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Everything posted by ram4nd

  1. You can use PHP function date with timestamp.
  2. It's not important, but about what framework are we talking about. And I was being sarcastic.
  3. unset($test[2]); for searching use http://php.net/manual/en/function.in-array.php
  4. What does *= do?
  5. "$total += 0;" adds 0 to variable "$total". What is pointless.
  6. You want to change the background. Draws attention away from site.
  7. This is PHP Coding help forum.
  8. If this isn't enough of tutorial for you then i don't know what is: http://www.xul.fr/en-xml-rss.html
  9. use $_GET['ref'] what error?
  10. <?php $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', ''); mysqli_query(link, query) $sql = 'CREATE TABLE sample ( EMPID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, FIRSTNAME TEXT, LASTNAME TEXT ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8'; if (!mysqli_query($sql)) { $output = 'Error creating sample table: ' . mysqli_error($link); include 'output.html.php'; exit(); } $output = 'sample table successfully created.'; include 'output.html.php'; ?>
  11. Save to the database? UPDATE updates.
  12. type "php imdb" to google
  13. Windows app must open that url on browser and php coding forum is wrong palace for this post.
  14. if($rowrun['id'] == 2) echo $rowrun['what_ever_is_the_col_name'];
  15. isset($_GET['searchquery']) is it set?
  16. probably not, you give so few information
  17. <img src="vieleRETS-1.1/j_image/20903057_1.jpg" /> or(probably the first one) <img src="httpdocs/vieleRETS-1.1/j_image/20903057_1.jpg" />
  18. use ORDER BY and LIMIT, there is also function called MIN what i haven't ever used so i don't know how it works
  19. I would like to make user login system witch uses Google login system to authenticate.
  20. Good to know that session requires a cookie.
  21. I will make remember me checkbox, default is not selected and in () ill write that this is unsecure don't use in public computers, bla bla bla
  22. so the question is that how to use a cookie safely.
  23. I want to use both, session and cookie, so that people who want can stay in longer, and who doesn't or who has turned cookies of can still sign in. Or in that case i could just use cookies?
  24. ou yes, i have a function for that, but i guess this is even faster cause no request to sql will be made. Thank you.
  25. ctype_alnum is about registering. But min and max are a start. 1) Username min 3 char, max 12 2) Password min 6, max 15 I have to make a hash from that password, what is the most secure hash? What kind of a data should I keep in cookie, cause it's on client side. Should I save ip on every login. Like if user types 5 times password wrong, then do something.
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