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Everything posted by dclamp

  1. maybe this will help: http://us2.php.net/filters.compression
  2. instead of explaining what you did wrong, i just fixed it... $sel = 'SELECT * FROM `music`'; $sel2 = mysql_query($sel) or die("WTH! " . mysql_error()); while ($get = mysql_fetch_array($sel2)){ echo "<table><tr><td>" . $get[0] . "</td><td> " . $get[1] . "</td><td> " . $get[2] . "</td></tr></table>"; } Hope that helps, i am to tired to write out an explanation.
  3. what version of PHP are you using? session_register() has been deprecated. I really dont know what your code is doing, but i am assuming all you want to do is send sms' to people from that list. We can make that code a hell of alot smaller than that. I will show you a simple script to send sms (emails) to the phones: Start Our form: <form action='thispage.php' method='post'> Phone Number: <input type='text' name='phonenumber'> Carriers: <select name='carriers'> List Carriers <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM `carriers`"; $query = mysql_query($sql); while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<option value='{$result['email']}'>{$result['name']}</option>"; } ?> Finish Form </select> <textarea name='message'></textarea> <input type='submit' value='Send Message'> </form> Now Once that form is submited we want to send that email to the phone: <?php if ($_POST['phonenumber']!=""&&$_POST['message']!=""&&$_POST['carrier']!="") { //lets remove invalid characters from phone number $number = $_POST['phonenumber']; $number = str_replace('-', '', $number); // 123-456-7890 = 12345467890 $number = str_replace('.', '', $number); // 123.456.7890 = 1234567890 $number = str_replace(' ', '', $number); // 123 456 7890 = 1234567890 // ready to send $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com'; mail($number.$_POST['carrier'], 'SMS Message', $_POST['message'], $headers); } else { echo "Error, missing fields"; } ?>
  4. well since your post is "real urgent" i guess i can help... Do you have PHPMyAdmin, i am pretty sure they allow CSV imports. btw, we dont care if it is important. we will get to your post when we get to it.
  5. there is also this user function: http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php#86907
  6. Im quite confused. Are you using phpBB? thats what it sounds like.
  7. Now a days good webcams come with software that will allow you to connect to it via the internet. Before you code, you need to figure out what webcam your using.
  8. dclamp


    the best way to do this (and the most complicated) is to have groups with permissions. You have 3 table: members, groups, permissions. Members table set up as so: memberID | username | password | groupID groups: groupID | name | description permissions: permissionID | groupID | permission | access For each of your members you assign a group to them. Ex: Admin, Registered, Guest Scenario: You have a page: secretpage.php. You want only Admin and Registered members to see. In the permissions table you set up something like this: permissionID | groupID | permission | access 1 | 1 | secretpage | 1 <-- can view 2 | 2 | secretpage | 1 <-- can view 3 | 3 | secretpage | 0 <-- can't view If you want further explanation, i can give you some.
  9. Something you might want to do is, on the register script, when your inputting data into your member table, also put relevant information into the forum's member table. Then the logins will be the same. You could even go as far as login. If you figure out how the forums login system work, then integrate it with your login system
  10. What do you mean watch? Webcam? You are going to need a webcam for that as well as software to stream it on the internet.
  11. It is going to be hard with any forums software to integrate with your current member system, but here is a list of forums: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_forum_software
  12. First of all, (according to the site) you paid about $25 for that script. If i were you, i wouldnt want to be putting it up for the world to see. Just that database is valuable. Second. You didnt use code tags ([ code] [/code ] without space) so i wont even look at your code. Thirdly, I am sure it is illegal to save peoples SMS messages for your own personal use.
  13. There are a lot of websites that offer free template downloads. You may want to check on out. Your website looks like it came out of the 90's
  14. well if your column has a unix time stamp you can format that using the date() function: $timestamp = "1228437087"; // For example $formated = date("F Y"); // will format like this: "December 2008"
  15. all i am getting is damn youtube ads... They dont bother me too much, but at least get some decent ads that i will click on.
  16. why dont you just edit your array to include the desired output?
  17. Are you wanting to get rows from a table based on the date?
  18. Thanks, Can you Elaborate????? Dark Green back ground consumes less power I wanted my site to be fair, hence I expressed facts right on first page? Thanks Once again 1. Too much Green 2. Too cluttered 3. Marquee is bad 4. iFrames are bad 5. Mixed colors 6. You didnt use CSS 7. You used Hex, RGB, Name for colors, pick one. 8. Failed HTML Traditional http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ucy.in%2Fcmb%2F&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=0
  19. Interestingly, this causes an error of it's own: Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli::error() oops, my fault. It isnt a function. try this: $mysqli->error
  20. expanding on security, you should also use mysql_real_escape_string()
  21. put this at the end: echo $mysqli->error();
  22. Im not really sure if there was a question in there, or you just telling us random things...
  23. i would use an xml file that includes update information. It should have the files that have been modified. When the user checks their CP, it will say "You need an update". The user can then choose to update or not. If they update, they should allow you to FTP the files from your server to their document root.
  24. Well still, you are basing your code off of my example. The OP stated that there is a paragraph and he needed to change something within the paragraph. The easiest solution is str_replace()
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