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Everything posted by Maq

  1. But it does display...? Double check your paths, that seems to be the problem.
  2. Wow, making progress... now we know what language it is. So we can conclude that you posted in the wrong section. Or that the problem is now fixed as he had some javascript on the page before attempting to send a header Ah yes :-X
  3. Wow, making progress... now we know what language it is. So we can conclude that you posted in the wrong section.
  4. Is that your code because you didn't provide a destination... so what are you talking about? Do you get errors? What happens? Code please?
  5. Yeah should use it for anything that goes into your database. It can't hurt anyway...
  6. Hmm, I still don't notice it, maybe it's just me :-\ Anyway, you should make it more visible. I agree with nrg, it's a good start for your site.
  7. -Add some containers to keep everything organized and easy to read. -The green links are ugly and look like they're flying around. -I agree with waynewex about the green color, doesn't really work unless those are the schools colors which I assume they are. -You may want to try different shades of green or something.
  8. Not much there to evaluate... Colors are nice. Center the footer. Nice space usage. Good job keeping it clean and simple.
  9. $result = $conn->query($query1); $result is not the correct type to pass to your mysqli_fetch_array(). Can you post your db_connect class?
  10. Nice work? or nice pick? This is a template, don't give him too much credit...
  11. This is way too vague and there are examples all over the place. Here are two popular ones, Drupal & Joomla! Are these 2 CMS's simple? No, but that's a relative question. Are they secure? Yes. If these are too complicated or large for you then you may want to build your own. Also, you said 2 different things: and Which one? Do you want to build your own or implement and modify an existing CMS?
  12. Have you tried the osCommerce forums? It may come with an interface to handle this, but I'm not sure... If not, you would have to find the correct modules and edit them. I've worked with osCommerce a lot but don't know the modules off hand. If you do find the module you would have to check to see if the attributes are either empty or !isset and not pass them into the invoice. Sorry, that's all I can really say, good luck
  13. IMO it looks good the way it is. I would like to see some other pages when they're complete. The only thing I can suggest is the size which has been mentioned below, overall it looks very nice. Off topic, is this for a CS:S clan? I used to play CS:S all the time! I miss it...
  14. lol, yeah obfuscate.php Maybe there's a legit reason for him not knowing how this script works... Why can't you go back to the author and ask him to fix it? It's hard for us to help you if you don't know anything about your code... Plus the format is hard to follow.
  15. What's the error say? Post all of the code as well. If the error is not specific please put this as your first PHP code: ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  16. Okay, I think you need to do ON mp.menteeid = mm.username_menteee
  17. Make a preview button and at the top of your page you need something like: if(isset($_POST['preview'])) { echo "Here is your preview: "; //all of the inputs }
  18. Put this at the top of your PHP code: ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); Put this at the end of every query execution or die(mysql_error());
  19. Sure, make a button called "preview" that shows them what they typed in.
  20. * Not tested * 1) You're not opening closing your PHP tags... 2) Why are you selecting tables from a database? You should be selecting columns from tables. 3) You need to tell what method and action to do in the form tag. 4) I still have no clue what you're trying to do, so please give an example or something. 5) Never use short tags ''. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $query="SELECT table1, table2 FROM database; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); } ?> </pre> <form method="POST" action="<?php%20echo%20%24_SERVER%5B'PHP_SELF'%5D;%20?>"> while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $table1 = $row['table1']; $table2 = $row['table2']); '> '> } <
  21. You need to replace common_field with whatever is common both tables to eliminate duplicates. If you don't know, how please dump both table structures and I will show you. Your query should look something like: $query = "SELECT mm.mentee, mm.username_mentee, mp.major ". "FROM mentormentee mm LEFT JOIN mentee_personal mp ". "ON mm.common_field = mp.common_field". "WHERE mm.username_mentor = '$cur_login' AND mp.mentee_id = '$row1'"; *** If username_mentor AND mentee_id are both unique to the same thing then you only need to use one of them, which is probably the case.
  22. You should echo out $sql2 to make sure the statement is correct and you're passing the correct values (if any). There's a great tutorial, if you haven't already seen it, on pagination here at phpfreaks. It may help you...
  23. What common fields do they both have? You're going to have to LEFT JOIN on those fields... Have you tried any queries yet? The one you have looks like it has nothing to do with your question...
  24. Great, did you understand the modifications? Oh yeah, mark as SOLVED please...
  25. Little off topic but, do you mind disclosing where you got this script from? Did you pay for it? Did someone write it for you? Did you steal it? Why don't you ask them?
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