first one selected by default.
  16. No, it would be considered normalized. event -------------------------------------- id | event | etc event_dates (you can store multiple events with different dates) -------------------------------------- event_id | date(timestamp)
  17. How are you supposed to help you...? This is all you're giving us, sometimes you get a login error, well is there a pattern than produces this error or values that cause it? Put this at the top of your code and see if it displays any errors: ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  18. Turn it around, hmmm.... Maybe a little code to let us see exactly what's going on.
  19. $s = "timsgsdaa...asdfasdf"; if(preg_match("/\.{3}/", $s)) { echo "YAY"; } else { echo "NOO"; } ?>
  20. It would be cool if you implemented a file system and used bash commands to allow people to navigate through and manipulate files. It's hard to come up with suggestions because this is the reason we "advanced" from CLI and use GUI, it makes it much easier for the average user to find their way through. The CLI, IMO, would just be a part/section of the entire site. I mean it's cool, don't get me wrong, just very limited.
  21. It won't show any errors, it's just an editor, it will show errors in the browser. Before I examine your code, put this at the top of your page and tell me if you see any errors (in the browser...): ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  22. Courses are not necessary, but no one is going to write a list of things for you to learn. Google and find out what the best practices are. Have you read the sticky at the top of this board? http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,210428.0.html
  23. http://www.seocentro.com/tools/search-engines/metatag-analyzer.html
  24. Hehe, it's cool. @nauir: Either way should work, lonewolf's is probably easier to read.
  25. There is a timestamp datatype in mysql. If a student modifies their assignment just update the column with the current time.
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