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Everything posted by ram4nd

  1. Well try to do something and when you get stuck then ask for help. You can make the php file as xml if you set the header to xml. That way you don't have to save anything. You can look into RSS scripts.
  2. Hi, I want to make a report broken link button. And I wan't it to add 1 to SQL table without refresh. Any information about doing such thing would be nice, haven't found anything from Google so far.
  3. You probably have your model wrong, check: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/active_record.html#delete
  4. ok thank you, i guess those browser shot pages are not that reliable
  5. I have linux, but http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/index.php tels me opposite with every ie
  6. My script doesn't work on IE I have tried some things to fix it, but now I am out of ideas. <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function resize_iframe() { var iframe=document.getElementById("iframe"); var height=window.innerWidth; if (document.body.clientHeight) height=document.body.clientHeight; iframe.style.height=parseInt(height-iframe.offsetTop)+"px"; } window.onresize=resize_iframe; //--> </script> <iframe id="iframe" src="{url}" onload="resize_iframe()">
  7. ram4nd

    iframe and divs

    owned it with javascript
  8. Thank you Yes I thought it will do something like that
  9. any tips, maybe what should i type into google or any links or just a function what to look anything that would be helpful
  10. I don't think PHP Coding is the right forum, but how can I make a report broken link, that adds 1 to mysql cell and does it without the refresh. The first part is easy, but how can I do it without refresh?
  11. ram4nd

    iframe and divs

    hmm so I should do the header 10% and the content iframe 90% height? Is that the only option?
  12. I have code: <div><div>Header div</div><iframe src="google.com"></iframe></div> Header is 100px height and iframe is 100%. The problem is that the first div is 100% + 100px height. I need to make it just 100%.
  13. How can I remove everything, but numbers, letters and spaces from string?
  14. "read line from file php" to google
  15. The category_id is now parent_id I did it like this: function get_categories() { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY name'); //return data if($query->num_rows()>0) { static $refs = array(); static $list = array(); foreach($query->result_array() as $data) { static $id, $parent_id, $name; $id = $data['id']; $parent_id = $data['parent_id']; $name = $data['name']; $thisref = &$refs[$id]; $thisref['parent_id'] = $parent_id; $thisref['name'] = $name; if($parent_id == 0) $list[$id] = &$thisref; else $refs[$parent_id]['children'][$id] = &$thisref; } } else return FALSE; } But I can't figure out how can I echo it? And yes I read the comments.
  16. Yes and its still a file manager and can be found via Google, if you look a pre-made script. This should fit your needs, btw found it in about 30 seconds: http://quixplorer.sourceforge.net/
  17. Yes you assumed right. Thank you.
  18. I have never though about it like that, but that was the thing that made me confused. But I can't believe how stupid I am :S
  19. Yes, but he should use AND also, if he is trying to do such thing. What if both are empty? Still my bad. You get redirected back because $count is not 1 when you try to login. if($count == 1){ <> works in php? Wow php is surprising.
  20. Sure I can do copy paste from that site: http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php But I have moved over to frameworks about half year ago and I use pre-made classes.
  21. You might want to use && instead ||: if (!isset($_POST['myusername']) || !isset($_POST['mypassword'])) { Same here: elseif (empty($_POST['myusername']) || empty($_POST['mypassword'])) { Worst, but funniest way I have seen someone to connect to sql: mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
  22. I dont understand a word of it, but maybe this helps: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `categories` ( `id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `category_id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=26 ;
  23. why wont you use input field for this?
  24. nobody is going to do it for you. If you need pre-made script go search google for PHP file managers or something.
  25. I want to make dropdown menu. I have a table where are categories and x amount of subcategories. They will be displayed something like: cat -subcat -subcat --subcat cat -subcat I figured I need some loop system. I was trying to do it with 2 foreach loops in while loop, but I got confused and I thought I'll ask help from people with more brain processing capabilities.
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