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Everything posted by ILMV

  1. Oh, and by the way, Smashing Magazine earn $58,000 a month! http://www.webdesigndev.com/roundups/top-20-earning-web-design-websites
  2. Well the problem with black and red is that the contrast between the two is very weak, this makes it harder to read. If you take a look at Smashing Magazine (of which is one of the most popular blogs / resources) it uses a white colour scheme with red, green and grey. Now you can use tools such as kuler.adobe.com and colorblender.com to help come up with a colour scheme, but do not undrestimate how powerful the colour white is. White as a background colour and some complimentary colours that pop in contrast (reds, greens, blues etc), perhaps you can investigate this. Here is the killer, and you need to remember this statement for as long as you make websites: "You need to make your design invisible" What this means is that is should be so well designed that the user should only ever notice the content, yes the design can look good but the point is puitting all the focus on the content. A design that is obtrusive will distract me from viewing your content, this will mean I won't click on any of your ads and you won't make any cash. Oh, and believe me, Smashing Magazine make sh*t loads of cash from advertising. If you have a spare 5 minutes take a look at the slides of a chap called Dan Rubin, he talked about invisible designs at a developer conference earlier in the year. ( )
  3. ILMV

    Pseudo code

    Well, it is returning a value and thus exiting that sequence of code before it gets to the condition statement... can someone else confirm this? Edit: Hmmm, maybe I am ready the code wrong :/
  4. I guess you would be able to get the HTML and try and preg-match between two tags. Is the section of the website wrapped in a div with an id: <div id="status"><p>Foo</p></div> If so you could match against that and output the HTML yourself (might be an idea to cache it).
  5. $number=170; $arr=array(100,200,500,1000,5000,10000); foreach($arr as $key=>$value) { if($number>$value) { $output=$value; } else { // I think break is the right statement? break; } } echo("The nearest number is ".$output); This is coded without any testing, but you get my drift
  6. - Use of language is bad - The design reminds me more of a teenagers gaming blog, rather than a professional portal for resources - I don't care how many visitors your site has has (probably going to be bots anyway), and it doesn't even work Here's is my KO conclusion, it would appear as if you're trying top provide a solution to absolutely every programming requirement I have, and that is nigh on impossible. I have Google Search in my tool bar (as all programmers) and if I want anything I know exactly where I can get it. that said if you make your design friendly (not black and red ) and sorted out your use of language you might get a few people bookmark it.
  7. Yes, you need to add this to your headers $headers 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; I don't know how you would fit it in with your script, cannot be that difficult
  8. That really depends, have you set up an SMTP server on your localhost? If you have just slapped WAMP / LAMP on your box then it is unlikely, however you can configure your php.ini file to use a different SMTP, for instance your ISPs, if you do this and get errors you may need to ask them what their SMTP rules are (e.g. emails must be from anything@your_isp.com). ILMV
  9. ILMV

    HTML Question

    To add: - also consider using GZip of which can compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript, - you should also make sure your CSS and JS files are minified where possible
  10. No, I fear asking you to use different words wouldn't help my understanding of your issue, but as I suggested providing more information might. Can you provide: 1) Your table structure 2) Your criteria for the image you want to return from the database. ... for example, I want to return all images with the parent_id of 17. Edit: oops, a few minutes behind posting this reply ignore if already covered
  11. Is this a template? It looks very good, my 6th sense is trying to convince me this is a template. However, it is a very neat design, perhaps a bit too much noise (the two diagonal banners in the corners, etc). Good work ILMV
  12. Once again Miss-Ruth you need to provide a bit more explanation, what exactly are you trying to achieve, what is the expected outcome, what errors are you getting. Are you trying to retrieve the path to an image that you have stored in your database? What does your table look like (columns). ILMV
  13. Right, I haven't tested this, so you might need to play around with it a bit: date(’Y-m-d’,strtotime(’-1 second’,strtotime(date(’m').’/01/’.date(’Y').’ 00:00:00′))); Good luck
  14. Bugger, could you also find the mysql_error description too, after your mysql_query function do this: $subsQuery = mysql_query("SELECT U.username FROM users AS U INNER JOIN subscription AS Sub.follow_id=U.id WHERE Sub.user_id=".$ID) or die ("Query '$query' failed with error message: \"" . mysql_error () . '"');
  15. Right... 1) Sometimes it might take more than 30 minutes to respond to your post... 2) Especially if it offers no description to the actual problem. 3) Also, if you post back to your own thread it looks as if someone has answered it already. Could you explain in more detail what you are trying to achieve and what the problem is. ILMV
  16. Simple, your MySQL query is incorrect, could you please echo out your query and post it here. ILMV
  17. @Dorky: Nice work @UnitedWeFall: Fair comment, my apologies
  18. Thanks for your reply, you are correct, we do have a "You have searched for [...]", these other points may make the scenario a bit clearer: 1) I do not want to be able to search by anything other than an alphanumeric string. 2) I want the search to be book-markable (sp?), so if I search for "joe bloggs" it will generate a url like this "/search/joe-bloggs", therefore I don't want any of the ASCII character codes at all (that would be spat out by htmlentities). I just figured that it would solve both of my problems with one stone as it were. Cheers, Ben
  19. Hello All, I am in the process of recoding a large proportion of an e-commerce site, one of the problems is that there are a few security issues floating around. I have a search box which was originally unprotected against XSS, I was easily able to execute JavaScript and force the system to echo out HTML *holds head in hands*. I am using this code: $term=preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/', "", $term); ...to remove any non-alphanumeric characters (excluding spaces), I am thinking because this will strip out any characters like ', ", <, >, /, = etc, it should make my script safe again. Can you confirm this, or is there something that I am missing? Many thanks, Ben
  20. I know you said opinions about the layout, but I am wondering about this: "I have had a lot of experience with [...] web development (HTML, PHP and SQL)"... you clearly don't, you even admitted "I'm not a pro or anything so i've just used a WYSIWYG editor". The general layout (with the correct design) would be ok I guess, but your design doesn't do it any favours. Other things I have noticed: - Don't bother telling the user what browser / screen resolution to use, they won't change because you say so. - The image on the homepage is way too cheesy, it doesn't portray a professional image. - I cannot click the links in the footer on your homepage... ironic as I am using Chrome I guess how much effort you put into this should be proportional to the seriousness of your business, if it is a hobby to earn a couple $$$ then fine, if this is your main income you should probably hire someone to do it for you. ILMV
  21. Not sure if I will be much help, but have you tried looking through the Rapidshare API? I haven't, but there seems to be a bit of info on it: http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=rapidshare+api
  22. Questions: - What is the current value in the text box? Or can this by dynamic? - How are you submitting the form (post, get)? - Is $textbox's value being set in code you haven't specified?
  23. Instead of trying to manipulate the array here, can you tell us how the array is being constructed... is it from a database? There is a chance you can modify code elsewhere to make this more efficient.
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