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Everything posted by mikesta707

  1. you should probably echo the javascript refresh with PHP in that case, but without seeing the code I can;t be of any help
  2. do you still have error reporting set to all?
  3. well thats somewhat different. cin is for input from the command line, while HTML sents http requests with POST/GET information. cin is an object (of type istream actually) and when used in conjuction with the input operator (<<) stores the input value into the variable on the right hand side. its equivalent to the function call operator<<(cin, input); the function definition looks something like istream& operator<<(istream& inputStream, string& inputValue);//for string variables When you use a form, the form sends the variables to the script itself (without having to define a variable to hold them) and server side languages can use these variables, and manipulate them as they see fit. cin is very similar to $_GET and $_POST in that you get user input, but the mechanism is slightly different
  4. why not just put the form processing stuff on test2.php? you could also use a javascript or html redirect if you absolutely can't bring yourself to use a header()
  5. nope, it was installed by default with versions after 5.2. clicky
  6. well, kind of. you have to store the user input in a variable as with C++, but PHP automatically stores these values in the $_POST array, so you could have simply done $sum = $_POST['stories'] + $_POST['rooms']; but i just store post variables value in local variables out of habit (and if I want to alter the values, like with trim(), mysql_real_escape_string(), etc.) I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I hope this helps
  7. what version of PHP do you have? do you have the filter extension installed on your server
  8. LOL what has the world come to
  9. there is no form element posted with the name 'getQuotes' and there are many more errors perhaps you meant <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $storeies = $_POST['stories']; $rooms = $_POST['rooms']; $sum=$stories + $rooms; echo($sum); } ?> and change your form's submit buttons name, ie <input type="submit" name="submit" />
  10. did you start your server? is that page in the htdocs or www folder in your server directory?
  11. I'm pretty sure that happens when you are trying to use arrays as strings, such as $array = array(stuff); echo $array; without seeing the code that the error occurred on I can't be much help though
  12. this is a good starting tutorial for PHP. Learn about how HTML forms and PHP interact, learn about GET variables, Sessions, and Mysql and you should be able to figure something out
  13. You could just draw the featured hike from a database, and use a CRON job to update the database
  14. wow that sounds awesome. i cant wait to pick this up. dragunov's gone huh? that sucks
  15. I used to love the .50 cal, but as i got better, I started using the dragunov, which rapes in HC mode. I always used a Desert Eagle with snipers anyway, but that is pretty cool. no more overkill perk? What perks are still in the game?
  16. ahh I see, didn't know it was Javascript. since the page doesn't refresh, you won't be able to use php to change the content of sections without a page refresh. you could use javascript
  17. they put silencers on snipers!! You have no clue how bad i wanted that in cod4 multiplayer
  18. can i see the code that includes pages. if you are using GET to decide what page to include, then you could just use that same value to decide what other stuff to run
  19. perhaps you mean salt?
  20. cool story?
  21. .8 seconds is pretty fast regardless. just don't go to attack sites and you don't have anything to worry about
  22. so you only have 2 dollars and 40 cents to your name? Thats unfortunate
  23. Yeah you are correct to an extent actually. Sorry I need to brush up on my SEO. Now a days, spiders have less trouble crawling dynamic URLS, However, using static URLS ( or static looking URLS that are rewritten) are a little better for CTRs, perhaps backlinks, and all that stuff will make your rank higher. Blog software like Wordpress do make permalinks for a reason however, I may have been a little misleading in my first post. Google IS getting better at reading static urls (as well as Yahoo, and others) however, so you have a point
  24. No, when a spider crawls your page, just assume it is the dumbest possible person in the history of people. WHen you have a dynamically generated page, you need some kind of input to get the contents (IE index.php?id=5) well for spiders, they can't read special characters like that. In fact, the question mark (?) is a stop character for spiders. SO when they read a dynamic link, they don't get to the "juicy" part so to speak. They don't actually read any of the rest of the link. In fact, dynamic pages (to spiders) don't actually exist until a user injects a variable into them (whether that is through a form ,search bar, link, etc.) read up on this clicky for some more information
  25. Wow, thats pretty awesome. I would totally switch to google if I could
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