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Posts posted by ILMV

  1. Hello all, I am trying to parse a Google Calendar feed into an object, but for some reason it is omitting certain tags:


    <gd:when startTime='2009-08-27T07:00:00.000Z' endTime='2009-08-27T14:00:00.000Z' />


    The gd:when tag is pretty important in my application, and I am assuming it is being ignored because it doesn't follow the <tag></tag> format.


    I using simplexml.


    Can anyone help?


    Many thanks,


  2. According to this report, it would appear the solution is to stop doing this: "malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent".


    At the bottom of the report there is link to request Google to review your site, I suggest doing this.


    I am not actually going to visit your site for obvious reasons, but it might be possible that 3rd party advertisements or 3rd party scripts are causing this issue, review these and remove where necessary.

  3. I would be cautious with the wording of Priceless. Most people I know live by the phrase "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is", so it's likely that if I stumble upon your site in a Google search, I might find the next search result.


    I wonder what others think of this?


    Also, you're sites purpose is to advertise your HOSTING services, then why is it called Priceless WEBSITES, again, in a Gogole search when scanning the names of the sites, yours would not stand out if I was looking for hosting.



  4. I totally agree, if you get some marketing manager look at your site, the would probably suggest it is broken as it isn't normal to use code as content.


    Almost like when a client said they could understand what the Lorem Ipsum on a design I had created meant :D, he said on the phone to me "I don't speak Spanish", classic!

  5. 1) Make your title more descriptive

    2) I would consider changing the "Valid XHTML" logo to plain text, so it is more discrete.

    3) Your header isn't too bad, but your slogan is on the left and really small, and very far away from the header title. Remember most english people read from left to right, so it's not natural to be drawn to your title, and then look to the left to find your slogan.



    In general, the site doesn't look too bad, it just doesn't 'pop' for me, however if you were to do something with the header you will be aiming in the right direction.



  6. I do not know the exact method, but you will need to hit the page and search the source for the hidden field, there must be a method of grabbing the contents between two set values.


    Something like this might help:


    $content=''; // YOUR HTML SOURCE HERE
    $word1='<input type="hidden" name="token" value="';
    $word2='" />';
    $between=substr($contents, strpos($contents, $word1), strpos($contents, $word2) - strpos($contents, $word1));


    I haven't tested this code, you will have to set your HTML to $content, and modify $word1 and $word2 to match the code around your hidden field. It might be benificial to remove line breaks in your HTML before testing it.


    I hope this helps.



  7. I have don't have flash installed :) Instantly I cannot navigate through your site. I know the majority of people have it installed, but personally I wouldn't want to rely on it. Also it adds quite a bit more to download when visiting your site.


    What is your website for? I have been looking at the home page for a good couple of minutes and I cannot understand its purpose. Remember, I am a user who has jumped in from Google, I don't want to have to navigate through your links to find out, I'm probably going to turn around and go back to Google.


    The colours aren't bad, probably what I would expect from a site with this 'image'.


    How is the website code generated? If you have control, consider putting all that JavaScript in .js files and calling them in, as if im not mistaken, they will not be cached by the browser when it is embedded in the HTML code.


    Also your HTML doesn't validate, neither does your CSS.





  8. Sorry, but if I landed on this site, I would turn back around and click the next link on Google.


    You need to think about why a user would come to your site, and not what you want on there. Using this you can create a user profile. You need to create a mind map of what users will need to do when they come to your site,  and design around that. For example, for a site I'm doing a visitor to a driving school website would go like this:


    1) Where does company operate [Home]

    2) Lesson prices [Prices]

    3) Contact [Contact]


    Very simple, so I put very basic / crucial info on the home page, obviously have more in depth info on the about page, a page for the lessons and a page for contact, all broken up in small chunks. The reason I'm saying this is the design needs to be so good, that the user pays no attention to it, instead their focus is drawn towards your key points of information.


    So for you it might be:


    1) What work does company perform [Home]

    2) Where are they based [Home]

    3) What else have they created [Portfolio]

    4) How much do they cost [Prices]

    5) Contact [Contact]


    So use this to draw attention to these main points, because what you are doing right now is blondly designing for what you want, not what your visitor needs.


    I would suggest speaking to a designer and pay them to create a decent design, problem is, if you can't do this for yourself, how are you going to run a web design / development business :S


    Sorry if harsh, I will justify points in more depth if you want me to.






  9. It's such a shame, because you have such a catchy URL / site name, and the site itself does it no justice.


    Hire a professional to do it for you, you will make a positive ROI and make more profit than you will with the current design.


    I think the problem is Apple design very good looking, clean products. Your design is none of these, and if I were a customer I would be totally put of by this.



    Before I start, I am not going to hold back, please take my points constructively, here is my critique:


    - For favicon isn't very appealing, I wouldn't want it sitting in my bookmark bar

    - Colour scheme is wrong, colours do not compliment each other (doesn't compliment the product either)

    - This isn't a personal site, take your twitter off of it

    - Try not to use flash to select your iPod, some people have it turned off plus scrolling through the range takes more time than select an ipod from a table of images.

    - The font's are wrong, comic sans (as mentioned before) is a big no no for a professional site

    - Your header / links are images, and the have no alt tags, this will screw accessibility, especially for screen readers.

    - I don't care what the date is, I have a clock on my task bar.

    - I don't care how many visits you have, most of them are probably search engine crawls and meaningless.

    - Don't use scrolling test, it doesn't work and detracts attention from your main content.

    - I already assume you accept all the major credit cards, I would remove the image from your site.

    - Why are some of your pages PHP and some of the HTML, keep them all the same for consistency.

    - Your HTML source is really messed up.


    I am going to stop there, mainly because my lunch break is almost over.


    You should strongly consider hiring a web designer, I am sure that if you have a good business model you will gain more sales, more profits and you will spend less time worrying about the design.








  10. You will net to check the user agent:




    This will contain the information of the browser the user is viewing your site from, have a play around, you will need to research what user agents belong to PDAs and what don't, a simple if statement will allow you to change the site theme.




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