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Everything posted by dclamp

  1. looks like a generic website. Nothing that pops out...
  2. Every form value is always "set" per say. Try checking if the value is equal to nothing: if(isset($_POST['incoming_data'])) { if($_POST['director']=="" || $_POST['class']=="" || $_POST['description']=="") { echo "Error! All fields must be filled out!"; } else { $director = $_POST['director']; $room = $_POST['room']; $class = $_POST['class']; $description = $_POST['description']; //do a mail() call } }
  3. please edit your post using PHP tags. It makes it easy to read your code.
  4. Popups are normally disabled. An alternative would be to have the Yes No question on your first page, and redirect to the other pages.
  5. When you go to develop the .net part, http://www.vbforums.com/ is a great resource. i am a member there... although i only post in chit chat and PHP forum
  6. I think the point of the question is to determine whether a subcategory is associated with a specific category, because you may be able to execute a single SQL query to retrieve data from both tables in one go Yeah thats what i was getting at...
  7. ah i see what you want to do. How is your table setup?
  8. there is something wrong with your query, not the php. try "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE 1"
  9. Here is how i set up my tables for messaging: messages (msgID, folderID, toID, fromID, subject, body, timestamp, status) folders (folderID, userID, foldername) Im assuming you already have a users table.
  10. Multidimensional array is not what your looking for. You just want 2 array merged together... try using array_merge()
  11. Well this would be the wrong forum to ask how. Your going to need to know how to do VERY low level programming. For the average person, yes this is close to impossible.
  12. Thats not our problem. Our scripts bother give the seconds remaining given the birthday is AFTER todays date. My script Will tell you if it is past or not.
  13. try using strtotime() $birthday = "20th January 2009"; $bts = strtotime($birthday); $ts = time(); if ($bts > $ts) { // checks if birthday is AFTER todays date $remaining = $bts - $ts; echo "Seconds: " . $remaining; // Will output in seconds echo "Days: " . ($remaining / 86400); // Outputs days remaining } else { echo "Birthday Already Passed!"; }
  14. You cant do that with PHP. It is a javascript thing, and im pretty sure it only works with Popups.
  15. If you know basic PHP and MySQL then this should be easy. $firstname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['firstname']); $lastname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lastname']); $studentid = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['studentid']); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `students` WHERE firstname='{$firstname}' AND lastname='{$lastname}' AND studentid='{$studentid}'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($num == 1) { // is a student } else { // not a student }
  16. You can find parts easily online. There are not too many different types. Capacitors, resistors, diodes, wires. While this project isnt impossible it would be rather hard. Maybe this will help you http://www.engadget.com/2006/12/19/how-to-make-your-own-mp3-player/
  17. Do you actually know how to code in PHP with MySQL? Let alone the skills of programming? Sorry to come off as, mean, but a social network is a very large task.
  18. The words "Gold" and "Webmaster" are gold, From the theme of the site, but at first i thought they were hyperlinks, kind of misleading. Also there is no link back to the homepage.
  19. $row is not a class. It is an array.
  20. It is very narrow. It is even small on a 800x600 res screen. I have 1440x990 res and it is tiny. Make it wider.
  21. remove the quotes, should work fine. include($page . ".php");
  22. i am assuming your selecting all of the fields (or most of them) use something like this: SELECT * FROM `mytable` WHERE 1 this selects everything from your table.
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