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About plznty

  • Birthday 01/06/1992

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  1. Hello there, my name is Ryan. I am a Web Developer from England that specialises in creating mobile-responsive websites. Whether you need a website that takes monthly payments, one-off purchases or runs ads I will take your idea and craft an elegant solution. Skills - PHP HTML5 CSS Javascript I have built user-interfaces and backend database systems, in my 10 years of web development there is little I haven't touched upon. If you are interested in my services you can contact me at: Email [email protected] Skype ryanify Thank you.
  2. email me at [email protected], I can help you for a fee. Thanks
  3. No longer accepting any freelance work. Moving onto full-time projects. Thanks.
  4. Welcome man, I've been on here for many years and drop in from time to time. People were always really helpful to me when I had problems and now I try to help others, you'll like it here.
  5. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, but try urlencode() for the data in the twitter url. I'd be happy to assist you some more if provided with a way of doing so. Unrelated note I also recommend using functions/classes to more easily organise your code, it looks a little confusing. Best of luck with your project.
  6. Beggers can't be choosers. Perhaps you should ask your tutor for a better free web hosting provider. I assume you're paying a small fortune for your education, if the quality of service is an issue for you then why not pay 10-20 cents per day to make your life easier.
  7. We all started off asking questions, I did a bunch. You'll eventually be helping others though, just stick with it
  8. Welcome John, PHPFreaks is a great place to start! I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  9. Yes I do, I sent you a PM.
  10. I'm available to do small jobs and large for the next week. Send me an email and I'll reply right away!
  11. Recently finished a project and am open to taking new requests. Thanks again
  12. Hi I'm Ryan. I am 22 years of age and have been programming since I was 14. I have experience in: PHP (OOP + Procedural) HTML (HTML4 Spec and some HTML5) CSS (Responsive designs) JavaScript (AJAX) I create B2C SaaS websites and run a few 3rd party API services for other websites. If you have an idea of something you want to be made or have a problem that needs solving, feel free to email me and ill give you a quote - [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you, thanks.
  13. <?php $xml=simplexml_load_file("http://x.com/demo/statefarm/id.xml"); $id = $xml->customid; echo "<iframe src='$id' allowfullscreen='no' frameborder='0' height='125' width='182'>"; ?>
  14. Place top advertisement down a bit, perhaps below the nav
  15. It seems securish to me, couldn't get into the DB. However it looks like it needs to be polished.
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