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Everything posted by ram4nd

  1. ise "while" loop and" str_replace"
  2. your local server has no mailserver
  3. what kind of differences???
  4. ok, now ask actual question so people can answer
  5. for making it faster you would have to edit your library... or cache the feeds
  6. get_meta_tags('http://www.cnn.com/') gets data from file, not from web(url)
  7. $_GET['name'] or $_POST['name'] depends on method, I suggest post
  8. http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php there is the right way to use it
  9. What is it exactly you want?
  10. don't use html in php, echo where necessary
  11. that is progress you have double $ there and $letter is in double quotes where it's not necessary, thus its slower I think it's also better to use foreach instead of while while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $$letter = $row["$letter"]; }
  12. wrong forum, it's made using javascript
  13. instead $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = '{$id}'") or die($error); use $sql = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE id = '.$id);
  14. Don't think that you can do that.
  15. There is no file behind that url.
  16. Use database to store the subscribed persons?
  17. I don't see any relevance between your script and url, can you explain a bit.
  18. its better to generate thumbnails using some php script. Definitely use thumbnails!
  19. Just wrote a little something maybe you can find it useful: CodeIgniter AJAX form submission
  20. You can write code in Dreamweaver as well so I suggest you to play with margins. Try to zero them where needed.
  21. Isn't it easier to use Google Analytics?
  22. lqdmindz, websites doesn't have everything in tables. Those are divs, only tables are tables. So cells might confuse people.
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