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Everything posted by DarkSuperHero

  1. looks like min-width is an unssoppourted property on IE, see here: http://www.w3schools.com/CSS/css_dimension.asp also heres a possible workaround: http://www.webreference.com/programming/min-width/ resources: GOOGLE also it would help if you would specify which browser your using since the 3 rendering engined out there interpret some html and css rules differently.... ie6 vs ie7+ are different than ff and safari/chrome.....
  2. Hello! First of all I want to make it clear, I have goggled this topic of streaming video, and I am just seeking some experienced thoughts and recommendations. This is for a project I will be putting together, I am expecting large site growth, and I am assuming a VPS or a Dedicated Server would suit me best in this situation, but would I benefit most from a media server that streams or just play it out with a regular server serving up HTTP request. Also, if anyone has had experience with "streaming" content or serving up video, what recommendation would you make ? I am actively researching this, but I would like some input. I will probably end up using flash to serve up the videos, so its cross browser for the most part and I can have more control over the content delivery. Cheers!
  3. Same here I love the small preview.... Also I love the maps, birdseye view!?! awesomeness, search wise im probably sticking to google. i have chrome, so my omni bar will stay as it is, searching google!
  4. PLEASE USE CODE TAGS...the code is horrible as it is....eg: no indentation and everythign clustered together, no spaces... function InsertChart( $flash_file, $library_path, $php_source, $width=400, $height=250, $bg_color="666666", $transparent=false, $license="D1OURHVZC2BA8F76D5J6.FNAH2VORK" ){ $php_source=urlencode($php_source); $library_path=urlencode($library_path); $html="<OBJECT classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0' "; $html.="WIDTH=".$width." HEIGHT=".$height." id='charts' ALIGN=''>"; $u=(strpos ($flash_file,"?")===false)? "?" : ((substr($flash_file, -1)==="&")? "":"&"); $html.="<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='".$flash_file.$u."library_path=".$library_path."&stage_width=".$width."&stage_height=".$height."&php_source=".$php_source; if($license!=null){$html.="&license=".$license;} $html.="'> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#".$bg_color."> "; if($transparent){$html.="<PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent> ";} $html.="<EMBED src='".$flash_file.$u."library_path=".$library_path."&stage_width=".$width."&stage_height=".$height."&php_source=".$php_source; if($license!=null){$html.="&license=".$license;} $html.="' quality=high bgcolor=#".$bg_color." WIDTH=".$width." HEIGHT=".$height." NAME='charts' ALIGN='' swLiveConnect='true' "; if($transparent){$html.="wmode=transparent ";} $html.="TYPE='application/x-shockwave-flash' PLUGINSPAGE='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></EMBED></OBJECT>"; return $html; } what is the actual HTML output..can you post that in code tags for us?! haku, he probably means is "a swf object", not he using "swfObject"
  5. theres still some issues going on with it... SecurityError: Error #2137: Security sandbox violation: http://bochez.com/LittlePunksComic/flashnav.swf cannot navigate window _self within http://www.bochez.com/LittlePunksComic/view.php?comic=62 (allowScriptAccess is sameDomain). Attempted URL was http://bochez.com/LittlePunksComic/view.php?comic=60. at global/flash.net::navigateToURL() at item/pressIt() Theres something along the same lines, but I'm not too sure what to suggest without looking at some code...just a heads up....
  6. Have you tried looking through here: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/examples/index.html OR http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/controls.html#Custom_Controls
  7. use the server time time to see how long it has been since 12am... compare how many coins have been used since 12am.... if none have been used since 12am, allow 5 coins(reset) Check the time with every user.... :-)
  8. if i understood correctly...look into... document.getElementsByTagName('select'); This will return an array of all your 'select' tags in this instance, which will allow for that flexibility in having various select boxes... http://www.w3schools.com/HTMLDOM/met_doc_getelementsbytagname.asp
  9. what is your comfort level with JS and PHP ? Google "Ajax tutorial" and well build off that...your basically submitting POSt or GET data, and the PHP script is returning text/html....so that would be it in a nutshell... Post what parts your having trouble with grasping and getting to work...
  10. hope you understand what happened there..... the link u provided was actually an HTML page, so you were looking at an html page not at the image itself... just for clarification :-)
  11. a private key ? just like google maps requires a key for every domain.....thats how they authenticate users and keep track of who's tapping into their API :-)
  12. var msg:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); var msgSent:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); msg.var1 = "one"; msg.var2 = "two"; msgSent.onLoad = function($success:Boolean):Void { if ($success) { trace("Message sent."); } else { trace("Message failed."); } }; msg.sendAndLoad("http://www.reintroducing.com/script.php", msgSent); try that.... Here's where i got it... http://evolve.reintroducing.com/2008/01/27/as2-to-as3/as2-→-as3-loadvars-as3-equivalent/ if you have any questions i can try and explain.... Cheers!
  13. on index.php <?php include('header_information.php'); //this file might open a div element in html if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ) { switch( $_GET['page'] ) { case 'portfolio': include( 'portfolio.php' ); break; case 'services': include( 'services.php' ); break; } } else { include( 'homepage.php' ); } //this include would close that element include('footer_information.php'); ?> my header_information.php <html> <head> </head> <body> <div> my footer_information.php </div> </body> </html> and so my output page would contain something like... <html> <head> </head> <body> <div> My Pages Content Heree.....//decided by the if & switch statement contained in another file/database what ever it is... </div> </body> </html>
  14. I like the out of the box approach... the console approach was also nice... :-) Did you write the code? or was this more of a mash up of different scripts?
  15. I don't believe its a php problem at all, theres no way the 2 interact, php outputs text(html ect.) That being said, its your Actionscript code. Flash has what it calls a security sandbox, your SWF's are throwing an error, Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: http://bochez.com/LittlePunksComic/flashnav2.swf cannot load data from http://www.bochez.com/LittlePunksComic/comic.txt. at flashnav2_fla::MainTimeline/frame2() a simple fix would be to use relative paths if your not....so you would specify the URL to be comic.txt, instead of the entire URL. Flash might be seeing it as an external request....Just a thought....
  16. the way i might go about this is in every page have something like the following on index.php <?php include('header_information.php'); //this file might open a div element in html ?> My Pages Content Heree..... <?php //this include would close that element include('footer_information.php'); ?> my header_information.php <html> <head> </head> <body> <div> my footer_information.php </div> </body> </html> and so my output page would contain something like... <html> <head> </head> <body> <div> My Pages Content Heree..... </div> </body> </html> this way would allow you to change the look and feel of your site alot better since all the styles/layout elements would be in one file. You would also use an include inside of one of your other files like your "header_information.php" possibly containing a side menu...its all up to you, but in the future It would become easier to reposition an element, it would only have to be done in one place you wouldn't have to go into every single file....
  17. of store the HTML to that specific div in a PHP variable, if the condition your looking for is true, then echo it out, if not then just dont echo it out..that if you dont want to have the div and its information available and sent to the browser.... just a suggestion...
  18. if your using CSS setting its a browser issue....nothing much you can do here...
  19. simplest solution open the image in a new smaller window :-P
  20. <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAJUw9w4dGqj1cdbL_F-_ArRQhf_y_IjgKk1QNOyoe4cbGDiRJLxRgmnbi5_dI7xYl7fd-f6DArXGdvA" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/prototype/prototype_1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script defer="defer" src="js/scriptaculous/effects_1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script defer="defer" src="lightbox2.03.2/js/lightbox_1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script defer="defer" src="js/yui/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event_1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script defer="defer" src="js/yui/autocomplete/autocomplete-min_1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script defer="defer" src="js/dragzoom_1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Google Maps API Prototype JS Framework (or is it a library?) Scriptaculous for effects Lightbox for some more effects... YUI Dragzoom ? All this is on their maps page, not on their initial page....What specific features are you referring to? I think some of this might be unnecessary... :-P Cheers!
  21. PHP.net gives you the script! http://us3.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php
  22. that particular string would need to be wrapped with different quotes (double quotes) to not throw an error otherise it would need to be excaped..... //notice Alt_F4's string was also wrapped in double quotes containing the single inner quotes.. $str = str_replace("'%'","'%","'%'testinghere'%'"); //this will be ok... $someVariable1 = '%\'testinghere\'%'; //escaped the inner quotes with backslash \ ..... //wrong way.... will throw an error $someVariable2 = '%'testinghere'%';
  23. How about exploring these sites you referred to, and as you go jot down some notes on the functionality, after which you can start breaking it all down the functionality you see into simpler steps... You know what final result is going to do, you just need to think backwards, eg what make up a user upload, what makes a user registration what makes up the admin panel. Ask yourself, how can I implement this feature in php & mysql.....I bet there is more than one way to do this and end with a good result. How experienced are you with php & mysql? any OO PHP ? These factors decide what route you will choose.... just think backwards and think it through so you don't write unnecessary code... Cheers!
  24. errors are usually within a few lines of specified line they are flaged.
  25. if its nothing but php is in the file, try leavng out the closing php tag, that way you know no white space is being read as output.
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